[hide]BL Lacertae 2022 flare project
Major flare from BL Lacertae between September and November 2022, one of the (if not the most) longest VHE flare observed from the source, and the brightest together with the 2021 flare.
We aim to characterize the VHE and MWL variability during the flare, both in flux and spectral variability, with focus on the intranight minute timescale variations in the VHE band, and to perform a sort of time dependent modelling of the emission to interpret the evolution of the flare in terms of physical mechanisms and paramters.
General information
- Name of the source: BL Lacertae
- Brief description of the source:
- - Object type : Blazar
- - RA: 22 02 43.3 (hh mm ss), Dec: +42 16 40 (dd mm ss)
- Analysis by:
- Jorge Otero Santos (IAA-CSIC,
- Daniel Morcuende (IAA-CSIC,
Data-taking information
- Dates of data-taking:
- Date: 16/09/2022-25/11/2022 (53 h before cuts)
- ZD range (deg): 15-60 deg
- AZ range (deg): 0-60 and 300-360 deg
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- Runs:
- Date: 16/09/2022-25/11/2022 (53 h before cuts)
1 : 2022-09-16 : 9228 to 9232 2 : 2022-09-21 : 9262 to 9268 3 : 2022-09-22 : 9347 to 9350 4: 2022-10-01: 9453 to 9461 5: 2022-10-03: 9544 to 9555 6: 2022-10-15: 9631 to 9635 7: 2022-10-16: 9648 8: 2022-10-17: 9678 to 9685 9: 2022-10-18: 9697 to 9706 10: 2022-10-19: 9729 to 9739 11: 2022-10-20: 9753 to 9761 12: 2022-10-21: 9808 to 9815 13: 2022-10-23: 9836 to 9848 14: 2022-10-24: 9864 to 9873 15: 2022-10-25: 9892 to 9900 16: 2022-10-26: 9921 to 9924 17: 2022-10-27: 9940 to 9944 18: 2022-10-28: 9969 to 9973 19: 2022-10-29: 9993 to 9995 20: 2022-10-31: 10022 to 10029 21: 2022-11-01: 10069 to 10076 22: 2022-11-02: 10193 to 10204 23: 2022-11-13: 10508 to 10512 24: 2022-11-14: 10521 to 10523 25: 2022-11-15: 10586 to 10588 26: 2022-11-16: 10616 to 10620 27: 2022-11-17: 10652 to 10655 28: 2022-11-18: 10827 to 10830 29: 2022-11-19: 10870 to 10872 30: 2022-11-25: 11033 to 11037
Data-quality selection
Used latest version of the data quality selection notebook.
Standard configuration + dR/dI cosmics rate @ 422 p.e. = 1.1
Cut of max_diffuse_nsb_std = 2.3 for moon data selection
- Selected dark runs: 104 of 193 runs (29 h)
1 : 2022-09-21 : 9262 to 9268 2: 2022-10-01: 9459 to 9461 3: 2022-10-03: 9544 4: 2022-10-16: 9648 5: 2022-10-17: 9678 to 9683 6: 2022-10-18: 9698 to 9705 7: 2022-10-19: 9730 to 9739 8: 2022-10-20: 9753 to 9761 9: 2022-10-21: 9809 to 9814 10: 2022-10-23: 9843, 9844, 9845, 9846, 9848 11: 2022-10-24: 9866 12: 2022-10-25: 9892 to 9900 13: 2022-10-26: 9921 to 9924 14: 2022-10-27: 9940 to 9944 15: 2022-10-29: 9993 to 9995 16: 2022-10-31: 10025, 10026, 10028, 10029 17: 2022-11-13: 10508 18: 2022-11-15: 10586 to 10587 19: 2022-11-16: 10616 to 10620 20: 2022-11-17: 10652 to 10655 21: 2022-11-18: 10827 to 10830 22: 2022-11-19: 10871 to 10872 23: 2022-11-25: 11033 to 11037
- Selected moon runs: 30 of 193 runs (8 h)
1: 2022-10-01: 9453 to 9457 2: 2022-10-03: 9544, 9545, 9546, 9548, 9549, 9550, 9551, 9552 3: 2022-10-15: 9631, 9633, 9634, 9635 4: 2022-10-17: 9684 5: 2022-10-31: 10022 to 10023 6: 2022-11-01: 10071, 10072, 10073, 10074, 10076 7: 2022-11-13: 10509 to 10512 8: 2022-11-14: 10523
Monte Carlo information
- Link to MC files used:
- Dark data: /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/AllSky/20230925_v0.10.4_src3_dec3476_4822_tuned/TestingDataset/dec_3476/
- Moon data: /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/AllSky/20240426_v0.10.9_src3_dec3476_4822_tunedNSB/TestingDataset/dec_3476/ (tuned NSBs and cleaning to match that needed for the real data)
DL1 data
Dark data :
Standard data from /fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/ with version v0.9 and cleaning tailcut84
Moon data :
Moon data reprocessed to produce the DL1b files with the optimal cleaning for moon analysis as calculated with lstchain_dvr_pixselector -f "/fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/2022XXXX/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.RunXXXXX'.*.h5" Reprocessed using DL1a files produced by LSTOSA (lstchain v0.10.XX) and dl1ab script (v0.7.5)
- original DL1a files
- Produced DL1b files
tailcut105: 09454, 09455, 09456, 09457, 09631, 09684 tailcut126: 09453, 09551, 09552, 10022, 10023, 10509, 10523 tailcut147: 09546, 09548, 09549, 09550, 09633, 09634, 09635, 10071, 10072, 10073, 10074, 10076, 10510, 10511 tailcut168: 09544, 09545, 10512
Low-level analysis
- Interpolated IRFs
- Custom MC and models (as explained above for dark/moon data)
- Standard 70% efficiency energy dependent cuts
- Max theta cut = 0.2
- Intensity dark = 50
- Intensity moon = TBD
High-level analysis
- lstchain v0.10.11 to generate source-indep interpolated IRF, energy dependent cuts DL3
- Science Tool: gammapy 1.1
- point-like IRF, 1D analysis
- Aeff>5%
- 3OFF
Energy threshold
Dark data :
Estimated from the dark MCs.
Moon data :
Estimated from the moon MCs.
Jorge's Analysis Results
We produce the stacked and daily theta2 plots and average SED.
With the average SED, a preliminary LC is also computed and a Bayesian Block analysis. We then calculate the SED of each BB to look for spectral variability.
For a more precise LC, we then use the SED of each block to calculate the LC block by block to build the long-term final LC. This is to avoid miscalculations in the integral flux caused by using the wrong spectral shape if there is strong spectral variability.
We take as reference the energy threshold estimated from the moon MCs for the minimum energy in which we integrate the flux for the LC. This energy threshold is specified above.
Configuration of the analysis:
- E_reco=[XX,XX] GeV
- E_true=[XX,XX] GeV
- n_bins=XX
- E_fit=[XX,XX] GeV
- Spectral shape: Log parabola+EBL (Saldaña-Lopez21, z=0.069)
- Analysis type: stack
- LC energy=[100,XX] GeV
The rest of the details of the high-level analysis are as specified above.
Theta2 plot
Significance map
Excess map
Spectral results
Daniel's Analysis Results
Relevant details