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| 2017-6-21 || Alba, Daniela, Seiya || ModuleQC|| Long-term run for MiniCam14.
| 2017-6-20 || Alba, Daniela, Seiya || ModuleQC|| Setting up a "bad" camera: MiniCam14. There we put modules that showed problems in the past, actually all of them problems with the rate scans, or that didn't run through a sufficiently large long-term run. Furthermore, we covered the sides of the MiniCamera rack with carton in order to guide the cold air from the air conditioning. It doesn't seem to have any effect actually.
| 2017-6-19 || Alba, Daniela, Seiya || ModuleQC|| Long-term run of MiniCam 12. We could solve the issue with the lost communication in case of a temperature > 40.98 deg. At the end it was a wrong assigned data type for the temperature parameter in ClusCo (short instead of unsigned short). Dismounting of MiniCam 12 at the end of the day. We found 3 modules with failed L0 and/ or L1 rate scans. To be investigated.
| 2017-6-16 || Alba, Daniela, Seiya || ModuleQC|| Long-term run of MiniCam 12. After 4 hours of running the MiniCam, the hottest module (40.8deg) lost communication with ClusCo. We switched the system off to cool it down and restarted. It seems that if modules reach a temperature close to 41deg, we loose communication to them. In the afternoon the same happened again. The temperature got up to 41deg, and we lost the communication.
|| [[File:Temp_module_june16.png|200px|thumb|left]]
| 2017-6-15 || Alba, Daniela, Seiya || ModuleQC|| Long-term run of MiniCam 11 for 3 hours. Set-up and start operation of MiniCam 12. Module 2-79 showed slow connection during DragonQC. Seiya fixed this known problem by modifying EEPROM on the dragon.
| 2017-6-14 || Alba, Daniela, Seiya || DAQtests ModuleQC|| LSTDAQ (Daisuke) and iDAQ (Marseille group) test until the afternoon. Flushing back official firmware version (c13) and long-term run of MiniCam 11 for 2 hours.
||[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUeVpVcHcwQ2FkOTQ Short Summary]
| 2017-6-13 || Alba, Daniela, Seiya || ModuleQC DAQtests|| Long-term monitoring of MiniCam 11. LSTDAQ tests with Daisuke from remote. At some point we lost connection to one module due to overheating, it seems. Please see the plot on the right (monitoring_modules.png). We switched off the Dragons, waited about 15 minutes and switched on again. Afterwards everything worked fine. In the evening we flushed the newest firmware (d00) to all the modules for iDAQ tests tomorrow morning.
|| [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUcU1Hck1rUHYwRjQ Summary]<br \> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfULURWZ21UUXhkTVU DT vs L1] <br \> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUTUlhNDFjaE1IaW8 L1 vs DAQ] <br \> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUX0VDdU5LVFZCRWc DAQ Ratio ]
| 2017-6-12 || Alba, Daniela, Seiya || DragonQC ModuleQC|| Setup and start operation of MiniCam 11.
We broke two mezzanines by removing/ inserting the corresponding module from/ into the camera holder. Mezzanine 253352: Missing components are C133 and C2. Mezzanine 068121: Missing components are C133 and L1. We exchanged these mezzanines with 091237 and 117XXX.
During the setup we identified two broken Dragon boards: 1-141 and 1-32. We could not establish communication with them. Checking further their power consumption was too low (34 mA instead of ~700mA). Seiya found out that filters F1 are broken on both boards. 1-32 actually passed the Module QC successfully already. We wanted to retest it, since there was a problem during the DragonQC. Taka and Seiya found a problem and changed the MAC address for that board. So something must have happened afterwards. 
| 2017-6-9 || Alba, Daniela, Scott, Seiya || ModuleQC|| Testing and implementing of Backplane methods. Long-term run of MiniCam 10 during the whole morning and dismounting it.
| 2017-6-8 || Alba, Daniela, Scott, Seiya || ModuleQC DAQtests|| LSTDAQ tests with Daisuke from remote. Debugging of L1 and backplane algorithms in ClusCo. Partly done with Gustavo from remote. Long-term run of MiniCam 10.
|| [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUUmFlTFkxZFJkd3c Summary]<br /> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUekxZcHByOF9QcHc TrigRate vs Dt ]<br /> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUUDNFZkRQVElxNXc DaqRate vs L1 rate] <br /> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUcVBDYTktRnF5ZEE DaqRatio vs L1 rate]
| 2017-6-7 || Daniela, Scott, Seiya || DragonQC ModuleQC || DragonQC and Long-term run of MiniCam 10. There were 3 PACTA IDs missing in the PMT MySQL data base. We had to find them by hand thanks to the help of an excel sheet with all PMTs sent by Daisuke. Dismounting of some LOCTITE fixed PMTs on SCB 0203. This SCB will be taken back to Japan since it showed some strange behaviour for the test pulse. The issue will be investigated there.
| 2017-6-6 || Alicia, Daniela, Daniel, Pepa, Scott, Seiya || ModuleQC DAQtests || Long-term run of MiniCam 9 the whole morning. Set up of MiniCam 10 in the afternoon.
| 2017-6-5 || Daniela, Daniel, Scott, Seiya || ModuleQC DAQtests || Module 2-076 showed slow connection and was repaired by Taka and Seiya. It was due to incomplete SiTCP parameters written in the EEPROM. Doing DAQ tests with Daisuke from remote.
Long-term run of MiniCam 9 for two hours.
|| [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUVmVnQVdiUENYNUk Summary]
| 2017-6-2 || Alicia, Daniela, Daniel, Pepa, Seiya ||ModuleQC MCValidation || MCValidation:
1.) Trigger efficiency tests with different configurations of pixels.
2.) NSB measurements with 19 modules.
Long-term run of MiniCam 9 for one hour.
|| [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUQnEweHZNaG01ZWM  Charge vs DC current(PACTA factor not corrected)]<br \> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUcWRrLUlQc1Nha2s Charge vs 4e4 equivalent DC current(PACTA factor corrected)] <br \> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUR0gwM2JiREp5QlU Normalised Charge vs NSB rate(PACTA factor corrected, computed from 4e4 equivalent DC current) :TGraph ]<br \>[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUYXhXQnkzRi1SdHc Normalised Charge vs NSB rate(PACTA factor corrected, computed from 4e4 equivalent DC current):2D histogram ] <br \>[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUYld6YkN0eFRvSGM plots all separated ]
| 2017-6-1 || Alicia, Daniela, Daniel, Pepa, Seiya || DragonQC ModuleQC MCValidation || Operation of MiniCam 9 started. We started with the DragonQC and in parallel we modified the new cooler to be a nice spot cooler. During DragonQC we found one module with very slow response (2-046). We exchanged the Dragon board at the module through board 1-098. The slow one (2-046) will be send back to Italy.
| 2017-5-31 || Alicia, Seiya, Daniela, Daniel, Pepa || Module QC || Long term monitoring MiniCam 8 in the morning. We encountered several problems:
1.) Spot cooler failed several times and started heating instead of cooling. Switching on and off recovered it.
2.) We lost connection to the filter wheel server and realized it quite late. Because of this we lost some long term monitoring data.
3.) In the monitoring we lost shortly the communication to the clusters 2-029 and 2-022.
At the end of the day we mounted MiniCam 9.
Then we went shopping for a new cooler.
| 2017-5-29 || Alicia, Seiya, Daniela || Module QC || Long term monitoring of MiniCam 8.
| 2017-5-26 || Andrea, Seiya, Daniela, Daniel || Module QC MCValidation || Operation of MiniCam 8 started. Since yesterday we are using again the script MonitorClusCo.sh to monitor the temperature of the modules. Like this we realized that the spot cooler started to heat the MiniCam at some point. Restarting spot cooler few times helped.
For MCValidation we performed successfully L1 Trigger Efficiency tests with three modules. Data to be analyzed and distributed.
| 2017-5-25 || Alicia, Andrea, Seiya, Daniela, Daniel || Module QC || Long term monitoring of"bad camera" = MiniCam 13. All "bad" boards could be recovered through soldering by Andrea or through changing of suspicious mezzanines.
2 boards failed DragonQC: and
 + Taka and Seiya will investigate the problem.
We successfully dissolved LOCTITE by hand and exchanged 3 broken dragon boards that Andrea will take to Italy for fixing. We exchanged boards
2-054: showed slow connection --> NEW 1-92
2-129: swapped mezzanin connector --> NEW 1-126
2-039: cap broken --> NEW 1-127
Set up of MiniCam 8 started.
| 2017-5-24 || Alicia, Andrea, Seiya, Daniela, Daniel || Module QC || Mounting of "bad camera" = MiniCam 13. Here we put modules which were soldered by Andrea or had suspicious mezzanines. Testing IPR scan on the desk we found negative pulses for several mezzanines. Under investigation now. ||
| 2017-5-23 || Alicia, Andrea, Seiya, Daniela || Module QC || MiniCam 11 checked for soldering and red caps glued. Seems that yesterday's power cut affected the filter wheel settings. During the morning we performed the long term monitoring. After checking the plots we realized that the filter wheels didn't move. It took us 2 1/2 hours with great help of Andrea and Taka and Yusuke on skype to recover the filter wheels. ||
| 2017-5-22 || Alicia, Andrea, Daniela, Seiya || Module QC; Fixing missing soldering; flushing firmware || Taka left and Seiya joined today. Seiya flushed missing firmware to a whole MiniCamera (version c13). Andrea fixed boards with bad soldering.  One module (1-67) found with loose main capacitor --> Andrea fixed it. This board doesn't show signal using EthDisp1024 in the calibration channel. Problem? Long term monitoring of MiniCamera 7. Soldering checked and red caps glued to boards in MiniCam 10. There was a power cut in the lab. Our power line was not affected, but the power line of RaspberryPi for the filter wheels. We realized it at the end of the day. So 1 hour of long term monitoring is not useful, sorry. ||
| 2017-5-19 || Alicia, Andrea, Taka, Daniela || Module QC || Andrea fixed soldering for one board for which the L0 rate scan failed during QC. After fixing, L0 rate scan worked. During the next days he will fix the missing soldering for the remaining boards. Start QC of MiniCamera 7. ||
| 2017-5-18 || Alicia, Andrea, Taka, Daniela || Module QC || Checking soldering and gluing of security caps; Finishing QC of MiniCamera 6; Setting up of QC of MiniCamera 7. ||
| 2017-5-17 || Alicia, Andrea, Taka, Daniela || Module QC, MC validation || Checking soldering and gluing of security caps; continuation of QC of MiniCamera 6. Measurement for MonteCarlo group: Gain measurement with NSB --> Gain shows stable behavior.  ||
| 2017-5-16 || Alicia, Andrea, Taka, Daniela || Module QC ||  Daniela arrived. Continuation of QC of MiniCamera 6. Start checking the soldering of the connectors of the Mezannine pins for all modules. Find corresponding list under documents. Our suspicion: Rate scan might fail because of missing soldering. Gluing of red security caps for the capacitors.
List of modules with good soldering but bad L1RateScan:
1st camera
2nd camera
6th camera
|| https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ueFn5S17bDo_yZHbSfn_fa1JMaf1mKmIs9RFiI3jcW0/edit?usp=sharing
| 2017-5-15 || Alicia, Andrea, Taka || Module QC ||  Daniele and Tsutomu left Tenerife. Instead, Alicia and Andrea joined, they both are fantastic. We did Dragon-QC of 4th and 5th batch because Taka forgot to do that. Andrea investigated the reason for Rate scan failure of Module 205 and 237. Communication between 237 and mezzanine worked, while 205 could not make SPI communication. We will investigate further tomorrow. ||
| 2017-5-12 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC and EVB  || We performed long term monitor for 5th Mini Camera again. We assisted EVB test. We finished to upload the module information of 1st - 5th batch to MySQL database. The QC of 5th batch was done. We installed new 19 modules in Mini camera holder. ||
| 2017-5-11 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC and EVB  || We performed long term monitor for 5th Mini Camera. We assisted EVB test. 37 modules were attached a capacitor protection. Tsutomu destroyed one dragon board. Module ID is 439.
We forgot to start filter server after rebooting Osaka. This is why long term pedestal data was taken with laser on.
|| https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0PR0tNrCVoWX09SMnlyYlBpeGM/view?usp=sharing
| 2017-5-10 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC || We performed rate scan for 5th mini camera. The results of IP205 and ID237 are not usual. Since the mezzanine boards, which these two board have, worked well in previous batch, This can be thought dragon's issue.||
| 2017-5-9 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC || Module QC of 5th Camera||
| 2017-5-9 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| MC validation, Module QC || We always monitor the trigger signal going from TIB to Central BP using Osciloscope. Today, during rate scan, '''big noise appeared in the scope, with 2 V amplitude with ~5 MHz''' (not very fixed). We were very worried about it but it suddenly disappeared. Shit at, 13:43, it happend again for 10 seconds and gone. ||
| 2017-5-8 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| MC validation, Module QC || When we powered the modules for the first time, '''the communication with Dragon was not established'''. When powered on again, it was established. Could be a problem, could be not. We will keep an eye on it. ||
| 2017-5-8 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| MC validation, Module QC || Trigger efficiency test with several pixel pattern for MC validation. We finished the QC for 4th mini camera and installed 5th 19 modules in mini camera holder. ||
| 2017-5-5 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC || Second long term monitor test for 4th mini camera  ||
| 2017-5-4 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC and MC validation || We performed rate scan and long term monitor test. Daniele analysed jitter of PMT for MC validation.  ||
