Image cleaning and parametrization

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Real Data DL1 production

Real data will be stored in the IT Container following the structure discussed in the Redmine issue, which includes directories whose name depends on the date. We will use the convention UTC+12 as used in DAQ, by which days change at noon. For instance, for the data take in the night 2019_11_22 to 2019_11_23 the selected date would be 2019_11_23 and main directories:

/fefs/aswg/data/real/dl1/20191122/v00 for the default analysis

v00 can take the form of XXX_NN where XXX is the initials of a name and NN a version number (e,g, JLC_01 for the first version of Jose Luis Contreras) when it is an alternative version run by an analysis shifter)

--Jose-Luis (talk) 18:09, 22 November 2019 (UTC)

MC DL1 production

Latest DL1 MC production to use can be found there:





The DL1 have been reprocessed to get DL1b with different image cleaning (they can be found in the same directory with extension `_tailcut1` and `_tailcut2`):

Tailcut 1 : picture_thresh:10 boundary_thresh:5 keep_isolated_pixels:false min_number_picture_neighbors:1

Tailcut 2: picture_thresh:8 boundary_thresh:4 keep_isolated_pixels:false min_number_picture_neighbors:1

--Thomas Vuillaume (talk) 15:02, 21 November 2019 (UTC)