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(Running DL3 gammapy analysis locally)
(Running DL3 gammapy analysis locally)
Line 144: Line 144:
* Theta2 notebook: plot_theta2_from_dl3.ipynb
* Theta2 notebook: *plot_theta2_from_dl3.ipynb*
[[File:theta2_Stacked_Crab_20230117.png | 400px ]]  
[[File:theta2_Stacked_Crab_20230117.png | 400px ]]  
Line 154: Line 154:
* SED & LC notebook: post_DL3_analysis.ipynb
* SED & LC notebook: *post_DL3_analysis.ipynb*
[[File:SED_Crab_20230117.png | 400px ]] [[File:LC_Crab_20230117.png | 400px ]]
[[File:SED_Crab_20230117.png | 400px ]] [[File:LC_Crab_20230117.png | 400px ]]

Revision as of 12:15, 23 February 2024

LST1 Analysis 2024

Creating DL3 in the La Palma IT cluster

School scripts/notebooks: /fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2024/cta-lstchain

Open remote connection

ssh cp03

source /fefs/aswg/software/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate lstchain-v0.10.7
jupyter notebook --no-browser

Link for browser in printout:

ssh -NfL localhost:88XX:localhost:88XX monica.vazquez@cp03

Select good quality data

Run notebook:

data_quality notebook settings to select crab data taken in the night 2023/01/17:

files = glob.glob("/fefs/aswg/data/real/OSA/DL1DataCheck_LongTerm/v0.10/2023????/DL1_datacheck_2023*.h5")
source_coordinates = SkyCoord.from_name("Crab Nebula")
max_zenith = 35 * u.deg
first_date = 20230117
last_date  = 20230117

To check the most recent version of all the data use this location:


Copy the output good run list:


to /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts/file_list.txt

DL1 to DL2

cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts
./launch_dl1_dl2.sh /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned/dec_2276 /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned/dec_2276/lstchain_config_2023-09-27.json

Recommended MC trainings

Model files are located in: /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/

Recommended trainings




Crab Nebula tuned 20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned lstchain_config_2023-09-27.json
Standard Dark complete production 20230901_v0.10.4_allsky_base_prod lstchain_config_2023-09-01.json
Standard Dark recent/incomplete! 20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base lstchain_config_2024-01-31.json

Exploration of DL2 data

Run notebook:

IRF creation

Use the test MC of the same declination line used in the DL2 step

Examples configs pointings 19 1.png

cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts
cp /fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2024/cta-lstchain/docs/examples/irf_tool_config.json .

The default json has energy dependent gammaness and theta containment cuts of 70%

"gh_efficiency": 0.7
"theta_containment": 0.7
cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts
mkdir IRF
./launch_irf_creation.sh $DL2MC/TestingDataset/dec_2276 ./irf_tool_config.json gh_eff_0.7_th_cont_0.7

DL2 to DL3

cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts
cp /fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2024/cta-lstchain/docs/examples/irf_dl3_tool_config.json .
./launch_dl2_dl3.sh irf_dl3_tool_config.json ./DL2 $IRFDIR Crab\ Nebula

(if source name has a blank space you have to escape it, using a backslash)

Create DL3 index files

cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts/DL3
lstchain_create_dl3_index_files -d ./DL3 -p dl3\*.fits.gz

In case the DL3 are unzipped, redo index file creation command:

gzip -d ./DL3/dl3\*.fits.gz
lstchain_create_dl3_index_files --overwrite -d ./DL3 -p dl3\*.fits

Output files to be used together with DL3 in gammapy:

hdu-index.fits.gz and obs-index.fits.gz

Running DL3 gammapy analysis locally

mamba create -c conda-forge -n lstchain-v0.10.7 python=3.11 lstchain=0.10.7 
conda activate lstchain-v0.10.7
  • Theta2 notebook: *plot_theta2_from_dl3.ipynb*

Theta2 Stacked Crab 20230117.png


dl3_path = Path('/Users/monicava/Documents/CODE/LST1ANALYSIS/DL3/Crab_20230117')
target_position = SkyCoord.from_name("Crab Nebula")
  • SED & LC notebook: *post_DL3_analysis.ipynb*

SED Crab 20230117.png LC Crab 20230117.png