| 2017-5-3 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC and MC validation || We took 2 hours of pedestal run with the 3rd batch and switched to 4th batch. Rate scan and long term monitor will be performed to morrow. The rest is finished. ||
| 2017-5-2 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC and MC validation || Taka improve a software which is used to analyse long term monitor of mini camera QC. Tsutomu measured and analysed the data to estimate afterpulsing spectrum for MC validation. The data was taken with nominal voltage and L1 local trigger (no TIB). Daniele worked NSB scan for gain stability. This is also a part of work of MC validation. ||
| 2017-4-28 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| Module QC  || We performed long term monitor test for 3rd mini camera. Since we forgot to turn on cooling machine, the temperature increased.  The maximum SCB temperature was ~ 45 degree.  We attached attached a capacitor protection on the PMT modules using a glue. Tsutomu fixed the linearity program. Take implemented the function, which show the time fluctuation of temperature, for long term monitor test. Daniele analysed NSB data for MC validation. ||
| 2017-4-27 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| MC validation  || Rate scan test show the module ID 331 does not work well. We installed ID248 in 3rd mini camera, instead of ID 311. We measured (a kind of ) T.T.S with L1 mono trigger for MC validation. To adjust pulse position, setting external delay is needed. We found the best delay value is 3535 ns for ROI40 measurement. ||
| 2017-4-26 || Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele|| EVB  || We assisted EVB test. ||
| 2017-4-25 || Taka, Tsutomu, Daniel Mazin and Daniele|| EVB and ClusCo development  || We assisted French team and Daniela's work. They wanted to test EVB and ClusCo respectively. || https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0PR0tNrCVoWM2VvU1kzMEduYW8/view?usp=sharing
| 2017-4-24 || Taka, Tsutomu, Daniel Mazin and Daniele|| Event building  || We assisted French team to perform EVB, We set up new PC named "OKINAWA" and changed a configuration of network. You can see a sketch of new configuration in right column. Daniel Mazin fixed the issue of newest clusco. The problem was that just we uesd wrong uic file. || https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0PR0tNrCVoWb3ozSm90ZVhaZms/view?usp=sharing
| 2017-4-21 || Taka and Tsutomu || MC validation  || We measured PMT gain with NSB using LED light (red). To enhance NSB level we attached white paper on wall inside dark box. NSB level was 0.5 - 20.0 (150MHz - 600 MHz, 1 us - 40 us).
| 2017-4-20 || Taka and Tsutomu || Module QC, MC validation  || We confirmed that the script, which is used to measure the long term monitor, works well. We also did the rate scan and a measurement which calculates the trigger efficiency for MC variation. Regarding the rate scan, we measured the noise level with the following four patterns, HV = 0 or 1000 V and turing on 19 models or only one module. To calculate the trigger efficiency, we fixed L1 trigger threshold and changed the laser intensity using the programs which were used for dragon QC.
| 2017-4-19 || Taka and Tsutomu || Module QC || We found bugs in CheckLinearityIntegrity.C ("attenuation factor file was specified with relative path w.r.t. "AnaToolsTN") and PlotL1Scan.C (hard-coded string "2016" which spoil names of TGraphs. We finished QC of 3rd mini camera. A result of rate scan shows that a mezzanine board connected dragon board  does not work. The several PMT modules have the strange summary plots of linearity measurement. Since the measured data seem to be fine, probability this is program issue.  || ||
| 2017-4-18 || Taka and Tsutomu || Module QC || Regarding port 7654 issue, when We carried out the script with "ClusCoOfficialDec20", the connection was stable. In addition we found the several bugs, which prevent the QC sequence in some cases, in the script and program (TakeHVGain.sh and CheckSinglepheIntegrity,C ) and fixed them.|| ||
| 2017-4-17 || Taka and Tsutomu || Module QC, Orientation(Tsutomu) || Today was first working day to us in this period. We learned a setup of mini camera QC. First we checked whether an external clock works or not. We found that we have to re-configure BP and Dragon (not only dragon board) after truing on TIB. After this, we tried to perform the all procedure of mini camera QC using "StartQC_IC_ET.sh". But we could not finish this. The script never finished to execute ClusCo in the term of fundamental pedestal. A ClusCo log said port 7654 was not established. At the end of today, we could see LD light from PMT when we used L1 trigger and internal clock.|| ||
| 2017-3-25 || Shunsuke || Module QC || The Long term pedestal data of the 3rd bench was taken. To investigate the reason of failuare for datataking of the rate scan, I connected the mezzanine of failure modules again, then I tried the rate scan again for a bit. In the result, the new data of was looked well, but it seems that did not be changed. Probably, We must be careful more when we connect the mezzanine. and unfortunately I deleted the data of the rate scan of the 3rd bench by mistake. we have to take data again.  || ||
| 2017-3-24 || Yusuke and Shunsuke || Cleaning || The clean room was rearranged completely cleanly. Please see picture!!!!! || https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUQ0NLRXhXRGM3Nms https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUM0F6RngtSkVYczQ https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaW9odEItbm1KUmM ||
| 2017-3-23 || Shunsuke || Module QC || The long term pedestal data of 3rd bentch was taken about 2 hours, and EVB test were going well. ||
| 2017-3-22 || Yusuke and Shunsuke || Cleaning || We cleaned the lab. ||
| 2017-3-22 || Yusuke || Assembly || All modules were assembled , and so March twenty thirds became the module anniversary. || Assembled 235 modules in IAC, and 35 modules in CIEMAT. A total of 270 modules.
| 2017-3-22 || Shunsuke || Cleaning || It is gonig well so far.  ||
| 2017-3-22 || Shunsuke || Module QC || The data of 3rd bencth were taken except long term pedestal . It seems that two modules has little problems. one is module already passed but mezzanine is different before. I have to investigate why the data taking did not work correctly.  ||
| 2017-3-22 || Yusuke || Assembly || Assembled 11 Modules (in total 205 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 240 modules are assembled). Last 30 modules are left. ||
| 2017-3-21 || Yusuke || Assembly || Assembled 21 Modules (in total 194 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 229 modules are assembled). Last 36 modules are left. ||
| 2017-3-20 || Shunsuke || Module QC || New 19 modules were installed in QC setup. Firmware update of dragon worked well. and  QC of dragons also was done. but it seemed that one module (IP10.1.5.4) took long time to create TCP communication. So I skippeed QC of that one.  Module QC also took long time due to that one module. we should better change that to other. We noticed that connection bewtween Raspberry pi and cameraserver had lost. We had to configure filter wheel again.  ||
| 2017-3-20 || Yusuke || Assembly || Assembled 19 Modules (in total 173 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 208 modules are assembled). Last 57 modules are left. ||
| 2017-3-17 || Yusuke || Assembly || Assembled 22 Modules (in total 154 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 189 modules are assembled). and, I checked the numbers of pmt which I should asseble by next weekend. ||
| 2017-3-17 || Shunsuke|| Module QC || Long term pedestal mesurement for 2nd bench was finished. That's sounds good. However, the Linearity and Ratescan data of some modules are looked strange. It seems that these modules should be measured again. I also analysed the data of dragon QC. ||
| 2017-3-16 || Shunsuke and Yusuke|| Cleaning || We started cleaning a lab. ||
| 2017-3-16 || Shunsuke || Module QC || I tried dragon QC for one module which I had not taken data correctly yesterday. it was done well. And I operated long term measurement (taking pedestal data every 10 min with/without laser) for 15 times. It was about 2 hours and a half. ||
| 2017-3-16 || Gustavo and Shunsuke || Back Plane || We configured BP for measuring BP delay test. We succeeded to configure, but there were some modules did not give L1 trigger. we tried to run delay measurement. it did not work well compared to Japanese set up. so We have to understand what is the reason. ||
| 2017-3-16 ||  Yusuke    || Assembly  || Assembled 20 Modules  (in total 132 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 167 modules are assembled) ||
| 2017-3-15 || Gustavo and Shunsuke  || Module QC  || First of all, I tried long term pedestal data. But I noticed that the connection to some dragons were lost. (LANSwitch's indicater was not shining.) It seems that the cause of firmware update was a failure. Thanks to gustavo, We were able to update the firmware through jtag cable. Then suddenly it become impossible to connect to dragons. (LANSwitch's indicater was shining.) After examining it, it seems that the correspondence between the interface (name) and the IP address was changed. By modifying this configuration, the problem was solved, but it took many times . I took about an hour and a half to take the long term pedestal deta. Tomorrow I will continue to take that data again.  ||
| 2017-3-15 ||  Yusuke    || Assembly  || Assembled 20 Modules  (in total 112 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 147 modules are assembled) ||
| 2017-3-14 || Daisuke, Shunsuke || Module QC || I mounted new 19 modules, and tried update dragon's firmware with new program. The program worked well for one module on desk, but for 19 modules we can't excute at the same time. Because We can excute program for 9 modules at the same time, next time I tried firmware update each  9 modules. I did also MiniCamQC for 2nd 19 modules, it was done without big poroblems. Tomorrow I'm going to take long term pedestal data. ||
| 2017-3-14 || Yusuke || Assembly || I finished preparing of all PMT which use in LST1 for module asseble and assebled two modules ( in total 92 modules in IAC ). From tomorrow, I'm going to asseble PMT module at least 15 per day. I don't need thinking anything when I assebling modules;) ||
| 2017-3-11 || Daisuke Shunsuke    || Dragon Firmware programming || After we exchanged all 19 modules to new ones, We run a program to flush the new firmware into all 19 modules at the same time. This was not successful,,, Non of dragon is responding now.. We tested the program with another dragon board on a table but it did not work as well... || We dismounted all 19 dragon boards. Tomorrow we will mount new 19 modules. We will use the previous version python script to program firmware into Dragon. 
| 2017-3-11 || Daisuke Shunsuke and Yusuke  || Trigger mezzanine || When we were exchanging the 19 modules, we realized that some pins on some mezzanine were popped out (see attached photo). Could it be that mezzanines do not like so much mating cycles??? We should clarify this with experts.  ||https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUNnY5cHRwZjNMVFNmMGpCdmx1dHpfdXNWWV9Z https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUWGJQZS1VMk5aUjRwc2tRSWd1eVRwZWNlMEcw
| 2017-3-11 || Daisuke Shunsuke Taka    || DragonQC  || DragonQC of 19 module done. || We can run DragonQC script only when ClusCo is not running. We will do it at the end of the ModuleQC. 
| 2017-3-10 ||  Yusuke    || Assembly  || Yusuke's fingers are aching. He screwed too much every day. ||
| 2017-3-10 ||  Yusuke    || Assembly  || Assembled 12 Modules  (in total 62 modules +19(being checked) + 35(CIEMAT) = 116 modules are assembled) ||
| 2017-3-10 ||  Yusuke and Seiya  || Assembly  || Polishing of Al tube done!||
| 2017-3-10 ||  Daisuke, Seiya, Shunsuke and Yusuke || QC  ||As we wrote yesterday, the long term data taken yesterday was not useful. today we took data of laser and dark 20 times with an interval of 10 minutes. Baseline is to do long term measurement for two days but for this set of 19 module, we consider that they are checked enough. So on Monday we will be going to the second round.  || Here three randomly selected summary files :<br /> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUcEMzSF95bjlGTkk Module Passport ID56]<br /> [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUT1RZcmpuU0tKbjg Module Passport ID36] <br />[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUN1RDRnc2WDlHc0U Module Passport ID13]
| 2017-3-10 ||  Daisuke, Seiya and Shunsuke  || Test Pulse Injection  || We realized today that the function "dragon_tp_freq" in ClusCo did not send command to modules, hence TP frequency was not changing from the default value. In addition we realized that frequency of TP should be set in the unit of 10MHz when running with the external trigger. we modified the dragon_lib.h correspondingly. ||
| 2017-3-9 ||  Daisuke, Seiya and Shunsuke  || Longterm Pedestal  || We modified scripts for longterm pedestal run, and tried taking data. but we forgot to run 'init4ec'. So a delay which we need to take data around pulse was changed. After we used 'init4ec', we can take data correctly. We have to take long term pedestal data again. ||
| 2017-3-9 ||  Yusuke, Seiya and Shunsuke  || Assembly  || Yusuke assembled 12 Modules  (in total 50 modules), Yusuke, Seiya and Shunsuke polished 153 Al-tubes whose quality of edge were bad. We want to polish 180 more tubes. ||
| 2017-3-8 ||  Yusuke and Seiya  || Assembly  || Yusuke assembled 10 Modules  (in total 38 modules), Yusuke and Seiya polished 100 Al-tubes whose quality of edge were bad. We want to polish 300 more tubes. ||
| 2017-3-8 || Daisuke  || Remote access to CamServ  || VPN account prepared. || Daisuke checked with his laptop and he was able to login to CamServ from outside
| 2017-3-8 ||  Daisuke, Shunsuke  || Fundamental Pedestal  || Takayuki's Pedestal method integrated. Takayuki's was better as expected. || Comparison of RMS of all 133 pixels between Takayukis method and previous method :<br />https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUZ3hKakF4RzJyVUU
