GRB221009A calib and r0 to dl1 steps

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This page explains the steps to obtain the required files to calibrate the GRB221009A data and produce the DL1 files under strong moon conditions I concerns the following data and dates:

  • 2022-10-10: GRB Moon data
  • 2022-10-12: GRB Moon data
  • 2022-11-05: Crab Moon data

Cat-A calibration

The coefficients are produced in the official data tree, as lstanalyser. If you want to run it locally, create your own data tree, with a link to the drs4 time, ff systematics and drs4 baseline directories and a local calibration directory (where the calibration files will be automatically stored) and add the option -b "dase_dir_of_your_tree" to the command. Below are listed the commands used for the three days. Due to the not perfect HV FF of the HV setting, some cuts are a bit relaxed by adding specific parameters to the command line.

2022-10-10 and 2022-11-05:

For these dates we use run 10359 taken on 2022-11-05, with equal HV setting

  • onsite_create_calibration_file -r 10359 --flatfield-heuristic -y "--FlasherFlatFieldCalculator.charge_median_cut_outliers=[-0.9, 3]" "--LSTCalibrationCalculator.npe_median_cut_outliers=[-6,6]"


  • onsite_create_calibration_file -r 9620 --flatfield-heuristic -y "--FlasherFlatFieldCalculator.charge_median_cut_outliers=[-0.9, 3]" "--LSTCalibrationCalculator.npe_median_cut_outliers=[-6,6]"