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= TEST =
= TEST =
'''Nova Ophiuchi coordinates''':  
'''Nova Ophiuchi coordinates''':  

Revision as of 14:35, 14 February 2022



Nova Ophiuchi coordinates:

  • RA = 17h 50m 13.20s = 267.555 deg
  • DEC = -06 deg 42m 28.00s = -6.707 deg
Oph data



Zenith [deg]

20210809 5580-5584 35-42
20210810 5630-5639 35-59
20210812 5696-5704 35-55

DL2 data @ PIC:


DL2 MC @ LaPalma:


Create IRF:

lstchain_create_irf_files -g $NASDIR/LST1_DATA/NOVA/MC/dl2_gamma_20deg_180deg_off0.4deg_20210416_v0.7.3_prod5_trans_80_local_taicut_8_4_testing.h5 -o irf.gh03.fits.gz --point-like --config irf_tool_config_gh03.json --irf-obs-time 50

Create Data DL3:

lstchain_create_dl3_file -d $NASDIR/LST1_DATA/NOVA/DATA/dl2_LST-1.Run05580.h5 -o $NASDIR/LST1_DATA/NOVA/DL2toDL3 --input-irf $NASDIR/LST1_DATA/NOVA/DL2toDL3/irf.gh03.fits.gz --source-name RS_Ophiuchi --source-ra=267.555deg --source-dec=-6.707deg --config irf_tool_config_gh03.json
  • RA = 17h 50m 13.20s = 267.555 deg
  • DEC = -06 deg 42m 28.00s = -6.707 deg

Figuring out the RF models & MC samples to use

Looking at the config of night: 20210809


The RFs used are located here:


The DL1 input files have a similar directory structure:


And the corresponding DL2 files:

  • dl2_gamma_20deg_180deg_off0.4deg_20210416_v0.7.3_prod5_trans_80_local_taicut_8_4_testing.h5
  • dl2_gamma_20deg_180deg_off0.4deg_20210416_v0.7.3_prod5_trans_80_local_taicut_8_4_training.h5

ANother section