| 2017-3-7 ||  Yusuke  || Assembly  || Yusuke assembled 28 Modules  ||
| 2017-3-6 ||  Yusuke  || Assembly  || Yusuke assembled 45 PMTs to SCBs within less than two hours. ||
| 2017-3-6 ||  Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Documentation, Knowledge transfer  || Shunsuke started to document things. || Schematic diagram of the system. <br />https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUUWxfeEVZd1RRZHM
| 2017-3-6 ||  Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || QC  || All necessary data are taken (except for those with NSB). We will re-analyse data with Takayuki's program tomorrow.  || 
| 2017-3-6 ||  Takayuki  || Software  || Software for 1) Fundamental Pedestal Table and 2) Dragon QC are ready.  ||
| 2017-3-6 ||  Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device setup  || 6000 screws arrived!!!! ||
| 2017-3-3 ||      Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || QC  || We went through almost all steps of QC.<br \> * Fundamental Pedestal <br \> * HV vs Gain <br \> * Single Phe <br \> * Nominal Voltage computation (and comparison to the MySQL data) <br \>*  Linearity @ nominal voltage. <br \>* Rate Scan. <br \> Today, we focused on the finalisation of QC scripts, hence we did not wait for 1 hour before we start running the QC scripts.  || Single Phe Distribution : <br />https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUbk9Lb0tJaWhnUUk PulseTimeJitter :<br /> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdkstVl9iRXdUV1E PulseShape :<br /> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUOHh2cmFucF8zZ3M NominalVoltage Correlation :<br /> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUY29OR181UFh3WUk
| 2017-3-3 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device setup  || Optimum Filter combination for the rate scan selected" filter combination : 10 ||L0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUNld3MmZkdVd0V28 L1 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUbW5LZFN1NWx0UmM
| 2017-2-28 ||      Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || QC  || We worked only during the morning today. Attached are the single phe distribution,  HV vs Gain data. Analysis software need some minor optimisation. The point is that, 1) Automatic software worked properly and 2) Optimum filter combination for Single Phe measurement and HV vs Gain measurement selected.  ||Single Phe :https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUU0pkRmhOSHBiZVU Charge distributions at different voltage: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUYTB2LWZxalFoUGs HV vs Gain : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUVDZHTnJFTHlnS2M
| 2017-2-27 ||  Daisuke  || Fundamental Pedestal  || Pedestal files of today are being SCPed to icrhome02:/disk/gamma/cta/store/MiniCameraIAC/PedestalData/PedTable_20170227_182555_IC_ET_RD40 ||
| 2017-2-27 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device setup  ||  We have performed linearity scan. Preliminary results are attached. We are plotting the mean of the charge distributions. When the laser intensity is less than few phe level, pedestal in the charge distribution dominates the mean, therefore, points where the  attenuation factor(x-axis) less than 10^-2 is not trustable. Probably we will not need to scan full range for the Linearity measurement. Those attenuation factors less than 10^-2 will be used mainly for SinglePhe measurement.    ||Linearity plot Preliminary :  Zoom up:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUS3RDYVFQeGtOSEE Full Range:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaGlHNlJFWkxuTEE HG:Green, LG:Red<br \> X-axis : Transmittance factor<br \> Y-axis : Charge(5ns integral , in ADC counts x 1 ns)
| 2017-2-27 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device setup  || Serial Port Id of FilterWheel 1 and 2 were swapped. We corrected it from the software side ||
| 2017-2-27 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device setup  || Trigger delay adjusted : 3.845 us ||
| 2017-2-27 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device setup  ||  We managed to take data with an external trigger. Since the software trigger cannot be delayed in TIB, the signal needed to be delayed by ourself. It was good that the pulse generator has delay functionality, however the pulse amplitude of the second signal line (non-delayed one), which goes to the pulse-generator was too low to trigger the laser. Yusuke Inome has produced a signal amplifier module and it worked!!!  ||
| 2017-2-27 ||  Seiya and Yusuke  || Assembly  ||  Dragon frame assembly : All finished !!! || 
| 2017-2-24 ||  Seiya and Yusuke  || Assembly  ||  Dragon frame assembly :  Only 4 boards left || 
| 2017-2-24 ||  Andrea, Shunsuke and Daisuke  || Assembly  || We assembled ALL SCB-SCBplate as much as the number of SCB plates. There are 24 SCBs not-assembles and 7 SCB plate prototype. If we can borrow a hand-drill, then those 7 SCB prototype plates could be used. But still we need 17 SCB plates more.  || 
| 2017-2-24 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Fundamental Pedestal  || We took two timesfundamental pedestal data with  Dragon InternalClock External Random trigger.  Mean of Pedestal RMS ~ 6 (HG) and ~4 (LG) ADC counts. Consistent with the previous studies in Japan!!! ||  Stopcell Distribution https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdzZaTk9RdkZfUEk Stopcell vs ADC https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaVltQ0pDRzEyd1k Pedestal RMS : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUNUYtRTBfU2pQMXM
| 2017-2-23 ||  Andrea, Seiya and Yusuke  || Assembly  ||We assembled 54 SCB-SCB plate and 30 Dragon board-Al frame today. ||
| 2017-2-23 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Temperature  || Temperature went up by ~ 1 deg when we started to take data at 15:25||https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUT0dSVndNaG5MdGs
| 2017-2-23 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Fundamental Pedestal  || We took Fundamental pedestal data as they were taken in ICRR, internal trigger and internal clock. Attached are for module 18. Stopcell vs ADC count looks a bit strange. All capacitors are not scanned equally. But overall RMS distributions look not so bad. we did not check for all of them. || Stopcell vs ADC count https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUMlZ1eEQxRVZHUHM <br \>
Pedestal RMS :https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUMktodUJfV3ZMTDA
| 2017-2-23 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Fundamental Pedestal  || We tried to take data with RandomTrigger from TIB while Dragon running with internal clocks so that they will not be synchronized but it was not successful ... (the reason is unclear yet) ||
| 2017-2-23 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Fundamental Pedestal  || Random trigger from TIB is not random, it looks like is synchronous to Domino wave... Spikes in the stopcell every 100 ns = 10 MHz||https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUVlUyYTdmSEVKcVE
| 2017-2-23 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device Setup || TCP/IP socket communication between Camera Server and Raspberry pi Filter Wheel controller is ready.  ||
| 2017-2-22 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Trigger || Dead time ~ 1500 counts => 1500 /133 MHz ~ 11 us. Probably consistent. Expected ~ 10 us.  But what is the jump between 1500 counts and 2300 counts??  ||
Zoom up of Dt distribution : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUYlRjenp3V3ZOQzQ
| 2017-2-22 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Trigger || Delta-t distribution : the slope=5.9e-6 counts --> 5.9e-6  x 133MHz = 790 Hz. (attached)<br /> DAQ reports ~ 781 Hz.(attached)  <br />We set TIB trigger rate= 1kHz, and TIB record 1kHz. <br />Strange... || Dt : distribution https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUSG4ya0lRVlEtaWM
DAQ : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUTTA0MUtSNFlldzg
| 2017-2-22 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Fundamental Pedestal || One of the fundamental pedestal data are being scp-ed to  icrhome02:/disk/gamma/cta/store/MiniCameraIAC/PedestalData/PedTable_20170222_164041_RD40/ , hoping that Takayuki can have a look at them||
| 2017-2-22 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Fundamental Pedestal ||  We have taken two times fundamental pedestal data, Random trigger at 1kHz, 1e6 events, all automatically including TIB configuration. Data are stored under /mnt/cs1/store/MiniCameraIAC/PedestalData/. The disk mounted under /mnt/cs1/ is configured as RAID6 and hence much faster than the system disk. ||
| 2017-2-22 ||  Shunsuke  || Assembly ||SCB-SCB-plate (~20 today, in total ~60 finished) ||
| 2017-2-22 ||  Seiya  and Yusuke  || Assembly ||Dragon frame assembly (~20 today), 51 boards left. ||
| 2017-2-22 ||  Andrea and Daisuke  || Assembly ||Polishing of Al-tube in ElectronicLab.  We need to ask Juan to open the door. We should not polish in the clean room. We finished ~150 tubes in about two hours.    ||
| 2017-2-22 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device Setup || Temperature stability studied. After 30 min, temperature goes to plateau||https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUNDJ3WWhIUnF5enM
| 2017-2-22 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device Problem (solved) || The spot-cooler stopped working suddenly, and temperature of SCB went as high as 45 degrees. After some inspection, it turned out that it was due to ice formation in the cooler. We waited for an hour and worked fine again. It is very important that we always run <pre style="color: red">./MonitorClusCo.sh</pre> and pay attention to the monitored parameters!!!||
| 2017-2-21 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device Setup ||  We apply nominal HV for all PMTs.  HV table created from MySQL database. (GetHVfromMySql.cpp)  ||
| 2017-2-21 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Software bug fix ||  There was a bug in the MonitorReport.C.  Time Axis of histograms corrected.  ||
| 2017-2-21 ||  Yusuke  || Assembly || SCB push-pin insertion finished ||
| 2017-2-21 ||  Seiya  || Assembly || Dragon frame assembly , Seiya can do 15 per day.  ||
| 2017-2-20 || Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Software || We managed to take data of 19 modules with the external clock, TIB configured by the Andrea's python script!!!! ||
| 2017-2-20 || Andrea, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke  || Device Setup || We have found that the UCTS board picks up noise, and goes to INIT state, when it touches the metal part on the edge of the table. UCTS board insulated and the problem was gone. ||
| 2017-2-20 || Andrea || Software || Andrea wrote python scripts based on "python-opcua" package. We can init and stop the TIB via command line. ||
| 2017-2-20 || Yusuke || Device Setup || Four LEDs for fake NSB are mounted. Need to be checked. ||
| 2017-2-20 || Shunsuke || Device Setup || Filters have been inserted to the filter wheel. Need to be checked. ||
| 2017-2-20 ||  Andrea, Daisuke, Seiya, Shunsuke, Yusuke || Device Setup || SFP+ DA cable is connected between the NIC X520 on the camera server and the Ethernet Switch(Dell x1052). During the work we realized that the other NIC on the camera server(X710) does not like the DA cable due to the vendor lock. ||
| 2017-2-14 ||  Andrea, Daniel, Seiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke, || Device Setup || Camera Server and network switch were set up. Display, keyboard and mouse were borrowed from IAC. We found that there is no SFP+ cable. We may need to buy one.  <-- Daisuke brought two cables. No need to buy.||
| 2017-2-14 ||  Andrea, Seiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke, || Unbox 2nd container & module assemble || Second container arrived IAC in the morning, We unboxed 9 boxes. (One has Ethernet switch and Camera server, others are module holders) After unboxing, we restarted module assemble again. We found 2 SCB connectors within 15 SCBs were broken. We will check tomorrow ALL SCB connectors if they are fine. || https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUODdKYXZlM1NfUlk
| 2017-2-13 ||  Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Device Setup || Daniel was right. After fixing the BP configuration, trigger distribution worked properly, both sending and receiving. During measurements, we damaged the connector of TIB. We tried to connected the power cable to TIB when power is already coming at the cable. We will not make the same mistake again. We also implemented NSB simulator , i.e., red LED in the dark box. We measured the gain change up to 20 NSB level. But we found that change is less than 0.4%. ||
| 2017-2-10 ||  Luis Angel, Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Device Setup || We put 7 modules and tried to distribute triggers. We created L1 trigger with test pulse (or lazar) from non-central module and checked if TIB receive this trigger via central BP. Unsuccessful.  We sent Software trigger from TIB and checked if non-central modules can take data. Unsuccessful. 10 MHz and 1 PPS are distributed to all modules and we could data using local trigger (with external ref clock). So the problem is only trigger distribution. We wrote email to Gustavo and Daniel in the evening and Daniel suggested that BP is wrongly configured because now the camera is up-side down with respect to ICRR camera.||
| 2017-2-09 ||  Luis Angel, Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Device Setup || With new BP configuration, we manage to see the 10 MHz and PPS clock with Osciloscope. However, we could not take data with external ref. clock. We wrote many emails to many people, and finally we found that we need to reset dragon after 10 MHz clock from is stabilized. Now we can take data with TIB 10 MHz clock. L1 Trigger from Dragon can be sent to TIB as well. Dragon can also take data from software trigger and random trigger from TIB. It is now also possible to send a L1 signal to TIB, and TIB delays it and send back to Dragon and take data. The best delay (signal comes at slice 20) is 3700. We found many problems such as noise from spot cooler changes the state of TIB, BP register 10 sometimes fails to be configured. Also, TIB send trigger even if Dragon is in busy state. All trouble shooting is summerized below ||
