MC analysis and IRF production

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Monte-Carlo analysis

The analysis of Monte-Carlo data is mostly done on the cluster in La Palma and the results are accessible in /fefs/aswg/data/mc/

The trained models to use for data analyse (MC or real data) can be found in /fefs/aswg/data/models/

--Thomas Vuillaume (talk) 16:23, 13 January 2020 (UTC)

02 March 2020

New MC reduction with lstchain v0.4.4 with 3 different configs:

  • Standard config:

Cleaning 6-3, LocalPeakWindowSum integrator




  • 10p cleaning config:

Cleaning 6.6-3.3, LocalPeakWindowSum integrator




  • Neighbor config:

Cleaning 6-3, NeighborPeakWindowSum integrator


