Analysis A. Aguasca-Cabot lstchain v0.9.X AllSky
Revision as of 16:32, 7 June 2022 by AAguascaCabot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Overview = *Source-dependent/independent analysis using LSTCHAIN v0.9.6 and the branch "interp_irfs" with last commit e5835d5ab7792cbb528118de9cebe4a60f7802a8. The MC produc...")
- Source-dependent/independent analysis using LSTCHAIN v0.9.6 and the branch "interp_irfs" with last commit e5835d5ab7792cbb528118de9cebe4a60f7802a8. The MC production processed with LSTOSA v0.8.2 using LSTCHAIN v0.9.6
- Cleaning method tail cut 84 and dynamic cleaning. Also, the MC files are tuned to match the NSB in the FoV and the PSF.
- Observations used in the analysis:
Monte Carlo information
- AllSky MC prodution.
- Link to MC files used: /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/AllSky/galsource_min_413_tuned_nsb/...
- - Particle types: gamma diffuse and protons
- - MC prod (deg): galsource_min_413_tuned_nsb
- - Dec band (deg): dec_min_431
- - Other information: MC production through PR in lstMCpipe Github webpage (
- - MC files are tuned to match the NSB in the FoV and the PSF.
DL1 data
- Processed with LSTOSA using LSTCHAIN v0.9.6.
- - Dynamic cleaning and tail cut cleaning with pedestal threshold applied by the the standard parameters using pipeline LSTOSA.
"dynamic_cleaning": { "apply": true, "threshold": 267, "fraction_cleaning_intensity": 0.03 }
Real data
- Parameters for the tail cut cleaning with pedestal threshold
"tailcuts_clean_with_pedestal_threshold": { "picture_thresh":8, "boundary_thresh":4, "sigma":2.5, "keep_isolated_pixels":false, "min_number_picture_neighbors":2, "use_only_main_island":false, "delta_time": 2 }
- Original DL1a files (processed up to DL1 by LSTOSA using LSTCHAIN v0.9.2)
MC data
- Tunned NSB
"increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 0.937, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.323, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 1.041,
- Tunned PSF
"increase_psf": true, "smeared_light_fraction": 0.175
- Original DL1a files
Random forest
- Dispnorm parameterisation
- Source-dependent
- - LSTCHAIN v0.9.6
- - Config file:
- - path:
- Source-independent
- - Processed with lstMCpipe using LSTCHAIN v0.9.6.
- - Path:
DL1 to DL2 data
Real data
- Source-dependent
- - LSTCHAIN v0.9.6
- - Config file:
- Source-independent
- - LSTCHAIN v0.9.6
- - Config file:
MC data
- Source-dependent
- - Processed with lstMCpipe using LSTCHAIN v0.9.6.
- - Config file:
- Source-independent
- - Processed with lstMCpipe using LSTCHAIN v0.9.6.
- - Config file:
DL3 data selection
- Source-dependent
- - Quality cuts
"EventSelector": { "filters": { "intensity": [50, Infinity], "width": [0, Infinity], "length": [0, Infinity], "r": [0, 1], "wl": [0.1, 1], "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 0.2], "event_type" : [32, 32] } }, "DL3FixedCuts": { "fixed_gh_cut": 0.9, "fixed_alpha_cut": 10, "allowed_tels": [1] }
- Source-independent
- - Quality cuts
High-level analysis
- Source-dependent
- - IRF: point-like, single-offset
- - Produced DL3 files
- Source-independent
Analysis results
- High level analysis performed with gammapy-v0.19
Alpha plot
- Filters in EventSelector applied:
"EventSelector": { "filters": { "intensity": [50, Infinity], "width": [0, Infinity], "length": [0, Infinity], "r": [0, 1], "wl": [0.1, 1], "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 0.2] } }
See section Crab Check to know more about the justification of the applied cuts.