| 2017-2-08 ||  Luis Angel, Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Device Setup || OPCUA client from Shunsuke computer is working fine. We tried to take data with external ref. clock  (for DRS) from TIB. But it didn't work. Clock is disabled at BP. L1 trigger from Dragon does not reach TIB either. We tried to contact Gustavo, but didn't manage. In the evening, Gustavo told us with email that with new firmware, register definition has changed. ||
| 2017-2-07 ||  Luis Angel, Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Device Setup || TIB is now installed. All clock signals are injected. Power is also OK. OPCUA connection via Luis's laptop is also fine. ||
| 2017-2-07 || Shu, Seiya, Luis Angel || Change members. || Shu left, and Seiya and Luis Angel came. After Shu left, many problem started to pop up. We are sure that Shu is doing something remotely||
| 2017-2-07 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke, Seiya || Device Setup || We tried to increase the laser intensity so that we can check the linearity up to 2000 p.e.. So far, we can go only up to 1200 p.e. or so. Yusuke change the bias current and electrical pulsed amplitude. However, we could not raise it much. We need to find a solution. ||
| 2017-2-06 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Device Setup || We manage to solve the filter wheel (FW) problem. After fighting with many hours with Raspberry Pi, we reached a solution. After connecting between Raspberry PI USB port and FW serial port, we monitor /dev/ttyUSB0 with "minicom" problem. And then send command to FW via ttyUSB0. First time it always fails, but second time on, it works. Then, we monitor /dev/ttyUSB1, and send command to FW via USB1. First time fails and 2nd time on works. Then, we stop monitoring ports. After that, both ports work perfectly until power of FW is off. It seems "minicom" monitoring settle the initialization problem. ||
| 2017-2-03 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Visitor || Masahiro, Daniel, Juan, Thomas and Ramon visited the clean room. We explained the setup and discussed a bit for the future plan etc. ||
| 2017-2-03 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Device Setup ||We realized that we forgot to bring a computer for filter wheel. We could control the wheel with our laptop, but cannot use our laptop for ever. We need to find a solution. ||
| 2017-2-02 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Holiday || Official Holiday in Canary Island. ||
| 2017-2-01 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Analog sum propagation study || We tried to understand the correspondence between geometry of neighboring modules and L1 ASIC inputs. It was complicated but we manage to understand it by applying HV to one module and check triggers in the neighboring modules with no HV. || https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaFRLbnJTZG5QUHM  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUeHBjQ3JOVzFlSW8
| 2017-2-01 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We put loctite to 60 PACTAs.||
| 2017-1-31 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Cabling || We fixed the air pipe to release the hot air. We borrowed 2 more clock generators for 10 MHz and 1 PPS for TIB. They worked fine. ||https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdmFvS202MzgtSWM
| 2017-1-31 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We put loctite to 190 PACTAs.|| https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUeFRyN1AwYkUteTA
| 2017-1-30 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We put loctite to 130 PACTAs.||
| 2017-1-30 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Light Uniformity Check || We checked the uniformity of the light pulse using 7 modules using self trigger using the mezzanine.|| https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUQ2o3d0w4RGxPUjg  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUOUQ0aFZ4bU1KNUE
| 2017-1-30 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Cabling || All BPs are mounted on the holder, as well as related cables (power, LAN, flat cables). ||
| 2017-1-27 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We put LOCTITE to 170 PACTA. || https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfURUpCR1hPMS03Rm8
| 2017-1-26 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Cabling || We rotated the black box such that air pipe can reach the hall on the wall. We recieved BPs and mezzanines today. We started cabling of measurement setup.||  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUREJBUHFXUlJpem8
| 2017-1-26 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We put LOCTITE to 90 PACTA. We made 8 dummy LGs from complete LGs. We put epoxy adhesive and fixed the dummy LGs to alminum frame. 4 of them are produced.||  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUbWQ0QUpvSjJRTzA
| 2017-1-25 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We put LOCTITE to 90 PACTA. We made 12 dummy LGs from complete LGs. || 
| 2017-1-24 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We put LOCTITE to 100 of PACTA screws. We sorted all 2000 PMTs here according to QE. ||  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdFVlNXd1N3Bvb3c||
| 2017-1-24 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Cabling || Taka negotiated with Juan Calvo to release the hot air in the lab. Juan refused. The hole in the wall of the lab for air release will be made next week. We borrowed a pulse generator from IAC for trigger for the laser. But we discovered that there is no lemo connector at IAC. We asked Javier for help, and he agreed to bring some from LaPalma at the end of this week. ||  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUcHExbVlGM19zOTg
| 2017-1-23 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Cabling || We connected the 380 V from the wall to PSU and got 24 V for the first time. It is working fine. QC measurements on 1 Italian Dragon was performed, finding no problem. Air pipe from the spot cooler is still an issue.|| 
| 2017-1-23 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We sorted 500 PMTs according to QE. We put LOCTITE to screws between PACTA and PMTs for 100 PMTs. || 
| 2017-1-20 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We have built 19 PMT heads and 13 Dragon bodies so far.  We cannot build more because "spacers" and SCBs are missing. || 
| 2017-1-19 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || We built 9 PMT heads (PMT + tubes + SCB) and 5 Dragon bodies (Dragon + frame). ||
| 2017-1-18 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Module Assembly || Yusuke instructed Shu, Shunsuke and Taka how to put the aluminum frame on Dragon. Now all of us can do that. ||
| 2017-1-18 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Cabling  || We managed to buy the 15m 380 V cable at Coelca suggested by Javier. The connector was mounted by Sergio. ||
| 2017-1-17 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Construct Dark Box || We got sponge from a shop and finally '''the dark box is completed!'''. We checked the light leakage from inside by eyes and found no problem ||https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfURG1saTU4dXB2X2c
| 2017-1-16 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Cabling || We need 380 V input for the power supply. It can be provided by the wall of the clean room but the outlet is 15 m away. Such cable was not in IAC. We went to the electric shop El Faro, but they had only connectors. ||
| 2017-1-16 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Construct Dark Box || We bought black tapes in El Faro suggested by Juan Calvo and taping at all edges are done. However, we faced a slight shortage of sponge to fill the connection gaps between two half boxes. ||
| 2017-1-13 || Yusuke || Module Assembly || We checked if the positions of holes etc of Italian Dragon are fine. We found no problem. || https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUSjRSQ3Z5LXM0WWs
| 2017-1-13 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Construct Dark Box || 90% are done. We had to stop because we ran out of black tapes. We didn't find one in the city. Mirror adjustment is also not yet done. ||
[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6V4naKAxXfUSFBORzdSN3RnOGM?usp=sharing Photos ]
| 2017-1-12 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Construct Dark Box || 70% are done. We all are very happy. || [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6V4naKAxXfUSFBORzdSN3RnOGM?usp=sharing Photos]
| 2017-1-11 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Construct Dark Box || Not easy. Taka started to be frustrated :(.|| [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6V4naKAxXfUSFBORzdSN3RnOGM?usp=sharing Photos]
| 2017-1-11 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Opening the 4 wooden box || We opened the wooden boxes with electric screw driver etc. Everything inside looked fine.|| https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3iH8cBkhpd0dWZ1NDJzWXI5Y00
| 2017-1-10 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Orientation || We had introduction of the institute and many important people in IAC from Ramon. We had a safety seminar as well. ||
| 2017-1-10 || Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke || Reception || We shortly met with Prof. Rafael Rebolo in his office. We also had a greatest lunch ever with Ramon, Monica and Thomas. ||
== Borrowed Goods  ==
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nU9A8lU10AvYZOkV3_3S9ncU9GPWF-IyZuv5lwR35SI/edit?usp=sharing Overview of borrowed items]
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUUGdqV2JqWU5iYlU Borrowed in January 2017]
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaTRCNmpidnlmRzg Borowed from Roque, MAGIC]
* Label printer <-- RETURNED BACK by Daisuke
== Manuals  ==
- Dragon [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdlNMUng1cHVMUWM]
- trigger mezzanine input/ouput channels and geometry [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUeHBjQ3JOVzFlSW8]
- TIB [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUVUF1Sy1ITHNoNEU]
- BP [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUWVBmeE1SOXQ4dFU]
== Problems and trouble shooting  ==
* Spot cooler creates lots of dew condensation [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaUcxU2Jfc0ZxcFE]
* Configuration of register 10 of BP fails often. If 10 MHz clock is not seen, one should configure again manually this register. -> This was because of hexadecial - decimal confusion. Input card of ClusCo should be in decimal. (10 instead of A!).
* If we inject a long pulse (>500 ns) to TIB for software trigger, TIB creates two trigger pulses. This is not expected because TIB enters busy mode at the rising edge of long pulse. Luis Angel is working on this issue. [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUVnViREViWktIVW8]
* (Probably) compressor of spot cooler create a big noise (either on GND or via EM wave) which disturb the clock. If clock is missed, TIB enters the stand-by state, which is very annoying.
* 7th PMT at the central module seems to be delayed so long that it creates 2nd L1 trigger from  one light pulse. Maybe L0 delay should be adjusted.
* When data taking of Dragon finishes, TIB becomes busy state. To reset it, we have to reset the TIB.
* If you observe too slow or lost communication with Dragon, it could be due to incomplete SiTCP parameters. To solve the problem, see here [[Seeting SiTCP Paremeter By Hand]]. The reason why it happens is unclear.
* If you need to disassemble a module, please see here [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdldRR2FnXzhYQTg]
* Linearity plot shows strange points at Low gain channels for low intensities. This is caused by DRS4 fundamental pedestal. Some studies were made and results are summarized here [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUM2xrU0FZVTFrdzQ] . But we don't fully understand the cause. More studies are needed.
== To do lists ==
* Check PACTA ID of 26 PMTs.
* Change IP of the some Japanese dragons.
== Important IP ==
{| class="wikitable" border=1 cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
|- style="background:#efefef;"
! style="width: 150px;" | Name !! style="width: 150px;" | IP !! style="width: 150px;" | Subnet !! style="width: 150px;" | MAC !! style="width: 200px;" | Comments
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| 2017-1-11 || Shu, Shunpike, Taka, Yusuke || Opening the 4 wooden box || We opened the wooden boxes with electric screw driver etc. Everything inside looked fine.
| 2017-1-10 || Shu, Shunpike, Taka, Yusuke || Orientation || We had introduction of the institute and many important people in IAC from Ramon. We had a safety seminar as well.
|Camera Server|| (em3)|||| f8:bc:12:11:bd:80 || not used
| 2017-1-10 || Shu, Shunpike, Taka, Yusuke || Reception || We shortly met with Prof. Rafael Rebolo in his office. We also had a greatest lunch ever with Ramon, Monica and Thomas (Sch.)
|Camera Server|| (p5p2) |||| 90:e2:ba:86:25:65 || SFP+
|Camera Server|| (em4) |||| f8:bc:12:11:bd:81 || Static IP (name=osaka.ll.iac.es, gateway=161.72.210,1, DNS1=, DNS2= <br />VPN connection possible. If you want to connect to CamServ from outside IAC, contact to Daisuke Nakajima.
|TIB || ( |||| || Raspberry Pi
|Ethernet Switch || |||| || Dell X1052
|Filter Wheel || |||| || Raspberry Pi (<code>/etc/dhcpcd.conf</code>), do not  use <code>/etc/network/interfaces</code>
|Dragon Boards || 10.1.X.Y |||| || X * 50 + Y = DragonID
== LST EB meeting ==
* 28th Feb 2017 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdmRyZUN1ZE9PcUk
* 21th Feb 2017 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdFd3QkFjUlQ0bUE

