Cycle II

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This wiki-page contains all the relevant information for the observing Cycle 2 (2024-2025) including useful information for proposal drafting.

Editors of this page: A. Carosi (LST-1 PHYS Coordinator), P. Bordas (LST-1 Deputy PHYS Coordinator)

Proposal Preparation

Observation Cycle: II
Type of Proposals: LST-1 Mono
Start of Observation Cycle: end of March 2024 (officially March 27th, 2024)
Number of available hours: 500h (dark time)
Proposal template:
Deadline: 23:00 CET on February 16th, 2024

The scientific goal of the proposal should be achievable using only LST data. Please also remember, commissioning is very important during this period and all commissioning tasks take priority over scientific data taking.

All LST proposals must be led by LST members (ie the Principle Investigator and responsible person for the proposal) and are inherently LST projects. External scientists are allowed to be included on LST proposals and their participation should be justified in the proposal. They are allowed to analyze LST data beyond (and including) DL3. They will also be required to sign an NDA to ensure no results spread outside of LST and to satisfy the MAGIC+LST MOU which requires "that such information will be treated confidentially". Results that are suitably advanced can be shared to CTAC PWG or in publications/conference contributions, in accordance with the LST Data Access and Publication Policy. If a proposal does plan to have external scientists included, contact relevant PWG leads to sign the NDA.

Useful Material

To determine your chances of detections, use the sensitivity curves in the Performance paper:

For your convenience, the usable plots for sensitivity are as follows:

Diff. Sensitivity (C.U. units - as from performance paper)
Diff. Sensitivity (cgs units - convoluted with MAGIC Crab Spectrum)
Diff. Sensitivity for different integration times (cgs units - by S. Nozaki)

Sensitivity curves for different integration times have been evaluated by S. Nozaki and are also available in csv:

The visibility of the source from the LST-1 site can be evaluated with publicly available visibility tools at and/or

Proposal Evaluation

The LPPB includes, for this cycle, the following members:

Evaluation meeting will be held on 2024, TBD.