GRB221009A src-ind analysis dark conditions
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- Analysis by A. Aguasca-Cabot (Universitat de Barcelona -
General information
This wiki web page shows the analysis of GRB221009A data recorded in dark conditions (run_id: 9625-9960) and in mild moon conditions (run_id: 9629 and 9630) using the source-independent analysis.
For the analysis of GRB221009A for runs in moon conditions go to the following page: GRB221009A_src-ind_analysis_moon
The wiki page with the summary of the current results of the src-ind moon analysis (as of February 8th) for the discussion with LST-Reco conveners is the following: [1]
- Slides presented at the GRB221009A meetings about the source-independent dark/mild-moon analysis:
- Start and Dark analysis I
- Dark analysis II
- Dark analysis III
- Dark analysis IV and mild moon
- Dark analysis V and mild moon
Dark analysis
Monte Carlo information
- Link to MC files used: /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/AllSky/20221027_v0.9.9_crab_tuned/*
- Particle types: The standard ones for the AllSky MC production.
- DEC Band (deg): dec_2276
The MC production for the Crab is used because the NSB tuning parameters at the DL1 level are very similar between them:
DL1 parameters obtained from GRB221009A runs (the NSB tuning parameters for the Crab can be found in the following subsection):
Runs: 9672, 9802, 9862 and 9890 { "number_of_files_used": 46, "std": [ 0.181, 0.077, 0.209 ] }{ "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 1.782, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.601, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 2.25 }
DL1 data
No reprocessing of the real DL1a data was required, only NSB tuning was added to the MC files. DL1a files produced by LSTOSA (lstchain v0.9.6?) and lstMCpipe (lstMCpipe v0.9.0 using lstchain v0.9.9).
- original DL1a files
/fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/20221010/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run0XXXX.XXXX.h5 /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/AllSky/20221027_v0.9.9_base_prod/
- lstchain v0.9.9
- real data: tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS), dynamic cleaning.
- lstMCpipe-v0.9.0
- lstchain v0.9.9
- MC: tailcut8-4, dynamic cleaning, NSB tuning
"image_modifier": { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 1.62, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.655, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 2.08, "increase_psf": false, "smeared_light_fraction": 0 },
Random forest
RFs were produced with lstMCpipe
- lstchain-v0.9.9
- lstMCpipe-v0.9.0
- source-indep (the standard one for the AllSky MC production)
DL2 data
- lstchain-v0.9.9
- source-indep
/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/AllSky/20221027_v0.9.9_crab_tuned/TestingDataset/dec_2276/node_theta_* /fefs/aswg/workspace/arnau.aguasca/Analysis/results/real/DL2/202210*/srcind/v0.9.9/tailcut84_dynclg_tNSBtoCrabPerfPaper/AllSky_20221027_v0.9.9_crab_tuned_dec_2276/dl2_*
- config file
DL2 data selection to produce theta2 plots
Information about the quality cuts to produce the theta2 plots.
- intensity > 50
- r: [0, 1 ]
- wl: [0.01, 1 ]
- leakage_intensity_width_2: [0, 0.2 ]
- event_type: [32, 32]
- source-indep
- fixed_gh_cut: 0.7 (standard cut)
- fixed_theta_cut: 0.2 (standard cut)
Crab check
Mild moon analysis
Monte Carlo information
- Link to MC files used: /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/AllSky/20221215_v0.9.12_base_prod/*
- Particle types: The standard ones for the AllSky MC production.
- DEC Band (deg): dec_2276
DL1 data
No reprocessing of the real DL1a data was required, only NSB tuning was added to the MC files. DL1a files produced by LSTOSA (lstchain v0.9.6?) and lstMCpipe (lstMCpipe v0.9.0 using lstchain v0.9.9).
- original DL1a files
/fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/20221010/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run0XXXX.XXXX.h5 /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/AllSky/20221027_v0.9.9_base_prod/
- lstchain v0.9.9
- real data: tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS), dynamic cleaning.
- lstMCpipe-v0.9.0
- lstchain v0.9.9
- MC: tailcut8-4, dynamic cleaning, NSB tuning
"image_modifier": { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 1.62, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.655, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 2.08, "increase_psf": false, "smeared_light_fraction": 0 },
Random forest
RFs were produced with lstMCpipe
- lstchain-v0.9.9
- lstMCpipe-v0.9.0
- source-indep (the standard one for the AllSky MC production)
DL2 data
- lstchain-v0.9.9
- source-indep
/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/AllSky/20221027_v0.9.9_crab_tuned/TestingDataset/dec_2276/node_theta_* /fefs/aswg/workspace/arnau.aguasca/Analysis/results/real/DL2/202210*/srcind/v0.9.9/tailcut84_dynclg_tNSBtoCrabPerfPaper/AllSky_20221027_v0.9.9_crab_tuned_dec_2276/dl2_*
- config file
DL2 data selection to produce theta2 plots
Information about the quality cuts to produce the theta2 plots.
- intensity > 50
- r: [0, 1 ]
- wl: [0.01, 1 ]
- leakage_intensity_width_2: [0, 0.2 ]
- event_type: [32, 32]
- source-indep
- fixed_gh_cut: 0.7 (standard cut)
- fixed_theta_cut: 0.2 (standard cut)
Analysis Results
Please place higher-level analysis results (Spectra, SkyMaps, Lightcurves, etc) here.