Latest revision as of 09:16, 21 June 2017

Date Who did it? Action Comments Documents
2017-6-21 Alba, Daniela, Seiya ModuleQC Long-term run for MiniCam14.
2017-6-20 Alba, Daniela, Seiya ModuleQC Setting up a "bad" camera: MiniCam14. There we put modules that showed problems in the past, actually all of them problems with the rate scans, or that didn't run through a sufficiently large long-term run. Furthermore, we covered the sides of the MiniCamera rack with carton in order to guide the cold air from the air conditioning. It doesn't seem to have any effect actually.
2017-6-19 Alba, Daniela, Seiya ModuleQC Long-term run of MiniCam 12. We could solve the issue with the lost communication in case of a temperature > 40.98 deg. At the end it was a wrong assigned data type for the temperature parameter in ClusCo (short instead of unsigned short). Dismounting of MiniCam 12 at the end of the day. We found 3 modules with failed L0 and/ or L1 rate scans. To be investigated.
2017-6-16 Alba, Daniela, Seiya ModuleQC Long-term run of MiniCam 12. After 4 hours of running the MiniCam, the hottest module (40.8deg) lost communication with ClusCo. We switched the system off to cool it down and restarted. It seems that if modules reach a temperature close to 41deg, we loose communication to them. In the afternoon the same happened again. The temperature got up to 41deg, and we lost the communication.
Temp module june16.png
2017-6-15 Alba, Daniela, Seiya ModuleQC Long-term run of MiniCam 11 for 3 hours. Set-up and start operation of MiniCam 12. Module 2-79 showed slow connection during DragonQC. Seiya fixed this known problem by modifying EEPROM on the dragon.
2017-6-14 Alba, Daniela, Seiya DAQtests ModuleQC LSTDAQ (Daisuke) and iDAQ (Marseille group) test until the afternoon. Flushing back official firmware version (c13) and long-term run of MiniCam 11 for 2 hours. Short Summary
2017-6-13 Alba, Daniela, Seiya ModuleQC DAQtests Long-term monitoring of MiniCam 11. LSTDAQ tests with Daisuke from remote. At some point we lost connection to one module due to overheating, it seems. Please see the plot on the right (monitoring_modules.png). We switched off the Dragons, waited about 15 minutes and switched on again. Afterwards everything worked fine. In the evening we flushed the newest firmware (d00) to all the modules for iDAQ tests tomorrow morning. Summary
DT vs L1
L1 vs DAQ
DAQ Ratio

Monitoring modules.png
2017-6-12 Alba, Daniela, Seiya DragonQC ModuleQC Setup and start operation of MiniCam 11.

We broke two mezzanines by removing/ inserting the corresponding module from/ into the camera holder. Mezzanine 253352: Missing components are C133 and C2. Mezzanine 068121: Missing components are C133 and L1. We exchanged these mezzanines with 091237 and 117XXX.

During the setup we identified two broken Dragon boards: 1-141 and 1-32. We could not establish communication with them. Checking further their power consumption was too low (34 mA instead of ~700mA). Seiya found out that filters F1 are broken on both boards. 1-32 actually passed the Module QC successfully already. We wanted to retest it, since there was a problem during the DragonQC. Taka and Seiya found a problem and changed the MAC address for that board. So something must have happened afterwards.

2017-6-9 Alba, Daniela, Scott, Seiya ModuleQC Testing and implementing of Backplane methods. Long-term run of MiniCam 10 during the whole morning and dismounting it.
2017-6-8 Alba, Daniela, Scott, Seiya ModuleQC DAQtests LSTDAQ tests with Daisuke from remote. Debugging of L1 and backplane algorithms in ClusCo. Partly done with Gustavo from remote. Long-term run of MiniCam 10. Summary
TrigRate vs Dt
DaqRate vs L1 rate
DaqRatio vs L1 rate
2017-6-7 Daniela, Scott, Seiya DragonQC ModuleQC DragonQC and Long-term run of MiniCam 10. There were 3 PACTA IDs missing in the PMT MySQL data base. We had to find them by hand thanks to the help of an excel sheet with all PMTs sent by Daisuke. Dismounting of some LOCTITE fixed PMTs on SCB 0203. This SCB will be taken back to Japan since it showed some strange behaviour for the test pulse. The issue will be investigated there.
2017-6-6 Alicia, Daniela, Daniel, Pepa, Scott, Seiya ModuleQC DAQtests Long-term run of MiniCam 9 the whole morning. Set up of MiniCam 10 in the afternoon.
2017-6-5 Daniela, Daniel, Scott, Seiya ModuleQC DAQtests Module 2-076 showed slow connection and was repaired by Taka and Seiya. It was due to incomplete SiTCP parameters written in the EEPROM. Doing DAQ tests with Daisuke from remote.

Long-term run of MiniCam 9 for two hours.

2017-6-2 Alicia, Daniela, Daniel, Pepa, Seiya ModuleQC MCValidation MCValidation:

1.) Trigger efficiency tests with different configurations of pixels.

2.) NSB measurements with 19 modules.

Long-term run of MiniCam 9 for one hour.

Charge vs DC current(PACTA factor not corrected)
Charge vs 4e4 equivalent DC current(PACTA factor corrected)
Normalised Charge vs NSB rate(PACTA factor corrected, computed from 4e4 equivalent DC current) :TGraph
Normalised Charge vs NSB rate(PACTA factor corrected, computed from 4e4 equivalent DC current):2D histogram
plots all separated
2017-6-1 Alicia, Daniela, Daniel, Pepa, Seiya DragonQC ModuleQC MCValidation Operation of MiniCam 9 started. We started with the DragonQC and in parallel we modified the new cooler to be a nice spot cooler. During DragonQC we found one module with very slow response (2-046). We exchanged the Dragon board at the module through board 1-098. The slow one (2-046) will be send back to Italy.
2017-5-31 Alicia, Seiya, Daniela, Daniel, Pepa Module QC Long term monitoring MiniCam 8 in the morning. We encountered several problems:

1.) Spot cooler failed several times and started heating instead of cooling. Switching on and off recovered it.

2.) We lost connection to the filter wheel server and realized it quite late. Because of this we lost some long term monitoring data.

3.) In the monitoring we lost shortly the communication to the clusters 2-029 and 2-022.

At the end of the day we mounted MiniCam 9. Then we went shopping for a new cooler.

2017-5-29 Alicia, Seiya, Daniela Module QC Long term monitoring of MiniCam 8.
2017-5-26 Andrea, Seiya, Daniela, Daniel Module QC MCValidation Operation of MiniCam 8 started. Since yesterday we are using again the script MonitorClusCo.sh to monitor the temperature of the modules. Like this we realized that the spot cooler started to heat the MiniCam at some point. Restarting spot cooler few times helped.

For MCValidation we performed successfully L1 Trigger Efficiency tests with three modules. Data to be analyzed and distributed.

2017-5-25 Alicia, Andrea, Seiya, Daniela, Daniel Module QC Long term monitoring of"bad camera" = MiniCam 13. All "bad" boards could be recovered through soldering by Andrea or through changing of suspicious mezzanines.

2 boards failed DragonQC: and Taka and Seiya will investigate the problem.

We successfully dissolved LOCTITE by hand and exchanged 3 broken dragon boards that Andrea will take to Italy for fixing. We exchanged boards

2-054: showed slow connection --> NEW 1-92

2-129: swapped mezzanin connector --> NEW 1-126

2-039: cap broken --> NEW 1-127

Set up of MiniCam 8 started.

2017-5-24 Alicia, Andrea, Seiya, Daniela, Daniel Module QC Mounting of "bad camera" = MiniCam 13. Here we put modules which were soldered by Andrea or had suspicious mezzanines. Testing IPR scan on the desk we found negative pulses for several mezzanines. Under investigation now.
2017-5-23 Alicia, Andrea, Seiya, Daniela Module QC MiniCam 11 checked for soldering and red caps glued. Seems that yesterday's power cut affected the filter wheel settings. During the morning we performed the long term monitoring. After checking the plots we realized that the filter wheels didn't move. It took us 2 1/2 hours with great help of Andrea and Taka and Yusuke on skype to recover the filter wheels.
2017-5-22 Alicia, Andrea, Daniela, Seiya Module QC; Fixing missing soldering; flushing firmware Taka left and Seiya joined today. Seiya flushed missing firmware to a whole MiniCamera (version c13). Andrea fixed boards with bad soldering. One module (1-67) found with loose main capacitor --> Andrea fixed it. This board doesn't show signal using EthDisp1024 in the calibration channel. Problem? Long term monitoring of MiniCamera 7. Soldering checked and red caps glued to boards in MiniCam 10. There was a power cut in the lab. Our power line was not affected, but the power line of RaspberryPi for the filter wheels. We realized it at the end of the day. So 1 hour of long term monitoring is not useful, sorry.
2017-5-19 Alicia, Andrea, Taka, Daniela Module QC Andrea fixed soldering for one board for which the L0 rate scan failed during QC. After fixing, L0 rate scan worked. During the next days he will fix the missing soldering for the remaining boards. Start QC of MiniCamera 7.
2017-5-18 Alicia, Andrea, Taka, Daniela Module QC Checking soldering and gluing of security caps; Finishing QC of MiniCamera 6; Setting up of QC of MiniCamera 7.
2017-5-17 Alicia, Andrea, Taka, Daniela Module QC, MC validation Checking soldering and gluing of security caps; continuation of QC of MiniCamera 6. Measurement for MonteCarlo group: Gain measurement with NSB --> Gain shows stable behavior.
2017-5-16 Alicia, Andrea, Taka, Daniela Module QC Daniela arrived. Continuation of QC of MiniCamera 6. Start checking the soldering of the connectors of the Mezannine pins for all modules. Find corresponding list under documents. Our suspicion: Rate scan might fail because of missing soldering. Gluing of red security caps for the capacitors.

