CDM GUI manual

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This page contains instructions for the CDM GUI. In case of issue contact Darko Zaric.

GUI interface

CDM GUI appearance.

Description of GUI parts: Monitoring: Contains monitoring datapoint values. They are read-only. Hood temperature: Displays temperature inside the hood. Hood humidity: Displays humidity inside the hood. It should be below 80% to operate CDM. Camera temperature status: If the CDM camera is connected it will display it's temperature status. It should be Normal. If it displays Warning or Critical, disconnect the CDM camera and contact Darko. Status: This part displays information about the system status. This part is still unfinished, so it mostly displays No status. FSM state: Display the current Finite State Machine state the CDM is in. FSM transition: Displays if the system is in transition from one FSM state to another. If it is 1 then it is in transition and won't be able to receive FSM commands. If 0, then you can provide the available FSM commands. Circle x: Current circle center in horizontal direction, units in arcsec. OARL 1 x: Current OARL 1 center in horizontal direction, units in arcsec. OARL 2 x: Current OARL 2 center in horizontal direction, units in arcsec.

Configuration: Contains configuration datapoint values. You can read the current values and input new values to be provided to the Configure commands. Exposure time: