M87 LST1Paper Mireia Analysis

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General information[edit]

Analysis by Mireia Nievas (mnievas[at]iac[dot]es)

Data selection[edit]

Using Abelardo's datacheck-based data selection notebook

Selection criteria details

Main selection cuts[edit]

  • Wobble offset range : [0.3 - 0.5]. Skipped 1 run at Wobble ~ 0. Results in 60 runs (14.36h).
  • AZ, Zenith distance cut: zd ] [0 - 50]: no runs skipped. Will use 20deg MC for ZD<30 and 40deg MC for ZD>30.

M87 LST1AGN Runs MeanZD MeanAZ.png

  • Skip dates with missing flatfield tables: 20200618, 20200622, 20200624, 20200716, 20200820, 20210303
  • Skip runs with missing pedestal events: 1810 1812 4738 7134 7135 7217 7229 7230
  • Skip runs with Moon above horizon by setting a ped.charge.std.dev < 2 cut

M87 LST1AGN Runs PedChargeStdDev.png

  • Cosmic rate cut: use an outlier-resistant filter method based on percentiles (submitted PR to the notebook)

M87 LST1AGN Runs CosmicRateCut.png

  • Remove data with high rate spikes in BOTH pulses>10 p.e. and pulses>30p.e. (3 runs wiped, high humidity of ~90% + lidar, although lidar transmission is >0.9)

M87 LST1AGN Runs MeanZD spikes10.png

M87 LST1AGN Runs MeanZD spikes30.png

  • A couple of runs with lower interleaved flatfield/pedestal rate, but I don't put a filter yet.

M87 LST1AGN Runs MeanZD IntPedFlatRate.png

  • Average muon ring intensity looks stable.

M87 LST1AGN Runs AverageMuonintensity.png

  • Average muon ring width looks stable.

M87 LST1AGN Runs AverageMuonwidth.png

Surviving runs and exposure:[edit]

34 wobble runs (8.47h).

  • 26 runs at low ZD (zd<30deg):
1 : 2021-02-17 : [3738, 3739, 3741, 3742, 3743, 3744]
2 : 2021-04-17 : [4460, 4461, 4462, 4463, 4464, 4465]
3 : 2021-05-04 : [4594, 4595]
4 : 2021-05-07 : [4636, 4637]
5 : 2021-06-09 : [4986]
6 : 2022-03-01 : [7185]
7 : 2022-03-07 : [7330, 7331, 7332, 7333, 7334, 7335]
8 : 2022-03-23 : [7441, 7444]
  • 8 runs at mid ZD (30deg < zd < 50deg)
1 : 2021-02-17 : [3745, 3746, 3747, 3748]
2 : 2021-04-19 : [4495]
3 : 2022-03-01 : [7186, 7187, 7188]