LST1Analysis MVA
Location of LST1 data at PIC
- Directory: /pnfs/
- Web: LST1 ZFITS files on the web
Same user/password as in CTA portal
- Raw data
- DL1 data
- DL2 data
Location of LST1 at La Palma
- Directory: /fefs/onsite/data
Use cp01/cp02 to copy out data, never the login machine
Run summary info/data-check
- Run-summary web in GAE
LST1 account
git clone cd ctapipe CTAPIPE_VER=0.10.5 wget$CTAPIPE_VER/environment.yml conda env create -n cta -f environment.yml conda activate cta conda install -c conda-forge ctapipe=$CTAPIPE_VER
Analysis of LST1 data
Donwload LST analysis software cta-lstchain (wrapper that uses centrally supported ctapipe routines)
git clone cd cta-lstchain LSTCHAIN_VER=0.7.2 wget$LSTCHAIN_VER/environment.yml conda env create -n lst -f environment.yml conda activate lst pip install lstchain==$LSTCHAIN_VER rm environment.yml In case of problems with conda env try mamba: conda install -c conda-forge -n base mamba mamba env create -f environment.yml
Files needed to analyze golden Run 442 (20190527):
- Pedestal run: pedestal_file_run446_0000.fits
- Low level DRS4 calibration: calibration.hdf5
Run directly jupyter notebook
cd cta-lstchain/notebooks jupyter notebook -> select Analyze_real_muon_data.ipynb
Convert example jupyter notebook to python
cd cta-lstchain/notebooks jupyter nbconvert --to python Analyze_real_muon_data.ipynb
Fix path of data, pedestal and calibration and run!
Lines to fix: source = event_source(input_url="../data/LST-1.4.Run00442.0001.fits.fz",max_events=None) pedestal_path="../pedestal/pedestal_file_run446_0000.fits", with HDF5TableReader('../calibration/calibration.hdf5') as h5_table: python
FIX UBUNTU conda create -n gammapyenv python=3.7 conda activate gammapyenv conda install gammapy=0.18.2 sherpa=4.12.0 conda install jupyter ipython jupyterlab pandas healpy iminuit naima emcee corner parfice gammapy info
curl -O conda env create -f gammapy-0.18.2-environment.yml conda activate gammapy-0.18.2 gammapy info
Installation MAC
conda config --append channels conda-forge conda config --append channels cta-observatory conda create -n ctathai python=3.8 conda activate ctathai conda install ctools conda install matplotlib conda install jupyterlab export CALDB=/path/where/you/installed/IRF/caldb export HESSDATA=/path/where/you/installed/HESS/data
Installation UBUNTU
conda create -n ctathai python=3.7 conda activate ctathai conda install -c cta-observatory ctools=1.7.4 conda install matplotlib conda install jupyterlab export CALDB=/path/where/you/installed/IRF/caldb export HESSDATA=/path/where/you/installed/HESS/data
ctobssim edisp=yes fv events.fits ctskymap ds9 skymap.fits ctbin fv cntcube.fits ctexpcube ctpsfcube ctbkgcube ctlike csresmap csresspec components=yes $CTOOLS/share/examples/python/ resspec.fits
conda config --append channels fermi conda create -n fermiset -c conda-forge -c fermi fermitools=2.0.8 python=3.7 clhep= conda activate fermiset conda install fermipy
Ubuntu 20.04 issues
- Mars/root does not work so gcc needs to be downgrade to version 5: gcc downgrade
- System Program Problem Detected at reboot:
sudo gedit /etc/default/apport enabled=0
- Problem installing ctools with conda, modify ~/.condarc
channel_priority: flexible