PG1553+113 Analysis with lstchain v0.9.13 E. Pons

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PG1553+113 Analysis with lstchain v0.9.13 E. Pons[edit]

General information[edit]

  • Name of the source: PG 1553+113
  • Brief description of the source:
    • Object type : AGN
    • Redshift (z) : 0.433 Dorigo Jones et al
    • BL Lac
    • RA: 15 5543.044 (hh mm ss), Dec: +11 11 24.365 (dd mm ss)
    • RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 238.92934976, 11.19010155
  • Analysis by Estelle Pons (LAPP -

Dataset (< 2022-05-24)[edit]

  • Number of selected observations : 39
  • Runs: 4333 - 8425
  • Date range: 2021-04-08 to 2022-05-23


[4333 4334 4335 4336 4343 4344 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4514 4515
4652 4653 4654 4902 4903 4904 4905 4930 4940 4941 4942 4943 7153 7154
8059 8060 8061 8062 8063 8064 8377 8378 8379 8424 8425]

DL1 data[edit]

DL1 files produced by LSTOSA (lstchain v0.9)

  • original real DL1a data

DL1 to DL2[edit]

  • Random Forest

Standard ‘un-tuned’ production for processing standard AGN data, with lstchain v0.9.12 standard settings (az instead of sin(az) in training features). Reprocessed with v0.9.13 for faulty dec_931:

  • DL2 data

NB: The lstchain config file from the RF production is specified for lstchain_dl1_to_dl2


  -f /fefs/aswg/data/real//DL1/20220617/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run08787.0019.h5                 
  --output-dir /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/PG1553//DL2/20220617/v0.9.13/tailcut84/                 
  --path-models /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230414_v0.9.13_dec_931_az_tel/dec_931/ 
  --config /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230414_v0.9.13_dec_931_az_tel/dec_931/lstchain_config.json

DL2 to DL3[edit]

  • DL3 cuts: source-independent analysis & global cuts:
    • gh_cut = 0.7
    • theta_cut = 0.2
  • MC DL2 files used to produce IRF

The closest node compared to the telescope pointing position is then selected for each run to create the corresponding IRF.


  -g /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/AllSky/20230414_v0.9.13_dec_931_az_tel/TestingDataset/dec_931/node_theta_32.059_az_248.099_/dl2_20230414_v0.9.13_dec_931_az_tel_node_theta_32.059_az_248.099__merged.h5                 
  -o /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/PG1553/IRF/allsky/irf_20230414_v0.9.13_dec_931_az_tel_dec_931_node_theta_32.059_az_248.099_ghcut0.7_run8787.fits.gz
  --point-like  --global-theta-cut 0.2 --global-gh-cut 0.7
  • DL3 data


  -d /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/PG1553//DL2/20220617/v0.9.13/tailcut84/dl2_LST-1.Run08787.h5     
  -o /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/PG1553/DL3/lstchain/v0.9.13/point_like/offset0.4/ghcut0.7/20220617     
  --input-irf /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/PG1553//IRF/allsky/irf_20230414_v0.9.13_dec_931_az_tel_dec_931_node_theta_32.059_az_248.099_ghcut0.7_run8787.fits.gz     
  --source-name PG1553+113     --source-ra " 238.92935002022deg"     --source-dec " 11.19010156943deg"  
  --global-gh-cut 0.7 --gzip

gammapy analysis parameters[edit]

  • gammapy version v1.0.1
  • DL4 datasets
    • on_radius = 0.2 deg / exclusion_radius = 0.35 deg
    • Reflected Regions Background method
      • multiple off regions (used the default ReflectedRegionsFinder)
    • Safe Energy mask:
      • MapDataset: methods=["offset-max"], offset_max=4 deg
      • SpectrumDataset: NO safe mask
    • Energy axes:
      • True: 10 GeV to 10 TeV with 5 bins per decade
      • Reco: 10 GeV to 40 TeV with 10 bins per decade
  • DL5 datasets
    • Spectral analysis
      • Joint fit
      • Energy axes Flux Points: 10 GeV to 10 TeV with 5 bins per decade
      • Reference energy: pivot energy from a power-law fit = 0.12 TeV
      • SED fitting: best fit between power-law + EBL (Dominguez), log-parabol + EBL, exponantial cutoff power-law + EBL
    • Light-curve
      • Emin = 100 GeV
      • Model: power-law + EBL

Analysis Results[edit]

Livetime : 9.92 h

Significance : 16.13 sigma

Excess : 5957.2

S/B : 0.057

Rate : 10.00 per min

Fluxes (for spectral model PL+EBL)

Energy flux (0.01 TeV-10.0 TeV) = 1.748e-10 pm 3.206e-11 TeV / (cm2 s)
Integral flux (0.01 TeV-10.0 TeV) = 7.909e-09 pm 1.886e-09 1 / (cm2 s)
Integral flux (100 GeV-10.0 TeV) = 1.221e-10 pm 8.873e-12 1 / (cm2 s)

Count Map[edit]

PG1553+113 202304 v0 countmap.png

Theta2 plot[edit]

PG1553+113 202304 v0 theta2.png


  • Best Fit: power-law + EBL

PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra power law+ebl 2.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra power law+ebl model.png

  • power-law

PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra power law.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra power law model.png

  • log-parabola & log-parabola + EBL

PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra log parabola.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra log parabola+ebl 2.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra log parabola model.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra log parabola+ebl model.png

  • power-law exponantial cutoff & power-law exponantial cutoff + EBL

PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra power law exponantial cutoff.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra power law exponantial cutoff+ebl 2.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra power law exponantial cutoff model.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 spectra power law exponantial cutoff+ebl model.png


  • Run-wise & night-wise

PG1553+113 202304 v0 lightcurve power law+ebl.png PG1553+113 202304 v0 lightcurve nightwise power law+ebl.png