Difference between revisions of "Geminga"
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(→Presentations at internal meetings) |
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== Presentations at internal meetings == | == Presentations at internal meetings == | ||
− | + | *30/01/2023, first report on the detection (LST-reco call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/4587/contributions/37738/attachments/23052/33114/Geminga_LST.pdf PDF]) | |
+ | *19/05/2023, update on the analysis of the 2022-2023 sample (LST-gal call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/4856/contributions/39519/attachments/23736/34438/Geminga_LSTGal_19_05_23.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *22/05/2023, update on analysis of 2022-2023 sample (LST-reco call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/4887/contributions/39768/attachments/23752/34220/Geminga_LST_update.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *19/06/2023, update on the analysis of the 2022-2023 sample (LST GM Munich, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/4727/contributions/40157/attachments/23964/34582/Geminga_lst_meeting_june23.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *20/11/2023, cross-check with source-independent analysis of the 2022-2023 sample (LST-reco call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/5264/contributions/42594/attachments/24753/35925/JPS2024Spring.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *29/01/2024, update on the cross-check with source-independent analysis of the 2022-2023 sample (LST-reco call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/5364/contributions/43827/attachments/25171/36677/JPS2024Spring.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *18/03/2024, update on the source-dependent analysis of the total sample (LST-reco call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/5450/contributions/44657/attachments/25517/37343/Update_Geminga_LST1_18_03_24_v2.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *22/03/2024, update on the source-dependent analysis of the total sample (LST-gal call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/5473/contributions/44733/attachments/25540/37373/LSTGal_geminga_220324.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *10/06/2024, update on the systematics estimation (LST-reco call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/5645/contributions/46105/attachments/26094/38323/Geminga_lstreco_100624.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *17/06/2024, update on the systematics estimation (LST-reco call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/5659/contributions/46230/attachments/26126/38367/Geminga_LST_reco_June24.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *27/09/2024, presentation of the final results (LST-gal call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/5812/contributions/47295/attachments/26595/39063/LSTGal_Geminga_27092024.pdf PDF]) | ||
+ | *30/09/2024, presentation of the final results (LST-reco call, [https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/5849/contributions/47497/attachments/26605/39073/LSTreco_Geminga_30092024.pdf PDF]) | ||
== Presentations at external conferences/meetings == | == Presentations at external conferences/meetings == |
Revision as of 12:43, 16 October 2024
[hide]General information
- Name of the source: Geminga
- Brief description of the source: Radio-quiet middle-aged gamma-ray pulsar
- Object type : Pulsar
- Other relevant information: Third pulsar detected by IACTs
- RA: 06 33 54.15 (hh mm ss), Dec: +17 46 12.9 (dd mm ss)
- RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 98.48 17.77
- Galactic coordinates: l=195.13 b=+04.27
People involved
- Álvaro Mas-Aguilar (alvmas@ucm.es)
- Marcos López-Moya (marcos@gae.ucm.es)
- Giulia Brunelli (giulia.brunelli@inaf.it)
- Rubén López-Coto (rlopezcoto@iaa.es)
- Giovanni Ceribella (ceribell@mpp.mpg.de)
- Paul K. H. Yeung (pkh91yg@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Data-taking information
Geminga has been observed with standard wobble observations (offset = 0.4 deg), in dark and good weather conditions:
- TNG dust < 0.5 ug/m3
- No clouds both from satellite images and all sky camera
- Rate_LL around 5.5 kHz
- Lidar trans@9km >= 0.85
Runs per each day
- 2022
20-12-2022: [11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541] 22-12-2022: [11580 11581 11582 11583 11584 11585]
- 2023
14-01-2023: [11645 11646 11647 11648] 15-01-2023: [11664 11665 11666] 17-01-2023: [11693 11694 11695 11696 11697 11698] 18-01-2023: [11715] 20-01-2023: [11732 11733 11734 11735 11736 11737] 21-01-2023: [11761 11762] 24-01-2023: [11818 11819 11820 11821 11822 11823 11824 11825] 25-01-2023: [11850 11851 11852 11853 11854 11855] 26-01-2023: [11884 11885 11886 11887] 28-01-2023: [11950 11951 11952] 11-02-2023: [11959 11960] 13-02-2023: [11972 11973 11974 11975 11976] 14-02-2023: [11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989] 18-02-2023: [11998] 20-02-2023: [12018 12019 12020 12021 12022 12023 12024] 22-02-2023: [12041 12042 12043 12044] 24-02-2023: [12070 12071 12072 12073 12074] 10-03-2023: [12139 12141] 13-03-2023: [12152 12153 12154 12155 12156 12157 12158 12159 12160] 15-03-2023: [12178 12179 12180 12181] 16-03-2023: [12197 12198 12199 12200 12201] 18-03-2023: [12248 12249 12250 12251 12252 12253] 19-03-2023: [12283 12284 12285 12286 12287 12288] 21-03-2023: [12340 12341 12342 12343 12344] 22-03-2023: [12373 12374 12375 12376 12377] 23-03-2023: [12385 12386] 24-03-2023: [12415 12416 12417 12418 12419 12420 12421] 07-12-2023: [15867 15868 15869 15870 15871 15872] 08-12-2023: [15899 15900 15901 15902 15903 15904 15905 15906 15907] 09-12-2023: [15931 15932 15933 15934 15935 15936 15937 15938 15939] 10-12-2023: [15960 15961 15962 15963 15964 15965 15966 15967 15968] 12-12-2023: [16029 16030 16031 16032 16033 16034 16035 16036 16037] 13-12-2023: [16067 16068] 14-12-2023: [16100 16101 16102 16103 16104 16105 16106 16107 16108 16109] 15-12-2023: [16138 16139 16140 16141 16142 16143 16144 16145 16146] 17-12-2023: [16210 16211 16212 16213 16214 16215] 18-12-2023: [16232 16233 16234 16235] 19-12-2023: [16252 16253 16254]
- 2024
09-01-2024: [16282 16283 16284] 10-01-2024: [16310 16311] 14-01-2024: [16370 16371 16372 16373 16374 16375 16376] 01-02-2024: [16459 16460 16461 16462 16463 16464 16465 16466 16467 16468] 04-02-2024: [16549 16550 16551 16552 16553 16554 16555] 05-02-2024: [16578 16579 16580 16581] 06-02-2024: [16584 16585 16586 16588 16589] 11-02-2024: [16700 16701 16702 16703 16704 16705 16706 16707 16708 16709]
Total observational time without any selection: 79.25h
The quality selection was based on the differential intensity spectra of the detected showers, dR/dI (events/s/p.e.), see reference notebook here. A zenith cut Zd<50deg was also applied.
