Revision as of 14:08, 9 November 2023 by Alicialopezoramas (talk | contribs)
General information
- Name of the source: SN2023ixf
- Brief description of the source:
- - Object type : SN type IIp
- - Distance (pc) : 6.8 Mpc (M101 Galaxy)
- - Other relevant information: Supernova outburst on May 18 2023. First report on May 19. LST+MAGIC osbervartions started on May 20
- - RA: 14 03 38.557 (hh mm ss), Dec: +54 18 42.03 (dd mm ss)
- - RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 210.910653712 +54.311674484
People involved
- Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
- Alessandro Carosi
- Alicia López-Oramas
- Giorgio Pirola
Data-taking information
- Dates of data-taking (yyyymmdd): 20230520, 20230521, 20230522, 20230523, 20230525, 20230526, 20230527, 20230528, 20230612, 20230615, 20230618, 20230619, 20230620, 20230621, 20230622, 20230623, 20230624, 20230708
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230520 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [1]
- ZD range (deg): [32.7, 61.2]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.5-0.9
- Runs: 13103-13109, 13111-13124
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Dark conditions, clouds (~20). The transmission values from the LIDAR SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED 100%. The LIDAR was back on May 16. The following message was sent to MAGIC shifters "the profiles are not well calibrated and the transmission values therefore not very accurate. So do not trust the transmissions for now"
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230521 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [2]
- ZD range (deg): [25.9, 30.8]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.73-0.93
- Runs: 13132-13136
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Dark conditions, clouds (~20), high humidity. The transmission values from the LIDAR SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED 100%. The LIDAR was back on May 16. The following message was sent to MAGIC shifters "the profiles are not well calibrated and the transmission values therefore not very accurate. So do not trust the transmissions for now"
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230522 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [3]
- ZD range (deg): [27.1, 48.5]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.52-0.89
- Runs: 13142-13151
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Dark conditions, clouds (~20), high humidity. The transmission values from the LIDAR SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED 100%. The LIDAR was back on May 16. The following message was sent to MAGIC shifters "the profiles are not well calibrated and the transmission values therefore not very accurate. So do not trust the transmissions for now"
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230523 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [4]
- ZD range (deg): [29.6, 47.8]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.9-1.01
- Runs: 13154-13161
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Dark conditions, clouds (~20). The transmission values from the LIDAR SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED 100%. The LIDAR was back on May 16. The following message was sent to MAGIC shifters "the profiles are not well calibrated and the transmission values therefore not very accurate. So do not trust the transmissions for now"
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230525 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [5]
- ZD range (deg): 34.7
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.19
- Runs: 13168
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Dark conditions. Humidity 89.3 %. The transmission values from the LIDAR SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED 100%. The LIDAR was back on May 16. The following message was sent to MAGIC shifters "the profiles are not well calibrated and the transmission values therefore not very accurate. So do not trust the transmissions for now"
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230526 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [6]
- ZD range (deg): [25.9, 38.6]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.19-0.95
- Runs: 13171-13180
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Moon and dark conditions. High humidity ~80-90%. The transmission values from the LIDAR SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED 100%. The LIDAR was back on May 16. The following message was sent to MAGIC shifters "the profiles are not well calibrated and the transmission values therefore not very accurate. So do not trust the transmissions for now"
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230527 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [7]
- ZD range (deg): [26.7, 53.9]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.42-1.07
- Runs: 13184-13201
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Moon and dark conditions. High humidity ~80-90%. The transmission values from the LIDAR SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED 100%. The LIDAR was back on May 16. The following message was sent to MAGIC shifters "the profiles are not well calibrated and the transmission values therefore not very accurate. So do not trust the transmissions for now"
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230528 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [8]
- ZD range (deg): [27.1, 27.2]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.82
- Runs: 13203-13207
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Moon conditions. High humidity ~80-90%. The transmission values from the LIDAR SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED 100%. The LIDAR was back on May 16. The following message was sent to MAGIC shifters "the profiles are not well calibrated and the transmission values therefore not very accurate. So do not trust the transmissions for now"
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230612 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [9]
- ZD range (deg): [25, 37.4]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13260-13268
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: to be added
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230615 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [10]
- ZD range (deg): [27.2, 49]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13333-13341
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Clouds (~27)
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230618 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [11]
- ZD range (deg): [26, 43]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13414-13418
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Clouds (~28) and humidity (~80% and above). Observations stopped due to high humidity. Some spikes.
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230619 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [12]
- ZD range (deg): [26, 41.9]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13435-13443
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Clouds (34-37). Some spikes.
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230620 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [13]
- ZD range (deg): [26.1, 43]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13460-13469
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes and no
- Comments: Moon and dark conditions. Clouds (30) and humidity up to 70%. Few busy spikes.
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230621 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [14]
- ZD range (deg): [26.5, 43]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13482-13490
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Moon and dark conditions (Average Anode Current microA: 6.72-5.98). Clouds (32), 60% humidity.
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230622 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [15]
- ZD range (deg): [26.8, 35.9]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13505-13511
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Moon and dark conditions (Average Anode Current microA: 8.64-6.1). Run 13509 with structure in FAULT after 1 min.
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230623 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [16]
- ZD range (deg): [25.8, 36.7]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13529-13535
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
- Comments: Moon conditions (Average Anode Current microA: 13.4-9.54). Run 13531 didn't track the source (only zenith direction)
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230624 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [17]
- ZD range (deg): [27, 36.66]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: n/a
- Runs: 13555-13560
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Moon conditions (Average Anode Current microA: 19-14.2). Big spikes. Subrun 13559.0000 is corrupted.
- - Date [yyyymmdd] (time of observation h): 20230709 (X.XX)
- ELOG link: [18]
- ZD range (deg): [32, 46]
- AZ range (deg): [XX, XX]
- Transmission9km: 0.75-0.9
- Runs: 13638-13644
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
- Comments: Dark conditions (Average Anode Current microA: 5.3-5.6 uA). Processed with lstchain v0.10.