Mabel Analysis AllSky energy dependent cuts source independent

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Revision as of 15:58, 7 December 2022 by Misabelber (talk | contribs) (Analysis with gamma efficiency cut of 80% for Gammaness and 70% for Theta)
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  • MC production: /AllSky/20221108_galsource_min_413_tuned_nsb/dec_min_413/
  • Lstchain version: 0.9.9dev80+g0719962
    • Branches: interp_irfs + update_theta_eff_cut
  • Gammapy version: 1.0
  • Type of analysis: Source independent
  • Cuts: Energy dependent cuts based on gamma efficiency
  • All results shown here can be found in:

DL3 Config:

   "EventSelector": {
   "filters": {
   "intensity": [50, Infinity], 
   "width": [0, Infinity],
   "length": [0, Infinity],
   "r": [0, 1],
   "wl": [0.01, 1],
   "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 0.2],
   "event_type": [32, 32]
   "DL3Cuts": {
   "min_event_p_en_bin": 100,
   "global_gh_cut": 0.80,
   "gh_efficiency": 0.80,
   "min_gh_cut": 0.1,
   "max_gh_cut": 0.95,
   "theta_containment": 0.70,
   "global_theta_cut": 0.20,
   "max_theta_range": 0.7,
   "min_theta_cut": 0.05,
   "max_theta_cut": 0.26,
  "fill_theta_cut": 0.26,
  "allowed_tels": [1]
  "DataBinning": {
  "true_energy_min": 0.005,
  "true_energy_max": 200,
  "true_energy_n_bins_per_decade": 5,
  "reco_energy_min": 0.005,
  "reco_energy_max": 200,
  "reco_energy_n_bins_per_decade": 5,
  "energy_migration_min": 0.2,
  "energy_migration_max": 5,
  "energy_migration_n_bins": 31,
  "fov_offset_min": 0.1,
  "fov_offset_max": 1.1,
  "fov_offset_n_edges": 9,
  "bkg_fov_offset_min": 0,
  "bkg_fov_offset_max": 10,
  "bkg_fov_offset_n_edges": 21,
  "source_offset_min": 0.0001,
  "source_offset_max": 1.0001,
  "source_offset_n_edges": 1000

Analysis with gamma efficiency cut of 80% for Gammaness and 70% for Theta

  • Gammaness energy dependent cuts:

Gammaness geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions run5580.png

Daily SED


SED modelfit 20210809 geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions.png SED 20210809 geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions.png


SED modelfit 20210810 geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions.png SED 20210810 geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions.png


SED modelfit 20210812 geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions.png SED 20210812 geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions.png

Combined SED

SED modelfit geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions.png SED geff 0.80 teff 0.70 thetacut0.7 3Off regions.png