Final list of selected runs:
[11533, 11534, 11535, 11536, 11537, 11538, 11539, 11580, 11581, 11582, 11583, 11584, 11585, 11645, 11646, 11647, 11648, 11664, 11665, 11666, 11693, 11694, 11695, 11696, 11697, 11698, 11715, 11732, 11733, 11734, 11735, 11736, 11737, 11761, 11762, 11818, 11819, 11820, 11821, 11822, 11823, 11824, 11825, 11850, 11851, 11852, 11853, 11854, 11855, 11884, 11885, 11886, 11887, 11950, 11959, 11960, 11972, 11973, 11974, 11976, 11983, 11984, 11985, 11986, 11987, 11988, 11989, 12018, 12041, 12042, 12043, 12044, 12139, 12141, 12152, 12153, 12154, 12155, 12156, 12157, 12158, 12159, 12197, 12198, 12199, 12200, 12201, 12248, 12249, 12250, 12251, 12252, 12283, 12284, 12285, 12286, 12287, 12288, 12340, 12341, 12342, 12343, 15867, 15868, 15869, 15870, 15871, 15872, 15899, 15900, 15901, 15902, 15903, 15904, 15905, 15906, 15907, 15931, 15932, 15933, 15934, 15935, 15936, 15937, 15938, 15961, 15962, 15963, 15964, 15965, 15966, 15967, 15968, 16029, 16030, 16031, 16032, 16033, 16034, 16035, 16036, 16037, 16067, 16068, 16100, 16101, 16102, 16103, 16104, 16105, 16106, 16107, 16108, 16109, 16138, 16139, 16140, 16141, 16142, 16143, 16144, 16145, 16146, 16210, 16211, 16212, 16213, 16214, 16215, 16232, 16233, 16234, 16235, 16282, 16283, 16284, 16459, 16460, 16461, 16462, 16463, 16465, 16466, 16467, 16468, 16549, 16550, 16551, 16552, 16553, 16554, 16579, 16580, 16584, 16586, 16588, 16589, 16700, 16701, 16702, 16703, 16704, 16705, 16706, 16707, 16708]
Total good-quality observational time: 60.1h
Data analysis
Low-level analysis
Software version used: lstchain v0.10.7
Approach: source-dependent
DL1 to DL2
The analysis started from the DL1a files produced by LSTOSA:
A dedicated source-dependent production of Monte Carlo data was required (see here). The MCs were produces at dec=22.76deg and with NSB tuned on Geminga. The corresponding RF models used for the DL2 production were stored in:
Path to the DL2 files:
DL2 to IRF
The corresponding MC Testing Dataset was used for the IRF production:
The point-like IRFs were computed using a linear interpolation, with the following cuts
- gh-efficiency=70%
- alpha-containment=70%
- intensity > 50 p.e.
specified in the configuration file
Path to the IRFs:
DL2 to DL3
The same configuration file was used for the DL3 production.
Path to the DL3 files:
DL3 to Pulsar DL3
To produce the final DL3 including the phase information, the software PulsarTimingAnalysis (available here) has been used. The software uses the package PINT (version v0.9.7) to compute the phase information, using a user-provided ephemeris file, and adds it to the DL3 files.
The ephemeris used in the analysis were provided by Giovanni Ceribella and are available here. The ones used for the analysis were updated on 31/03/2024 and can be found here:
Path to the Pulsar DL3 files:
High-level analysis
Software version used: gammapy v1.1
Systematics estimation
Presentations at internal meetings
- 30/01/2023, first report on the detection (LST-reco call, PDF)
- 19/05/2023, update on the analysis of the 2022-2023 sample (LST-gal call, PDF)
- 22/05/2023, update on analysis of 2022-2023 sample (LST-reco call, PDF)
- 19/06/2023, update on the analysis of the 2022-2023 sample (LST GM Munich, PDF)
- 20/11/2023, cross-check with source-independent analysis of the 2022-2023 sample (LST-reco call, PDF)
- 29/01/2024, update on the cross-check with source-independent analysis of the 2022-2023 sample (LST-reco call, PDF)
- 18/03/2024, update on the source-dependent analysis of the total sample (LST-reco call, PDF)
- 22/03/2024, update on the source-dependent analysis of the total sample (LST-gal call, PDF)
- 10/06/2024, update on the systematics estimation (LST-reco call, PDF)
- 17/06/2024, update on the systematics estimation (LST-reco call, PDF)
- 27/09/2024, presentation of the final results (LST-gal call, PDF)
- 30/09/2024, presentation of the final results (LST-reco call, PDF)