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(Theta2 plot)
(Theta2 plot)
Line 165: Line 165:
=== Theta2 plot ===
=== Theta2 plot ===
[[File:theta2_total_M87_240609 Medium.png|thumb|centre|720px| Theta2 in different energy bins.]]
[[File:theta2_single_total_M87_240609.png|thumb|centre|720px| Total Theta2]]
[[File:theta2_total_M87_240609 Medium.png|thumb|centre|720px| Theta2 in different energy bins]]
=== Significance map ===
=== Significance map ===

Revision as of 16:22, 11 June 2024

M87 analysis (TTHA)

General information

  • Name of the source: M87
  • Brief description of the source:
    • Object type : AGN / Radiogal / FRI
    • Redshift (z) : z=0.00420 (16.52 Mpc)
    • Other relevant information: [TeVCat] [Simbad]
    • RA: 12 30 49.42338414 (hh mm ss), Dec: +12 23 28.0436859 (dd mm ss)
    • RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 187.70593075958334, 12.391123293916666
  • Analysis by Tora T. H. Arnesen (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - <tora.arnesen@iac.es>)

Data Selection

Data selected with data quality notebook

  • Path to datacheck files
    • files = glob.glob("/fefs/aswg/data/real/OSA/DL1DataCheck_LongTerm/night_wise/all/DL1_datacheck_20*")
  • Dates of data-selection:
    • first_date = 20191123
    • last_date = 20240609
  • ZD range (deg):
    • min_zenith = 0 * u.deg
    • max_zenith = 60 * u.deg
  • maximum diffuse NSB
    • max_diffuse_nsb_std = 2.3
  • Pointing stability
    • max_pointing_dec_std = 0.011
  • Cherenkov Transparency parameters
    • min_mean_fit_p = -3.
    • max_LS_periodogram_maxamplitude = 1e-2
    • min_drdi_index = -2.35
    • max_drdi_index = -2.1
    • min_drdi_at_422pe = 1.25
    • min_fraction_around_mode = 0.8
    • max_intensity_at_half_peak_rate = 70

Parameters M87 240609 selection Large.png

RelLightYield M87 240609 selection.png

Nsubruns M87 240609 selection.png

CosmicsTriggerRate M87 240609 selection.png

M87 240609 SelectionRuns.png

Selected Data

Total number of runs: 130 out of 234

Total number of nights: 36 out of 49

Total observation time (hours): 33.70 out of 60.15

20210413 : [4396 4397 4398]
20210417 : [4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465]
20210419 : [4494 4495]
20210420 : [4508 4509]
20210504 : [4594 4595]
20210507 : [4636 4637]
20220301 : [7185 7186 7187]
20220323 : [7444]
20220407 : [7712 7713 7714 7715 7716]
20220408 : [7746]
20220409 : [7773]
20220503 : [8092]
20220506 : [8209 8211 8212 8213 8214]
20230412 : [12662]
20230418 : [12744 12745 12746 12751 12752 12753 12754]
20230419 : [12775 12776 12778]
20230420 : [12796 12797 12798 12799]
20230614 : [13300 13301 13302 13303]
20240110 : [16315 16316 16317 16318 16319]
20240210 : [16692 16693 16694 16695]
20240212 : [16751 16752 16753 16754 16755]
20240304 : [16960 16961 16962 16963]
20240310 : [17034 17035 17037 17045 17047 17048]
20240311 : [17072 17075 17076 17083 17084 17085 17086]
20240313 : [17103 17104 17105]
20240315 : [17160 17161]
20240502 : [17244 17245 17246]
20240503 : [17253 17254 17255 17256 17258 17259 17261 17262 17263 17264 17265 17266]
20240504 : [17284 17289 17292]
20240507 : [17359]
20240514 : [17403 17404]
20240527 : [17449 17450 17451 17452 17453]
20240601 : [17570]
20240603 : [17612 17613 17614 17615]
20240604 : [17641 17642 17643 17644]
20240607 : [17676 17677 17678 17679 17680 17681]

Monte Carlo information

  • All-sky MC production used: 20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base
    • Declination line (training): dec_931

Random forest

Source declination is 9.31 deg. The two closest MC declination tracks are 9.31 deg and 18.02 deg. Chose dec 9.31 deg as it is closer to the dec of the source at 12.32 deg.


DL2 Data

Create DL2 files by running

./M87_launch_dl1_dl2.sh /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base/dec_931 /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base/dec_931/lstchain_config_2024-01-31.json

DL2 files stored in


IRF Files

Use copy of school config file

  • 70 % efficiency for both gammaness and theta gamma-ray selection cuts
  • Point-like IRF

Create IRF files by running

./M87_launch_irf_creation.sh /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/AllSky/20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base/TestingDataset/dec_931 ./irf_dl3_tool_config.json 931_gh_eff_0.7_th_cont_0.7_20240609_TT

IRF files stored in


DL3 Data

Create DL3 files by running

./M87_launch_dl2_dl3.sh irf_dl3_tool_config.json ./DL2 ./IRF/20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base/dec_931/931_gh_eff_0.7_th_cont_0.7_20240609_TT M87

DL3 files stored in


High-level analysis

  • lstchain v0.10.9 (v0.10.7 for Theta2 and Skymaps)
  • Gammapy 1.2 (1.1 for Theta2 and Skymaps)
  • 1D analysis (point-like IRF)

Analysis Results

Please place higher-level analysis results (Spectra, SkyMaps, Lightcurves, etc) here.

Theta2 plot

Total Theta2
Theta2 in different energy bins

Significance map

Excess map

Spectral results