Boomerang SNR

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Boomerang SNR spectral and morphological study

General information

  • Name of the source: SNR 106.3+2.7
  • Brief description of the source: Strong hadronic PeVatron candidate with TeV emission both from the head and the tail of the SNR
  • Proposals:
- "Large Zenith Angle observation of the hadronic PeVatron candidate in the Boomerang SNR (G106.3+2.7) with MAGIC and LST-1" MAGIC Cycle 18 (GAL 346)
- "Large Zenith Angle observation of the hadronic PeVatron candidate in the Boomerang SNR (G106.3+2.7) with LST-1" LST Cycle 1 (GAL07)
  • Reference coordinated:
- MAGIC Tail: RA, Dec (ICRS): 36.72 deg, 60.84 deg
- MAGIC head: RA, Dec (ICRS): 337.13 deg, 61.10 deg
The Boomerang SNR as seen by MAGIC [A&A 658, A60 (2022)]

People involved

  • Franca Cassol (PI)
  • Heide Costantini
  • Gabriel Emery
  • Marie-Sophie Carrasco
  • Marine Pihet
  • Takayuki Saito (co-PI)

Data available

  • Wobble observations mono-LST-1, MAGIC-LST-1 and MAGIC only:

proposed quality (multiple possible per date if needed): good , medium , bad

TBC : to be confirmed

Date Runs LST Runs MAGIC Telescopes Quality Comments
2023-03-25 12462, 12463, 12464 5106992-5106994 L1M12 bad e.g. Calima (dust = xxµg/m³)
2023-03-26 12485, 12486, 12487, 12488, 12489 5107035-5107038 L1M12 bad TBC
2023-03-29 12566 5107128 L1M12 bad TBC
2023-03-30 12590, 12591, 12592, 12593, 12594 5107139-5107143 L1M12 bad TBC

Monte Carlo Data

- To be completed



Stereo LST-1+MAGIC


Internal group meetings


