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(DL1 to DL2)
(Creating DL3 in the La Palma IT cluster)
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School scripts/notebooks: '''/fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2024/cta-lstchain'''
School scripts/notebooks: '''/fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2024/cta-lstchain'''
<font style="color: red"> NOTE: home has limited quota. Should use /fefs/aswg/workspace/monica.vazquez instead!</font>
=== Open remote connection ===
=== Open remote connection ===

Revision as of 11:58, 28 February 2024

LST1 Analysis after Software School 2024

MVA Analysis pages

Creating DL3 in the La Palma IT cluster

School scripts/notebooks: /fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2024/cta-lstchain

NOTE: home has limited quota. Should use /fefs/aswg/workspace/monica.vazquez instead!

Open remote connection

ssh cp03

source /fefs/aswg/software/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate lstchain-v0.10.7
jupyter notebook --no-browser

Link for browser in printout:

In another terminal:
ssh -NfL localhost:88XX:localhost:88XX monica.vazquez@cp03

Select good quality data

Run notebook:

data_quality notebook settings to select crab data taken in the night 2023/01/17:

files = glob.glob("/fefs/aswg/data/real/OSA/DL1DataCheck_LongTerm/v0.10/2023????/DL1_datacheck_2023*.h5")
source_coordinates = SkyCoord.from_name("Crab Nebula")
max_zenith = 35 * u.deg
first_date = 20230117
last_date  = 20230117

To check the most recent version of all the data use this location:


Copy the output good run list:


to /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts/file_list.txt

DL1 to DL2

cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts
./launch_dl1_dl2.sh /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned/dec_2276 /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned/dec_2276/lstchain_config_2023-09-27.json
# check batch job status
squeue –u monica.vazquez
# check they completed well
sacct -u monica.vazquez

Processing v0.9 DL1 data

Process v0.9 DL1 files as if they were v0.10. Use lstchain v0.10 for the analysis, and v0.10 versions of the MC products (RF models and DL2).

Recommended MC trainings

Model files are located in: /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/

Recommended trainings




Crab Nebula tuned 20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned lstchain_config_2023-09-27.json
Standard Dark complete production 20230901_v0.10.4_allsky_base_prod lstchain_config_2023-09-01.json
Standard Dark recent/incomplete! 20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base lstchain_config_2024-01-31.json

Exploration of DL2 data

Run notebook:

IRF creation

Use the test MC of the same declination line used in the DL2 step

Examples configs pointings 19 1.png

cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts
cp /fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2024/cta-lstchain/docs/examples/irf_tool_config.json .

The default json has energy dependent gammaness and theta containment cuts of 70%

"gh_efficiency": 0.7
"theta_containment": 0.7
cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts
mkdir IRF
./launch_irf_creation.sh $DL2MC/TestingDataset/dec_2276 ./irf_tool_config.json gh_eff_0.7_th_cont_0.7

DL2 to DL3

cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts
cp /fefs/aswg/workspace/analysis-school-2024/cta-lstchain/docs/examples/irf_dl3_tool_config.json .
./launch_dl2_dl3.sh irf_dl3_tool_config.json ./DL2 $IRFDIR Crab\ Nebula

(if source name has a blank space you have to escape it, using a backslash)

Create DL3 index files

cd /home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts/DL3
lstchain_create_dl3_index_files -d ./DL3 -p dl3\*.fits.gz

In case the DL3 are unzipped, redo index file creation command:

gzip -d ./DL3/dl3\*.fits.gz
lstchain_create_dl3_index_files --overwrite -d ./DL3 -p dl3\*.fits

Output files to be used together with DL3 in gammapy:

hdu-index.fits.gz and obs-index.fits.gz

Running DL3 gammapy analysis locally

#mamba create -c conda-forge -n lstchain-v0.10.7 python=3.11 lstchain=0.10.7 

conda activate lstchain-v0.10.7
#transfer the DL3 files to laptop
scp cp03:/home/monica.vazquez/LST1SCHOOL2024/helpful_scripts/DL3/*fits* /Users/monicava/Documents/CODE/LST1ANALYSIS/DL3/Crab_20230117

Run locally the notebooks:

  • Theta2: plot_theta2_from_dl3.ipynb


base_dir = Path("/Users/monicava/Documents/CODE/LST1ANALYSIS/DL3")
dl3_path = base_dir / label

target_position = SkyCoord.from_name("Crab Nebula")

Theta2 Stacked Crab 20230117.png

  • SED & LC: post_DL3_analysis.ipynb


base_dir = Path("/Users/monicava/Documents/CODE/LST1ANALYSIS/DL3")
dl3_path = base_dir / label

filename = dl3_path / "dl3_LST-1.Run11699.fits"

target_position = SkyCoord.from_name("Crab", frame='icrs')

SED Crab 20230117.png LC Crab 20230117.png