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Enter comments in reverse time order

Date Who did it? Action Comments Documents 2017-06-14 Garafia Town hall of Garafia issues license for mechanical installation
2017-01-11 Dragados Foundation works finish
2016-11-18 ICRR/IAC Requested license for mechanical installation
2016-07-19 Dragados Foundation works start ("acta de replanteo")
2016-05-11 Garafia Town hall of Garafia issues second step of license for foundation
2016-05-10 IAC Tender finishes. Company Dragados selected
2015-12-11 IAC Tender for foundation published (in Spanish BOE)
2015-11-09 Architect's association La Palma architect's official association accepts final foundation drawings ("project")
2015-10-22 Cabildo Cabildo issues first step of license for foundation
2015-03-16 IFAE/Architect Request first step of license for foundation ("recalificación")
2015-03-15 Architect (Estudio AT3) Foundation preliminary drawings ("pre-project") finished
2014-12-15 IFAE (Cortina) Contract between IFAE and architect signed
2014-10-01 IFAE (Cortina) Started bidding to hire foundation architect