S231206cc (BBH)
Log of the Observations =
23:39 Starting gw_alert_S231206cc_first_round W1 at Zd=53.2, Run number 15832, RTA sqrt(TS): 0.6 23:45 huge spike in the rates 23:55 spike in the rates (possible carflash) 23:59 Starting gw_alert_S231206cc_full_round config W0, Run number 15833, RTA sqrt(TS): n/a (HMI not working) 00:22 Data taking stopped for no apparent reason >> Reason is that TCU is not allowing to schedule observations so far from the previous pointing as it is understood for the moment as a wobble (work in progress) 00:35 we schedule the observation of gw_alert_S231206cc_full_round again starting from configuration w1 , Run number 15834, RTA sqrt(TS): 0 00:42 we try to apply wobble to move to next configuration but we get a warning stating that the configuration we ask for does not exist. We stop the current operation and re-schedule the source starting from config w2 00:44 moving to gw_alert_S231206cc_full_round W2 at Zd=57.7, Run number 15835, RTA sqrt(TS): 0
The scheduler
tilepy results of the full schedule covering 33%
Media: 15835_standard__sky_map.ogg |