RS Oph
Revision as of 17:31, 12 February 2022 by AAguascaCabot (talk | contribs)
[hide]General information
- Name of the source: RS Ophiuchi
- Brief description of the source:
- Object type : Symbiotic star
- Distance (pc) : 4200 +/- 900
- Other relevant information: Nova outburst in August 8 2021 (ATel #14834)
- RA: 17 50 13.16 (hh mm ss), Dec: -06 42 28.48 (dd mm ss)
- RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 267.55, -6.71
Data-taking information
- Dates of data-taking (yyyymmdd): 20210809, 20210810, 20210812, 20210813, 20210814, 20210815, 20210829, 20210830, 20210901, 20210902.
- Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20210809 (1.23)
- ZD range (deg): [36, 42]
- AZ range (deg): [181, 226]
- Transmission9km: XXX
- Runs: 5580-5584
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes/No
- Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20210809 (1.23)
- Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20210910 (2.55)
- ZD range (deg): [36, 58]
- AZ range (deg): [181, 240]
- Transmission9km: XXX
- Runs: 5630-5639
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes/No
- Comments: Spikes in camera rate.
- Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20210910 (2.55)
- Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20210912 (2.10)
- ZD range (deg): [36,54]
- AZ range (deg): [184, 235]
- Transmission9km: XXX
- Runs: 5696-5704
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes/No
- Comments: Spikes in camera rate.
- Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20210912 (2.10)
- Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20210913 ()
- ZD range (deg): Zenith Range
- AZ range (deg): Azimuth Range
- Transmission9km: XXX
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes/No
- Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20210913 ()