GRB221009A src-ind analysis dark conditions
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- Analysis by A. Aguasca-Cabot (Universitat de Barcelona -
General information
This wiki web page shows the analysis of GRB221009A data recorded in dark conditions and in mild moon conditions using the source-independent analysis. For the analysis of GRB221009A for runs in moon conditions go to that page.
Dark analysis
Monte Carlo information
- Link to MC files used: /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/AllSky/20221027_v0.9.9_crab_tuned/*
- Particle types: The standard ones for the AllSky MC production.
- DEC Band (deg): dec_2276
DL1 data
Please include your settings to produce your DL1a and DL1b files. This includes whether you use LSTOSA, specific versions of lstchain, dllab scripts, cleaning levels, and calibration information.
Example :
Reprocessed using DL1a files produced by LSTOSA (lstchain v0.7.3) and dl1ab script (v0.7.5)
- original DL1a files
/fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/20210808/v0.7.3/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run0XXXX.XXXX.h5 /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/20200629_prod5_trans_80/XXX/zenith_20deg/south_pointing/20210416_v0.7.3_prod5_trans_80_local_taicut_8_4/
- lstchain v0.7.5
- real data: tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS), dynamic cleaning
- MC: tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS), dynamic cleaning, PSF+NSB tuning
"image_modifier": { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 0.74, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.38, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 0.052, "increase_psf": true, "smeared_light_fraction": 0.125 },
- Produced DL1b files
/fefs/aswg/workspace/seiya.nozaki/data/MC/v0.7.5/tailcut84_dynamic_bllac/DL1_raw/data/ /fefs/aswg/workspace/seiya.nozaki/data/BLLac/v0.7.3/tailcut84_dynamic_v075/DL1_raw/Run0XXXX
Random forest
Please include your specific .json files used in producing your RFs and for which source analysis (source dependent or independent), and variabules used in the RF.
- lstchain-0.7.6.dev242+g2086cb9
- source-indep (diffuse gamma, src_r<3deg, disp_norm)
- source-dep
DL2 data
Information about your DL2 data and settings such as: specifc versions of lstchain, specfic .json version used.
- lstchain-0.7.6.dev242+g2086cb9
- source-indep
/fefs/aswg/workspace/seiya.nozaki/data/MC/v0.7.5/tailcut84_dynamic_bllac/srcindep/DL2/data/ /fefs/aswg/workspace/seiya.nozaki/data/BLLac/v0.7.3/tailcut84_dynamic_v075/srcindep/DL2/data/dl2_LST-1.Run0XXXX_merged.h5
- source-dep
/fefs/aswg/workspace/seiya.nozaki/data/MC/v0.7.5/tailcut84_dynamic_bllac/srcdep/DL2/data/ /fefs/aswg/workspace/seiya.nozaki/data/BLLac/v0.7.3/tailcut84_dynamic_v075/srcdep/DL2/data/dl2_LST-1.Run0XXXX_merged.h5
DL3 data selection
Information about your DL3 data selection.
- intensity > 50
- r: [0, 1 ]
- wl: [0.1, 1 ]
- leakage_intensity_width_2: [0, 0.2 ]
- source-indep
- fixed_gh_cut: 0.3
- fixed_theta_cut: 0.2
- source-dep
- fixed_gh_cut: 0.7
- fixed_alpha_cut: 10
High-level analysis
Please put any information about the production of higher level analysis here.
- lstchain to generate source-dep IRF, DL3
- Science Tool: gammapy 0.18.2
- point-like IRF, 1D analysis
Analysis Results
Please place higher-level analysis results (Spectra, SkyMaps, Lightcurves, etc) here.