Working at the LST-IT center

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Access to the IT cluster on La Palma

If you want to work with LST data on the LP IT cluster, you need to be member of the

  • ctan-onsite-it group to access the cluster
  • lst group to access the LST data on the cluster

Please write to to be added to those groups.

Details of how to log in to the IT center are given in the presentation by Daniela Hadasch at the LST analysis school, Jan 2022: [1]

Usage of conda environments

Add source /fefs/aswg/software/conda/etc/profile.d/ to your ~/.bashrc. The base is just a miniconda with mamba, so basically nothing else then conda / mamba / python / pip and their dependencies.

See available environments by doing conda env list

base                     /fefs/aswg/software/conda
lstchain-0.7.5           /fefs/aswg/software/conda/envs/lstchain-0.7.5

Use standard lstchain installation

lstchain-0.7.5 env can be used by doing conda activate lstchain-0.7.5

Manage your own environments

You can use this also to create your own envs, which by default will be created in $HOME/.conda/envs since you will lack write permissions to the conda installation folder (owned by lstanalyzer). You might want to change that to /fefs/aswg/workspace/$USER where users have a larger quota. You can do this by adding this to tour $HOME/.condarc:

  - /fefs/aswg/workspace/<YOUR USERNAME HERE>/.conda/envs
  - /fefs/aswg/software/conda/envs

  - /fefs/aswg/workspace/<YOUR USERNAME HERE>/.conda/pkgs