Mabel Analysis AllSky energy dependent cuts source independent
Revision as of 15:58, 7 December 2022 by Misabelber (talk | contribs) (→Analysis with gamma efficiency cut of 80% for Gammaness and 70% for Theta)
- MC production: /AllSky/20221108_galsource_min_413_tuned_nsb/dec_min_413/
- Lstchain version: 0.9.9dev80+g0719962
- Branches: interp_irfs + update_theta_eff_cut
- Gammapy version: 1.0
- Type of analysis: Source independent
- Cuts: Energy dependent cuts based on gamma efficiency
- All results shown here can be found in:
DL3 Config:
{ "EventSelector": { "filters": { "intensity": [50, Infinity], "width": [0, Infinity], "length": [0, Infinity], "r": [0, 1], "wl": [0.01, 1], "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 0.2], "event_type": [32, 32] } }, "DL3Cuts": { "min_event_p_en_bin": 100, "global_gh_cut": 0.80, "gh_efficiency": 0.80, "min_gh_cut": 0.1, "max_gh_cut": 0.95, "theta_containment": 0.70, "global_theta_cut": 0.20, "max_theta_range": 0.7, "min_theta_cut": 0.05, "max_theta_cut": 0.26, "fill_theta_cut": 0.26, "allowed_tels": [1] }, "DataBinning": { "true_energy_min": 0.005, "true_energy_max": 200, "true_energy_n_bins_per_decade": 5, "reco_energy_min": 0.005, "reco_energy_max": 200, "reco_energy_n_bins_per_decade": 5, "energy_migration_min": 0.2, "energy_migration_max": 5, "energy_migration_n_bins": 31, "fov_offset_min": 0.1, "fov_offset_max": 1.1, "fov_offset_n_edges": 9, "bkg_fov_offset_min": 0, "bkg_fov_offset_max": 10, "bkg_fov_offset_n_edges": 21, "source_offset_min": 0.0001, "source_offset_max": 1.0001, "source_offset_n_edges": 1000 } }
Analysis with gamma efficiency cut of 80% for Gammaness and 70% for Theta
- Gammaness energy dependent cuts: