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Camera commissioning plan status

This page provides a summary of the status of the deliverables commissioning plan of the camera, with actions , for each point.

1. Mechanics

Deliverables description
  • Mechanics. Opening and closing front door (commissioning of the hydraulic system). Opening and closing backdoor. Moving the Star Imaging Screen (SIS). Movement and visibility from dish center of the SIS.
  • It is not clear what has to be delivered and what is really needed to consider the system commissioned. All the declared deliverables have been performed and there are documents proving it pictures and movies in some cases).
Deliverables status

  • 03/07/2019 Ask experts to decide what is required

2. Thermalization

Deliverables description
  • a. Tests without Drive: Plot Temperature vs time of various T sensors, auxiliary and internal module sensors. T must stabilize within 2 hours and T of the modules must be within the operating range of the electronics with at least 10 degrees margin. Minimum run duration is 10 hours without any interruption.
  • b. Tests with Drive: Plot of the water pressure vs zenith/azimuth angle.

Deliverables status
  • For Deliverable a, plots exist when possible (there are no module sensor, but air sensor for modules channels), although limited to up to 8 hours to C. Delgado knowledge, and shows dependence due to direct sun light reaching to one side of the camera.

Thermalization 1.PNG Thermalization 2.PNG

  • Deliverable b does not make a lot of sense, as the important quantity are the temperature as a function of the zenith/azimuth angle. Information seems available.

  • 03/07/2019 Ask Daniel to modify deliverable b to temperature vs t vs zenith
  • 03/07/2019 Prepare a long run with telescope movement to provide all plots

3. Connectivity

Deliverables description
  • a. All modules (means Dragon and Backplane) must respond to their foreseen IP and must be able to start up (boot) at the start up sequence. Plot: T for backplane and Humidity in camera coordinates for every Dragon and corresponding backplane.
  • b. Backplanes must see each other (L1, Clock, PPS distribution) and L0 distribution. Plot:

reconstructed network topology

  • This is done, but deliverable b does not prove all the signals, but only L1. For L0 there are dedicated tests, that failed for few modules.
Deliverables status
  • All done from monitoring and dedicated test before changing module numbering to the current one.

File:Connectivity 1.PNG File:Connectivity 2.PNG


4. State Machine

Deliverables description
  • Software state machine must be verified: Safe -> StandBy -> Ready -> StandBy -> Safe. Plot: State vs Time to measure transition times between states.
  • Still pretty unstable. From ELOG entry 304:
    • Not always all modules power up in the first trial (especially 6.28)
    • BP trigger UP delay is not checked yet. And PPS synchronization fails in module 114 sometimes.
    • L1 thresholds are not optimized. We should either implement Module rate control or prepare Threshold Table for various target total rate.
    • TIB stops sending triggers after some observations. The reason is unclear.
    • CaCo is not fully ready EVBv3 is not fully ready.
    • lst-chain seems not to be compatible with EVBv3 data. Quick analysis is impossible.

Deliverables status
  • Not ready to do it
  • 03/07/2019 Follow up.

5. Trigger Timing with Test Pulse.

Deliverables description
  • Using test pulses, the delays must be set such that a trigger issued by the Trigger Interface Board or Local Module Trigger the pulses are well within the Readout Window of 40 cells. Plot: 2D plot of camera coordinates and pulse position as z-axis. Plot: 1D overlay of all pulses in Region Of Interest.
  • Something like that already exist, but dependes of BP calibration, so should be posterior to it.
Deliverables status
  • We are in position of doing it, but BP calibration shows so instabilities preventing to have something completely uniform.
  • 03/07/2019 Investigate and solve BP instabilities
  • 03/07/2019 Maybe move this step further in the list.


Deliverables description
Deliverables status
  • 03/07/2019