List of modules with good soldering but bad L1RateScan:

1st camera




2nd camera


6th camera





2017-5-15 Alicia, Andrea, Taka Module QC Daniele and Tsutomu left Tenerife. Instead, Alicia and Andrea joined, they both are fantastic. We did Dragon-QC of 4th and 5th batch because Taka forgot to do that. Andrea investigated the reason for Rate scan failure of Module 205 and 237. Communication between 237 and mezzanine worked, while 205 could not make SPI communication. We will investigate further tomorrow.
2017-5-12 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC and EVB We performed long term monitor for 5th Mini Camera again. We assisted EVB test. We finished to upload the module information of 1st - 5th batch to MySQL database. The QC of 5th batch was done. We installed new 19 modules in Mini camera holder.
2017-5-11 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC and EVB We performed long term monitor for 5th Mini Camera. We assisted EVB test. 37 modules were attached a capacitor protection. Tsutomu destroyed one dragon board. Module ID is 439.

We forgot to start filter server after rebooting Osaka. This is why long term pedestal data was taken with laser on.

2017-5-10 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC We performed rate scan for 5th mini camera. The results of IP205 and ID237 are not usual. Since the mezzanine boards, which these two board have, worked well in previous batch, This can be thought dragon's issue.
2017-5-9 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC Module QC of 5th Camera
2017-5-9 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele MC validation, Module QC We always monitor the trigger signal going from TIB to Central BP using Osciloscope. Today, during rate scan, big noise appeared in the scope, with 2 V amplitude with ~5 MHz (not very fixed). We were very worried about it but it suddenly disappeared. Shit at, 13:43, it happend again for 10 seconds and gone.
2017-5-8 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele MC validation, Module QC When we powered the modules for the first time, the communication with Dragon was not established. When powered on again, it was established. Could be a problem, could be not. We will keep an eye on it.
2017-5-8 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele MC validation, Module QC Trigger efficiency test with several pixel pattern for MC validation. We finished the QC for 4th mini camera and installed 5th 19 modules in mini camera holder.
2017-5-5 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC Second long term monitor test for 4th mini camera
2017-5-4 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC and MC validation We performed rate scan and long term monitor test. Daniele analysed jitter of PMT for MC validation.
2017-5-3 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC and MC validation We took 2 hours of pedestal run with the 3rd batch and switched to 4th batch. Rate scan and long term monitor will be performed to morrow. The rest is finished.
2017-5-2 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC and MC validation Taka improve a software which is used to analyse long term monitor of mini camera QC. Tsutomu measured and analysed the data to estimate afterpulsing spectrum for MC validation. The data was taken with nominal voltage and L1 local trigger (no TIB). Daniele worked NSB scan for gain stability. This is also a part of work of MC validation.
2017-4-28 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele Module QC We performed long term monitor test for 3rd mini camera. Since we forgot to turn on cooling machine, the temperature increased. The maximum SCB temperature was ~ 45 degree. We attached attached a capacitor protection on the PMT modules using a glue. Tsutomu fixed the linearity program. Take implemented the function, which show the time fluctuation of temperature, for long term monitor test. Daniele analysed NSB data for MC validation.
2017-4-27 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele MC validation Rate scan test show the module ID 331 does not work well. We installed ID248 in 3rd mini camera, instead of ID 311. We measured (a kind of ) T.T.S with L1 mono trigger for MC validation. To adjust pulse position, setting external delay is needed. We found the best delay value is 3535 ns for ROI40 measurement.
2017-4-26 Taka, Tsutomu and Daniele EVB We assisted EVB test.
2017-4-25 Taka, Tsutomu, Daniel Mazin and Daniele EVB and ClusCo development We assisted French team and Daniela's work. They wanted to test EVB and ClusCo respectively. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0PR0tNrCVoWM2VvU1kzMEduYW8/view?usp=sharing
2017-4-24 Taka, Tsutomu, Daniel Mazin and Daniele Event building We assisted French team to perform EVB, We set up new PC named "OKINAWA" and changed a configuration of network. You can see a sketch of new configuration in right column. Daniel Mazin fixed the issue of newest clusco. The problem was that just we uesd wrong uic file. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0PR0tNrCVoWb3ozSm90ZVhaZms/view?usp=sharing
2017-4-21 Taka and Tsutomu MC validation We measured PMT gain with NSB using LED light (red). To enhance NSB level we attached white paper on wall inside dark box. NSB level was 0.5 - 20.0 (150MHz - 600 MHz, 1 us - 40 us).
2017-4-20 Taka and Tsutomu Module QC, MC validation We confirmed that the script, which is used to measure the long term monitor, works well. We also did the rate scan and a measurement which calculates the trigger efficiency for MC variation. Regarding the rate scan, we measured the noise level with the following four patterns, HV = 0 or 1000 V and turing on 19 models or only one module. To calculate the trigger efficiency, we fixed L1 trigger threshold and changed the laser intensity using the programs which were used for dragon QC.
2017-4-19 Taka and Tsutomu Module QC We found bugs in CheckLinearityIntegrity.C ("attenuation factor file was specified with relative path w.r.t. "AnaToolsTN") and PlotL1Scan.C (hard-coded string "2016" which spoil names of TGraphs. We finished QC of 3rd mini camera. A result of rate scan shows that a mezzanine board connected dragon board does not work. The several PMT modules have the strange summary plots of linearity measurement. Since the measured data seem to be fine, probability this is program issue.
2017-4-18 Taka and Tsutomu Module QC Regarding port 7654 issue, when We carried out the script with "ClusCoOfficialDec20", the connection was stable. In addition we found the several bugs, which prevent the QC sequence in some cases, in the script and program (TakeHVGain.sh and CheckSinglepheIntegrity,C ) and fixed them.
2017-4-17 Taka and Tsutomu Module QC, Orientation(Tsutomu) Today was first working day to us in this period. We learned a setup of mini camera QC. First we checked whether an external clock works or not. We found that we have to re-configure BP and Dragon (not only dragon board) after truing on TIB. After this, we tried to perform the all procedure of mini camera QC using "StartQC_IC_ET.sh". But we could not finish this. The script never finished to execute ClusCo in the term of fundamental pedestal. A ClusCo log said port 7654 was not established. At the end of today, we could see LD light from PMT when we used L1 trigger and internal clock.
2017-3-25 Shunsuke Module QC The Long term pedestal data of the 3rd bench was taken. To investigate the reason of failuare for datataking of the rate scan, I connected the mezzanine of failure modules again, then I tried the rate scan again for a bit. In the result, the new data of was looked well, but it seems that did not be changed. Probably, We must be careful more when we connect the mezzanine. and unfortunately I deleted the data of the rate scan of the 3rd bench by mistake. we have to take data again.
2017-3-24 Yusuke and Shunsuke Cleaning The clean room was rearranged completely cleanly. Please see picture!!!!! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUQ0NLRXhXRGM3Nms https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUM0F6RngtSkVYczQ https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaW9odEItbm1KUmM
2017-3-23 Shunsuke Module QC The long term pedestal data of 3rd bentch was taken about 2 hours, and EVB test were going well.
2017-3-22 Yusuke and Shunsuke Cleaning We cleaned the lab.
2017-3-22 Yusuke Assembly All modules were assembled , and so March twenty thirds became the module anniversary. Assembled 235 modules in IAC, and 35 modules in CIEMAT. A total of 270 modules.
2017-3-22 Shunsuke Cleaning It is gonig well so far.
2017-3-22 Shunsuke Module QC The data of 3rd bencth were taken except long term pedestal . It seems that two modules has little problems. one is module already passed but mezzanine is different before. I have to investigate why the data taking did not work correctly.
2017-3-22 Yusuke Assembly Assembled 11 Modules (in total 205 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 240 modules are assembled). Last 30 modules are left.
2017-3-21 Yusuke Assembly Assembled 21 Modules (in total 194 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 229 modules are assembled). Last 36 modules are left.
2017-3-20 Shunsuke Module QC New 19 modules were installed in QC setup. Firmware update of dragon worked well. and QC of dragons also was done. but it seemed that one module (IP10.1.5.4) took long time to create TCP communication. So I skippeed QC of that one. Module QC also took long time due to that one module. we should better change that to other. We noticed that connection bewtween Raspberry pi and cameraserver had lost. We had to configure filter wheel again.
2017-3-20 Yusuke Assembly Assembled 19 Modules (in total 173 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 208 modules are assembled). Last 57 modules are left.
2017-3-17 Yusuke Assembly Assembled 22 Modules (in total 154 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 189 modules are assembled). and, I checked the numbers of pmt which I should asseble by next weekend.
2017-3-17 Shunsuke Module QC Long term pedestal mesurement for 2nd bench was finished. That's sounds good. However, the Linearity and Ratescan data of some modules are looked strange. It seems that these modules should be measured again. I also analysed the data of dragon QC.
2017-3-16 Shunsuke and Yusuke Cleaning We started cleaning a lab.
2017-3-16 Shunsuke Module QC I tried dragon QC for one module which I had not taken data correctly yesterday. it was done well. And I operated long term measurement (taking pedestal data every 10 min with/without laser) for 15 times. It was about 2 hours and a half.
2017-3-16 Gustavo and Shunsuke Back Plane We configured BP for measuring BP delay test. We succeeded to configure, but there were some modules did not give L1 trigger. we tried to run delay measurement. it did not work well compared to Japanese set up. so We have to understand what is the reason.
