General information
- Name of the source: WR 140
- Brief description of the source:
- - Object type : Colliding Wind Binary
- - Distance (pc) : (Galactic source)
- - Other relevant information: Monitoring of the periastron approach (Nov 23, 2024)
- - RA: (hh mm ss), Dec: (dd mm ss)
- - RA, Dec in deg (ICRS):
- Proposal: dedicated proposal (GAL05)
People involved
Analyzers by alphabetical order: Arnau Aguasca-Cabot, Fernando Frías (LST analysis), Alessandro Carosi & Alicia López-Oramas (PI) (MAGIC Analysis)
None yet
Data-taking information
- Dates of data-taking (yyyymmdd): June to November 2024
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230520 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [1]
- ZD range (deg): [XX, XX]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.5-0.9
- Runs: 1
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: