Analysis A. Aguasca-Cabot lstchain v0.9.X

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  • Source-dependent/independent analysis using LSTCHAIN v0.9.4 (MC production processed with LSTCHAIN v0.9.3, R0 to DL1 process by LSTOSA using LSTCHAIN v0.9.2)
  • Cleaning method tail cut 84 and dynamic cleaning. Also, the MC files are tuned to match the NSB in the FoV and the PSF.
  • Observations used in the analysis:

Monte Carlo information

  • Link to MC files used:
- Particle types: gamma off0.4deg, proton
- ZD (deg): 40
- AZ (deg): 180
- Other information: MC production through PR in lstMCpipe Github webpage (
- MC files are tuned to match the NSB in the FoV and the PSF.

DL1 data

  • Processed with LSTOSA using LSTCHAIN v0.9.2.
- Dynamic cleaning and tail cut cleaning with pedestal threshold applied by the the standard parameters using pipeline LSTOSA.
 "dynamic_cleaning": {
   "apply": true,
   "threshold": 267,
   "fraction_cleaning_intensity": 0.03

Real data

  • Parameters for the tail cut cleaning with pedestal threshold
 "tailcuts_clean_with_pedestal_threshold": {
   "delta_time": 2
  • Original DL1a files (processed up to DL1 by LSTOSA using LSTCHAIN v0.9.2)

MC data

  • Tunned NSB
   "increase_nsb": true,
   "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 0.6,
   "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.269,
   "transition_charge": 8,
   "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 0.566,
  • Tunned PSF
   "increase_psf": true,
   "smeared_light_fraction": 0.175

  • Original DL1a files

Random forest

  • Dispnorm parameterisation
  • Source-dependent
- LSTCHAIN v0.9.4
- Config file:
- path:
  • Source-independent
- Processed with lstMCpipe using LSTCHAIN v0.9.3.
- Path:

DL1 to DL2 data

Real data

  • Source-dependent
- LSTCHAIN v0.9.4
- Config file:
  • Source-independent
- LSTCHAIN v0.9.4
- Config file:

MC data

  • Source-dependent
- LSTCHAIN v0.9.4
- Config file:
  • Source-independent
- Processed with lstMCpipe using LSTCHAIN v0.9.3.
- Config file:

DL3 data selection

  • Source-dependent
    - Quality cuts
 "EventSelector": {
   "filters": {
     "intensity": [50, Infinity],
     "width": [0, Infinity],
     "length": [0, Infinity],
     "r": [0, 1],
     "wl": [0.1, 1],
     "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 0.2]
 "DL3FixedCuts": {
   "fixed_gh_cut": 0.8,
   "fixed_alpha_cut": 15,
   "allowed_tels": [1]
  • Source-independent
    - Quality cuts

High-level analysis

  • Source-dependent
    - IRF: point-like, single-offset
- Produced DL3 files
  • Source-independent

Analysis results

  • High level analysis performed with gammapy-v0.19

Alpha plot

  • Filters in EventSelector applied:
 "EventSelector": {
   "filters": {
     "intensity": [50, Infinity],
     "width": [0, Infinity],
     "length": [0, Infinity],
     "r": [0, 1],
     "wl": [0.1, 1],
     "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 0.2]

See section Crab Check to know more about the justification of the applied cuts. Stacked alpha plots:

  • Alpha plot using runs in 20210809, 20210810 and 20210812.
  • Cumulative signal to noise ratio and sqrt_ts. Black vertical line marks the the last run in 20210812

Daily alpha plots:

  • Energy threshold for the analysis

Energy thd srcdep RSOph int50 gcut08 acut15.jpg

Theta plot

Stacked theta plots:

  • Theta2 plot using runs in 20210809, 20210810 and 20210812.
  • Cumulative signal to noise ratio and sqrt_ts. Black vertical line marks the the last run in 20210812

Daily theta plots:

  • Energy threshold for the analysis

Energy thd srcind RSOph int50 gcut06 tcut02.jpg

Spectral results

  • Source-dependent
  • Stacked SED (Aug 9-12)
Daily SEDs
  • 20210809 SED
  • 20210810 SED
  • 20210812 SED
  • HESS and MAGIC comparison
  • HESS/Fermi and LST-1 SED.
  • MAGIC and LST-1 SED (Aug 9-12).
  • MAGIC and LST-1 SED (Aug 9).
  • MAGIC and LST-1 SED (Aug 10).
  • MAGIC and LST-1 SED (Aug 12).

  • Source-independent
  • Stacked SED (Aug 9-12)
Daily SEDs
  • 20210809 SED
  • 20210810 SED
  • 20210812 SED
  • HESS and MAGIC comparison
  • HESS/Fermi and LST-1 SED.
  • MAGIC and LST-1 SED (Aug 9-12).

No daily SED can be plotted because the SED from LST-1 using gc=0.6 and tc=0.2 deg are not reliable.

Light curve results

  • Source-dependent
  • HESS/Fermi and LST-1 light curve.
  • MAGIC and LST-1 light curve.
  • Source-independent
- Notice that since the daily SEDs with quality cuts (gc=0.6 and tc=0.2 deg) are not reliable, the daily flux are computed with the stacked SED using data between 20210809-12!!!
- No comparison with MAGIC light curve is done because the energy threshold using (gc=0.6 and tc=0.2 deg) is higher than 100 GeV.
  • HESS/Fermi and LST-1 light curve.

Crab Check

Run selection using Crab_data_selection_notebook:

Threshold for the rate30_mask is set to 4.3. I exclude run 6016 because I obtain a strange SED at low energies.

Data reduction Specifications

  • Source-dependent

SNr sig diff ghc ac.png

Cuts at alpha cut = 15 deg are studied.

  • Energy threshold for the analysis
  • gammaness cut>0.6 and alpha cut<15 deg, int>50 p.e.
  • gammaness cut>0.7 and alpha cut<15 deg, int>50 p.e.
  • gammaness cut>0.8 and alpha cut<15 deg, int>50 p.e.
  • gammaness cut>0.9 and alpha cut<15 deg, int>100 p.e.
  • Source-independent

SNr sig diff ghc tc.png

Cuts at theta cut = 0.2 deg are studied.

  • Energy threshold for the analysis
  • gammaness cut>0.6 and theta cut< 0.2 deg, int>50 p.e.
  • gammaness cut>0.7 and theta cut< 0.2 deg, int>50 p.e.
  • gammaness cut>0.8 and theta cut< 0.2 deg, int>50 p.e.
  • gammaness cut>0.9 and theta cut<0.2 deg, int>100 p.e.

I decide to use only the loose cuts in order to have a low energy threshold.

Spectral results

  • Source-dependent
  • Loose cuts, 20 November 2020. 2 bins per decade
  • Hard cuts, 20 November 2020. 2 bins per decade
  • Loose cuts, September 2021. 2 bins per decade
  • Hard cuts, September 2021. 2 bins per decade
  • Loose cuts, March 2022. 2 bins per decade
  • Hard cuts, March 2022. 2 bins per decade
  • All runs. 4 bins per decade

Conclusions: I decide to apply the following cuts: gammaness cut = 0.8, alpha cut = 15 deg and intensity = 50 p.e.

  • Source-independent