2017-3-16 Yusuke Assembly Assembled 20 Modules (in total 132 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 167 modules are assembled)
2017-3-15 Gustavo and Shunsuke Module QC First of all, I tried long term pedestal data. But I noticed that the connection to some dragons were lost. (LANSwitch's indicater was not shining.) It seems that the cause of firmware update was a failure. Thanks to gustavo, We were able to update the firmware through jtag cable. Then suddenly it become impossible to connect to dragons. (LANSwitch's indicater was shining.) After examining it, it seems that the correspondence between the interface (name) and the IP address was changed. By modifying this configuration, the problem was solved, but it took many times . I took about an hour and a half to take the long term pedestal deta. Tomorrow I will continue to take that data again.
2017-3-15 Yusuke Assembly Assembled 20 Modules (in total 112 modules + 35(CIEMAT) = 147 modules are assembled)
2017-3-14 Daisuke, Shunsuke Module QC I mounted new 19 modules, and tried update dragon's firmware with new program. The program worked well for one module on desk, but for 19 modules we can't excute at the same time. Because We can excute program for 9 modules at the same time, next time I tried firmware update each 9 modules. I did also MiniCamQC for 2nd 19 modules, it was done without big poroblems. Tomorrow I'm going to take long term pedestal data.
2017-3-14 Yusuke Assembly I finished preparing of all PMT which use in LST1 for module asseble and assebled two modules ( in total 92 modules in IAC ). From tomorrow, I'm going to asseble PMT module at least 15 per day. I don't need thinking anything when I assebling modules;)
2017-3-11 Daisuke Shunsuke Dragon Firmware programming After we exchanged all 19 modules to new ones, We run a program to flush the new firmware into all 19 modules at the same time. This was not successful,,, Non of dragon is responding now.. We tested the program with another dragon board on a table but it did not work as well... We dismounted all 19 dragon boards. Tomorrow we will mount new 19 modules. We will use the previous version python script to program firmware into Dragon.
2017-3-11 Daisuke Shunsuke and Yusuke Trigger mezzanine When we were exchanging the 19 modules, we realized that some pins on some mezzanine were popped out (see attached photo). Could it be that mezzanines do not like so much mating cycles??? We should clarify this with experts. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUNnY5cHRwZjNMVFNmMGpCdmx1dHpfdXNWWV9Z https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUWGJQZS1VMk5aUjRwc2tRSWd1eVRwZWNlMEcw
2017-3-11 Daisuke Shunsuke Taka DragonQC DragonQC of 19 module done. We can run DragonQC script only when ClusCo is not running. We will do it at the end of the ModuleQC.
2017-3-10 Yusuke Assembly Yusuke's fingers are aching. He screwed too much every day.
2017-3-10 Yusuke Assembly Assembled 12 Modules (in total 62 modules +19(being checked) + 35(CIEMAT) = 116 modules are assembled)
2017-3-10 Yusuke and Seiya Assembly Polishing of Al tube done!
2017-3-10 Daisuke, Seiya, Shunsuke and Yusuke QC As we wrote yesterday, the long term data taken yesterday was not useful. today we took data of laser and dark 20 times with an interval of 10 minutes. Baseline is to do long term measurement for two days but for this set of 19 module, we consider that they are checked enough. So on Monday we will be going to the second round. Here three randomly selected summary files :
Module Passport ID56
Module Passport ID36
Module Passport ID13
2017-3-10 Daisuke, Seiya and Shunsuke Test Pulse Injection We realized today that the function "dragon_tp_freq" in ClusCo did not send command to modules, hence TP frequency was not changing from the default value. In addition we realized that frequency of TP should be set in the unit of 10MHz when running with the external trigger. we modified the dragon_lib.h correspondingly.
2017-3-9 Daisuke, Seiya and Shunsuke Longterm Pedestal We modified scripts for longterm pedestal run, and tried taking data. but we forgot to run 'init4ec'. So a delay which we need to take data around pulse was changed. After we used 'init4ec', we can take data correctly. We have to take long term pedestal data again.
2017-3-9 Yusuke, Seiya and Shunsuke Assembly Yusuke assembled 12 Modules (in total 50 modules), Yusuke, Seiya and Shunsuke polished 153 Al-tubes whose quality of edge were bad. We want to polish 180 more tubes.
2017-3-8 Yusuke and Seiya Assembly Yusuke assembled 10 Modules (in total 38 modules), Yusuke and Seiya polished 100 Al-tubes whose quality of edge were bad. We want to polish 300 more tubes.
2017-3-8 Daisuke Remote access to CamServ VPN account prepared. Daisuke checked with his laptop and he was able to login to CamServ from outside
2017-3-8 Daisuke, Shunsuke Fundamental Pedestal Takayuki's Pedestal method integrated. Takayuki's was better as expected. Comparison of RMS of all 133 pixels between Takayukis method and previous method :
2017-3-7 Yusuke Assembly Yusuke assembled 28 Modules
2017-3-6 Yusuke Assembly Yusuke assembled 45 PMTs to SCBs within less than two hours.
2017-3-6 Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Documentation, Knowledge transfer Shunsuke started to document things. Schematic diagram of the system.
2017-3-6 Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke QC All necessary data are taken (except for those with NSB). We will re-analyse data with Takayuki's program tomorrow.
2017-3-6 Takayuki Software Software for 1) Fundamental Pedestal Table and 2) Dragon QC are ready.
2017-3-6 Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device setup 6000 screws arrived!!!!
2017-3-3 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke QC We went through almost all steps of QC.
* Fundamental Pedestal
* HV vs Gain
* Single Phe
* Nominal Voltage computation (and comparison to the MySQL data)
* Linearity @ nominal voltage.
* Rate Scan.
Today, we focused on the finalisation of QC scripts, hence we did not wait for 1 hour before we start running the QC scripts.
Single Phe Distribution :
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUbk9Lb0tJaWhnUUk PulseTimeJitter :
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdkstVl9iRXdUV1E PulseShape :
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUOHh2cmFucF8zZ3M NominalVoltage Correlation :
2017-3-3 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device setup Optimum Filter combination for the rate scan selected" filter combination : 10 L0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUNld3MmZkdVd0V28 L1 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUbW5LZFN1NWx0UmM
2017-2-28 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke QC We worked only during the morning today. Attached are the single phe distribution, HV vs Gain data. Analysis software need some minor optimisation. The point is that, 1) Automatic software worked properly and 2) Optimum filter combination for Single Phe measurement and HV vs Gain measurement selected. Single Phe :https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUU0pkRmhOSHBiZVU Charge distributions at different voltage: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUYTB2LWZxalFoUGs HV vs Gain : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUVDZHTnJFTHlnS2M
2017-2-27 Daisuke Fundamental Pedestal Pedestal files of today are being SCPed to icrhome02:/disk/gamma/cta/store/MiniCameraIAC/PedestalData/PedTable_20170227_182555_IC_ET_RD40
2017-2-27 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device setup We have performed linearity scan. Preliminary results are attached. We are plotting the mean of the charge distributions. When the laser intensity is less than few phe level, pedestal in the charge distribution dominates the mean, therefore, points where the attenuation factor(x-axis) less than 10^-2 is not trustable. Probably we will not need to scan full range for the Linearity measurement. Those attenuation factors less than 10^-2 will be used mainly for SinglePhe measurement. Linearity plot Preliminary : Zoom up:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUS3RDYVFQeGtOSEE Full Range:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaGlHNlJFWkxuTEE HG:Green, LG:Red
X-axis : Transmittance factor
Y-axis : Charge(5ns integral , in ADC counts x 1 ns)
2017-2-27 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device setup Serial Port Id of FilterWheel 1 and 2 were swapped. We corrected it from the software side
2017-2-27 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device setup Trigger delay adjusted : 3.845 us
2017-2-27 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device setup We managed to take data with an external trigger. Since the software trigger cannot be delayed in TIB, the signal needed to be delayed by ourself. It was good that the pulse generator has delay functionality, however the pulse amplitude of the second signal line (non-delayed one), which goes to the pulse-generator was too low to trigger the laser. Yusuke Inome has produced a signal amplifier module and it worked!!!
2017-2-27 Seiya and Yusuke Assembly Dragon frame assembly : All finished !!!
2017-2-24 Seiya and Yusuke Assembly Dragon frame assembly : Only 4 boards left
2017-2-24 Andrea, Shunsuke and Daisuke Assembly We assembled ALL SCB-SCBplate as much as the number of SCB plates. There are 24 SCBs not-assembles and 7 SCB plate prototype. If we can borrow a hand-drill, then those 7 SCB prototype plates could be used. But still we need 17 SCB plates more.
2017-2-24 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Fundamental Pedestal We took two timesfundamental pedestal data with Dragon InternalClock External Random trigger. Mean of Pedestal RMS ~ 6 (HG) and ~4 (LG) ADC counts. Consistent with the previous studies in Japan!!! Stopcell Distribution https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdzZaTk9RdkZfUEk Stopcell vs ADC https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaVltQ0pDRzEyd1k Pedestal RMS : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUNUYtRTBfU2pQMXM
2017-2-23 Andrea, Seiya and Yusuke Assembly We assembled 54 SCB-SCB plate and 30 Dragon board-Al frame today.
2017-2-23 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Temperature Temperature went up by ~ 1 deg when we started to take data at 15:25 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUT0dSVndNaG5MdGs
2017-2-23 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Fundamental Pedestal We took Fundamental pedestal data as they were taken in ICRR, internal trigger and internal clock. Attached are for module 18. Stopcell vs ADC count looks a bit strange. All capacitors are not scanned equally. But overall RMS distributions look not so bad. we did not check for all of them. Stopcell vs ADC count https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUMlZ1eEQxRVZHUHM

