Fast Offline Analysis gw-alerts241125 November 2024 P071

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General information

  • Name of the source: gw-alerts241125 or S241125n
  • Brief description of the source: Swift- BAT position(GCN Circular 38308) of a gravitational wave alert(GCN Circular 38305)
    • Object type : Binary Black hole merger
    • Redshift (z) : NA
    • Other relevant information
    • RA: 03h 52m 18.96s (hh mm ss), Dec: +69d 41’ 20.4″ (dd mm ss)
    • RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 58.079, +69.689
  • Analysis by:
    • Analyzer 1 Sweta Menon (INAF-Rome -

Data-taking information

  • Dates of data-taking: 2024-11-25
    • Date (time of observation h)" 3.4
      • ZD range (deg): 40-60
      • Observations:
20241125:   [19799 19801 19802 19804 19805 19806 19807 19808 19809 19810 19811]
  • Data quality selection: O hours of good data

S241125n FOA data quality dR dI spec.jpg

Number of runs (% is w.r.t. those in Sky region & zenith range):

   In the requested Sky region and range of dates:	 13
 + zenith in requested range:				 13
 + NSB in requested range:				 13 (100.0%)
 + FF and pedestal interleaved events are present:	 13 (100.0%)
 + Stable pointing:					 13 (100.0%)
 + dR/dI fit P-value ok:				 13 (100.0%)
 + dR/dI LS periodogram ok:				 12 (92.3%)
 + dR/dI index ok:					 11 (84.6%)
 + dR/dI rate ok:					 0 (0.0%)
 + intensity threshold ok:				 0 (0.0%)

General analysis information

  • source-independent analysis
  • lstchain version: (e.g. v0.10.10)
  • DL1b standard production (v0.10/tailcut84), run-wise merged files in:














Monte Carlo information

Write below the MC production ID among the existing MC

  • All-sky MC production used: 20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base
  • Declination line (training): dec_6676

Random forest

Path to the models used: (example below)


DL2 data

The config file to produce the DL2 files must be the one used to produce the RF models. Should be located together with model's files.

Files in:


DL3 data & IRF

Files in:


Configuration used for producing IRF/DL3 files (you can leave standard settings):

 "EventSelector": {
   "filters": {
     "intensity": [50, Infinity],
     "width": [0, Infinity],
     "length": [0, Infinity],
     "r": [0, 1],
     "wl": [0.01, 1],
     "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 1],
     "event_type": [32, 32]
 "DL3Cuts": {
   "min_event_p_en_bin": 100,
   "min_gh_cut": 0.1,
   "max_gh_cut": 0.95,
   "min_theta_cut": 0.0,
   "max_theta_cut": 0.2,
   "fill_theta_cut": 0.2,
   "allowed_tels": [1]
  • Standard cuts: Intensity > 50 p.e., 70 % efficiency for both gammaness and theta gamma-ray selection energy-dependent cuts.
  • Recommended to produce unzipped DL3 files since the Gammapy analysis Gammapy is faster.
  • You can set the max theta cut (and filling value to the same value) to e.g. 0.2 deg. In this way, you can use more off-regions in Gammapy.
  • Point-like IRF.

High-level analysis and results

Analysis settings

  • Gammapy version: 1.1
  • 1D analysis (point-like IRF)

Theta2 plot


  • Theta2 cut for signal extraction:0.04 deg2
  • Number of off positions: 4
  • Energy range:

Daily results

  • 2024-11-25

S241125n FOA heta square excess under 0.2TeV.jpg

Energy range: 0.0 - 0.2 TeV

Excess: -124.000; Off: 51525

Gamma rate: -0.579 events / minute

Off rate: 240.482 events / minute

alpha (backg normalization): 1.000

Li & Ma Significance: 0.00 standard deviations

S241125n FOA theta square excess over0.2TeV.jpg Energy range: 0.2 -

Excess: -19.333; Off: 148

Gamma rate: -0.090 events / minute

Off rate: 0.691 events / minute

alpha (backg normalization): 0.333

Li & Ma Significance: 0.00 standard deviations

Stacked observations

Significance and Excess sky maps

FOA skymapgw-alerts241125 0.3 TeV 10.0 TeV.jpg

Energy range: 0.4 - 10 TeV

Spectral results

Include the spectral parameters (see example below) and the SED plot (best-fit model + spectral flux points)

type name value unit error min max frozen is_norm link
spectral index 2.8491e+00 2.000e+00 nan nan False False
spectral amplitude 1.0076e-14 TeV-1 s-1 cm-2 1.428e-14 1.000e-14 1.000e-08 False True
spectral reference 6.3403e-01 TeV 0.000e+00 nan nan True False

FOA gw-alerts241125 Light curve spectrum no crab.jpg

Light curve