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Usage of conda environments

Add source /fefs/aswg/software/conda/etc/profile.d/ to your ~/.bashrc. The base is just a miniconda with mamba, so basically nothing else then conda / mamba / python / pip and their dependencies.

See available environments by doing conda env list

base                     /fefs/aswg/software/conda
lstchain-0.7.5           /fefs/aswg/software/conda/envs/lstchain-0.7.5

Use standard lstchain installation

lstchain-0.7.5 env can be used by doing conda activate lstchain-0.7.5

Manage your own environments

You can use this also to create your own envs, which by default will be created in $HOME/.conda/envs since you will lack write permissions to the conda installation folder (owned by lstanalyzer). You might want to change that to /fefs/aswg/workspace/$USER where users have a larger quota. You can do this by adding this to tour $HOME/.condarc:

  - /fefs/aswg/workspace/<YOUR USERNAME HERE>/.conda/envs
  - /fefs/aswg/software/conda/envs

  - /fefs/aswg/workspace/<YOUR USERNAME HERE>/.conda/pkgs