Pedestal RMS :https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUMktodUJfV3ZMTDA

2017-2-23 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Fundamental Pedestal We tried to take data with RandomTrigger from TIB while Dragon running with internal clocks so that they will not be synchronized but it was not successful ... (the reason is unclear yet)
2017-2-23 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Fundamental Pedestal Random trigger from TIB is not random, it looks like is synchronous to Domino wave... Spikes in the stopcell every 100 ns = 10 MHz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUVlUyYTdmSEVKcVE
2017-2-23 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device Setup TCP/IP socket communication between Camera Server and Raspberry pi Filter Wheel controller is ready.
2017-2-22 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Trigger Dead time ~ 1500 counts => 1500 /133 MHz ~ 11 us. Probably consistent. Expected ~ 10 us. But what is the jump between 1500 counts and 2300 counts??

Zoom up of Dt distribution : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUYlRjenp3V3ZOQzQ

2017-2-22 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Trigger Delta-t distribution : the slope=5.9e-6 counts --> 5.9e-6 x 133MHz = 790 Hz. (attached)
DAQ reports ~ 781 Hz.(attached)
We set TIB trigger rate= 1kHz, and TIB record 1kHz.
Dt : distribution https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUSG4ya0lRVlEtaWM

DAQ : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUTTA0MUtSNFlldzg

2017-2-22 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Fundamental Pedestal One of the fundamental pedestal data are being scp-ed to icrhome02:/disk/gamma/cta/store/MiniCameraIAC/PedestalData/PedTable_20170222_164041_RD40/ , hoping that Takayuki can have a look at them
2017-2-22 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Fundamental Pedestal We have taken two times fundamental pedestal data, Random trigger at 1kHz, 1e6 events, all automatically including TIB configuration. Data are stored under /mnt/cs1/store/MiniCameraIAC/PedestalData/. The disk mounted under /mnt/cs1/ is configured as RAID6 and hence much faster than the system disk.
2017-2-22 Shunsuke Assembly SCB-SCB-plate (~20 today, in total ~60 finished)
2017-2-22 Seiya and Yusuke Assembly Dragon frame assembly (~20 today), 51 boards left.
2017-2-22 Andrea and Daisuke Assembly Polishing of Al-tube in ElectronicLab. We need to ask Juan to open the door. We should not polish in the clean room. We finished ~150 tubes in about two hours.
2017-2-22 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device Setup Temperature stability studied. After 30 min, temperature goes to plateau https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUNDJ3WWhIUnF5enM
2017-2-22 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device Problem (solved) The spot-cooler stopped working suddenly, and temperature of SCB went as high as 45 degrees. After some inspection, it turned out that it was due to ice formation in the cooler. We waited for an hour and worked fine again. It is very important that we always run
and pay attention to the monitored parameters!!!
2017-2-21 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device Setup We apply nominal HV for all PMTs. HV table created from MySQL database. (GetHVfromMySql.cpp)
2017-2-21 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Software bug fix There was a bug in the MonitorReport.C. Time Axis of histograms corrected.
2017-2-21 Yusuke Assembly SCB push-pin insertion finished
2017-2-21 Seiya Assembly Dragon frame assembly , Seiya can do 15 per day.
2017-2-20 Andrea, Daisuke, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Software We managed to take data of 19 modules with the external clock, TIB configured by the Andrea's python script!!!!
2017-2-20 Andrea, Shunsuke, Seiya and Yusuke Device Setup We have found that the UCTS board picks up noise, and goes to INIT state, when it touches the metal part on the edge of the table. UCTS board insulated and the problem was gone.
2017-2-20 Andrea Software Andrea wrote python scripts based on "python-opcua" package. We can init and stop the TIB via command line.
2017-2-20 Yusuke Device Setup Four LEDs for fake NSB are mounted. Need to be checked.
2017-2-20 Shunsuke Device Setup Filters have been inserted to the filter wheel. Need to be checked.
2017-2-20 Andrea, Daisuke, Seiya, Shunsuke, Yusuke Device Setup SFP+ DA cable is connected between the NIC X520 on the camera server and the Ethernet Switch(Dell x1052). During the work we realized that the other NIC on the camera server(X710) does not like the DA cable due to the vendor lock.
2017-2-14 Andrea, Daniel, Seiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke, Device Setup Camera Server and network switch were set up. Display, keyboard and mouse were borrowed from IAC. We found that there is no SFP+ cable. We may need to buy one. <-- Daisuke brought two cables. No need to buy.
2017-2-14 Andrea, Seiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke, Unbox 2nd container & module assemble Second container arrived IAC in the morning, We unboxed 9 boxes. (One has Ethernet switch and Camera server, others are module holders) After unboxing, we restarted module assemble again. We found 2 SCB connectors within 15 SCBs were broken. We will check tomorrow ALL SCB connectors if they are fine. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUODdKYXZlM1NfUlk
2017-2-13 Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Device Setup Daniel was right. After fixing the BP configuration, trigger distribution worked properly, both sending and receiving. During measurements, we damaged the connector of TIB. We tried to connected the power cable to TIB when power is already coming at the cable. We will not make the same mistake again. We also implemented NSB simulator , i.e., red LED in the dark box. We measured the gain change up to 20 NSB level. But we found that change is less than 0.4%.
2017-2-10 Luis Angel, Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Device Setup We put 7 modules and tried to distribute triggers. We created L1 trigger with test pulse (or lazar) from non-central module and checked if TIB receive this trigger via central BP. Unsuccessful. We sent Software trigger from TIB and checked if non-central modules can take data. Unsuccessful. 10 MHz and 1 PPS are distributed to all modules and we could data using local trigger (with external ref clock). So the problem is only trigger distribution. We wrote email to Gustavo and Daniel in the evening and Daniel suggested that BP is wrongly configured because now the camera is up-side down with respect to ICRR camera.
2017-2-09 Luis Angel, Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Device Setup With new BP configuration, we manage to see the 10 MHz and PPS clock with Osciloscope. However, we could not take data with external ref. clock. We wrote many emails to many people, and finally we found that we need to reset dragon after 10 MHz clock from is stabilized. Now we can take data with TIB 10 MHz clock. L1 Trigger from Dragon can be sent to TIB as well. Dragon can also take data from software trigger and random trigger from TIB. It is now also possible to send a L1 signal to TIB, and TIB delays it and send back to Dragon and take data. The best delay (signal comes at slice 20) is 3700. We found many problems such as noise from spot cooler changes the state of TIB, BP register 10 sometimes fails to be configured. Also, TIB send trigger even if Dragon is in busy state. All trouble shooting is summerized below
2017-2-08 Luis Angel, Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Device Setup OPCUA client from Shunsuke computer is working fine. We tried to take data with external ref. clock (for DRS) from TIB. But it didn't work. Clock is disabled at BP. L1 trigger from Dragon does not reach TIB either. We tried to contact Gustavo, but didn't manage. In the evening, Gustavo told us with email that with new firmware, register definition has changed.
2017-2-07 Luis Angel, Syeiya, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Device Setup TIB is now installed. All clock signals are injected. Power is also OK. OPCUA connection via Luis's laptop is also fine.
2017-2-07 Shu, Seiya, Luis Angel Change members. Shu left, and Seiya and Luis Angel came. After Shu left, many problem started to pop up. We are sure that Shu is doing something remotely
2017-2-07 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke, Seiya Device Setup We tried to increase the laser intensity so that we can check the linearity up to 2000 p.e.. So far, we can go only up to 1200 p.e. or so. Yusuke change the bias current and electrical pulsed amplitude. However, we could not raise it much. We need to find a solution.
2017-2-06 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Device Setup We manage to solve the filter wheel (FW) problem. After fighting with many hours with Raspberry Pi, we reached a solution. After connecting between Raspberry PI USB port and FW serial port, we monitor /dev/ttyUSB0 with "minicom" problem. And then send command to FW via ttyUSB0. First time it always fails, but second time on, it works. Then, we monitor /dev/ttyUSB1, and send command to FW via USB1. First time fails and 2nd time on works. Then, we stop monitoring ports. After that, both ports work perfectly until power of FW is off. It seems "minicom" monitoring settle the initialization problem.
2017-2-03 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Visitor Masahiro, Daniel, Juan, Thomas and Ramon visited the clean room. We explained the setup and discussed a bit for the future plan etc.
2017-2-03 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Device Setup We realized that we forgot to bring a computer for filter wheel. We could control the wheel with our laptop, but cannot use our laptop for ever. We need to find a solution.
2017-2-02 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Holiday Official Holiday in Canary Island.
2017-2-01 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Analog sum propagation study We tried to understand the correspondence between geometry of neighboring modules and L1 ASIC inputs. It was complicated but we manage to understand it by applying HV to one module and check triggers in the neighboring modules with no HV. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUaFRLbnJTZG5QUHM https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUeHBjQ3JOVzFlSW8
2017-2-01 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We put loctite to 60 PACTAs.
2017-1-31 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Cabling We fixed the air pipe to release the hot air. We borrowed 2 more clock generators for 10 MHz and 1 PPS for TIB. They worked fine. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdmFvS202MzgtSWM
2017-1-31 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We put loctite to 190 PACTAs. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUeFRyN1AwYkUteTA
2017-1-30 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We put loctite to 130 PACTAs.
2017-1-30 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Light Uniformity Check We checked the uniformity of the light pulse using 7 modules using self trigger using the mezzanine.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUQ2o3d0w4RGxPUjg https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUOUQ0aFZ4bU1KNUE
2017-1-30 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Cabling All BPs are mounted on the holder, as well as related cables (power, LAN, flat cables).
2017-1-27 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We put LOCTITE to 170 PACTA. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfURUpCR1hPMS03Rm8
2017-1-26 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Cabling We rotated the black box such that air pipe can reach the hall on the wall. We recieved BPs and mezzanines today. We started cabling of measurement setup. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUREJBUHFXUlJpem8
2017-1-26 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We put LOCTITE to 90 PACTA. We made 8 dummy LGs from complete LGs. We put epoxy adhesive and fixed the dummy LGs to alminum frame. 4 of them are produced. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUbWQ0QUpvSjJRTzA
2017-1-25 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We put LOCTITE to 90 PACTA. We made 12 dummy LGs from complete LGs.
2017-1-24 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We put LOCTITE to 100 of PACTA screws. We sorted all 2000 PMTs here according to QE. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUdFVlNXd1N3Bvb3c
2017-1-24 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Cabling Taka negotiated with Juan Calvo to release the hot air in the lab. Juan refused. The hole in the wall of the lab for air release will be made next week. We borrowed a pulse generator from IAC for trigger for the laser. But we discovered that there is no lemo connector at IAC. We asked Javier for help, and he agreed to bring some from LaPalma at the end of this week. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUcHExbVlGM19zOTg
2017-1-23 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Cabling We connected the 380 V from the wall to PSU and got 24 V for the first time. It is working fine. QC measurements on 1 Italian Dragon was performed, finding no problem. Air pipe from the spot cooler is still an issue.
2017-1-23 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We sorted 500 PMTs according to QE. We put LOCTITE to screws between PACTA and PMTs for 100 PMTs.
2017-1-20 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We have built 19 PMT heads and 13 Dragon bodies so far. We cannot build more because "spacers" and SCBs are missing.
2017-1-19 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly We built 9 PMT heads (PMT + tubes + SCB) and 5 Dragon bodies (Dragon + frame).
2017-1-18 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Module Assembly Yusuke instructed Shu, Shunsuke and Taka how to put the aluminum frame on Dragon. Now all of us can do that.
2017-1-18 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Cabling We managed to buy the 15m 380 V cable at Coelca suggested by Javier. The connector was mounted by Sergio.
2017-1-17 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Construct Dark Box We got sponge from a shop and finally the dark box is completed!. We checked the light leakage from inside by eyes and found no problem https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfURG1saTU4dXB2X2c
2017-1-16 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Cabling We need 380 V input for the power supply. It can be provided by the wall of the clean room but the outlet is 15 m away. Such cable was not in IAC. We went to the electric shop El Faro, but they had only connectors.
2017-1-16 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Construct Dark Box We bought black tapes in El Faro suggested by Juan Calvo and taping at all edges are done. However, we faced a slight shortage of sponge to fill the connection gaps between two half boxes.
2017-1-13 Yusuke Module Assembly We checked if the positions of holes etc of Italian Dragon are fine. We found no problem. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V4naKAxXfUSjRSQ3Z5LXM0WWs
2017-1-13 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Construct Dark Box 90% are done. We had to stop because we ran out of black tapes. We didn't find one in the city. Mirror adjustment is also not yet done.


2017-1-12 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Construct Dark Box 70% are done. We all are very happy. Photos
2017-1-11 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Construct Dark Box Not easy. Taka started to be frustrated :(. Photos
2017-1-11 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Opening the 4 wooden box We opened the wooden boxes with electric screw driver etc. Everything inside looked fine. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3iH8cBkhpd0dWZ1NDJzWXI5Y00
2017-1-10 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Orientation We had introduction of the institute and many important people in IAC from Ramon. We had a safety seminar as well.
2017-1-10 Shu, Shunsuke, Taka, Yusuke Reception We shortly met with Prof. Rafael Rebolo in his office. We also had a greatest lunch ever with Ramon, Monica and Thomas.

Borrowed Goods[edit]

Overview of borrowed items

Borrowed in January 2017

Borowed from Roque, MAGIC

  • Label printer <-- RETURNED BACK by Daisuke


- Dragon [1]

- trigger mezzanine input/ouput channels and geometry [2]

- TIB [3]

- BP [4]

Problems and trouble shooting[edit]

  • Spot cooler creates lots of dew condensation [5]
  • Configuration of register 10 of BP fails often. If 10 MHz clock is not seen, one should configure again manually this register. -> This was because of hexadecial - decimal confusion. Input card of ClusCo should be in decimal. (10 instead of A!).
  • If we inject a long pulse (>500 ns) to TIB for software trigger, TIB creates two trigger pulses. This is not expected because TIB enters busy mode at the rising edge of long pulse. Luis Angel is working on this issue. [6]
  • (Probably) compressor of spot cooler create a big noise (either on GND or via EM wave) which disturb the clock. If clock is missed, TIB enters the stand-by state, which is very annoying.
  • 7th PMT at the central module seems to be delayed so long that it creates 2nd L1 trigger from one light pulse. Maybe L0 delay should be adjusted.
  • When data taking of Dragon finishes, TIB becomes busy state. To reset it, we have to reset the TIB.
  • If you observe too slow or lost communication with Dragon, it could be due to incomplete SiTCP parameters. To solve the problem, see here Seeting SiTCP Paremeter By Hand. The reason why it happens is unclear.
  • If you need to disassemble a module, please see here [7]
  • Linearity plot shows strange points at Low gain channels for low intensities. This is caused by DRS4 fundamental pedestal. Some studies were made and results are summarized here [8] . But we don't fully understand the cause. More studies are needed.

To do lists[edit]

  • Check PACTA ID of 26 PMTs.
  • Change IP of the some Japanese dragons.

Important IP[edit]

Name IP Subnet MAC Comments
Camera Server (em3) f8:bc:12:11:bd:80 not used
Camera Server (p5p2) 90:e2:ba:86:25:65 SFP+
Camera Server (em4) f8:bc:12:11:bd:81 Static IP (name=osaka.ll.iac.es, gateway=161.72.210,1, DNS1=, DNS2=
VPN connection possible. If you want to connect to CamServ from outside IAC, contact to Daisuke Nakajima.
TIB ( Raspberry Pi
Ethernet Switch Dell X1052
Filter Wheel Raspberry Pi (/etc/dhcpcd.conf), do not use /etc/network/interfaces
Dragon Boards 10.1.X.Y X * 50 + Y = DragonID

LST EB meeting[edit]