1ES0647+250 Analysis with lstchain v0.9.12 E. Pons

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1ES 0647+250 Analysis with lstchain v0.9.12 E. Pons[edit]

General information[edit]

  • Name of the source: 1ES 0647+250
  • Brief description of the source:
    • Object type : AGN
    • Redshift (z) : 0.41
    • HBL
    • RA: 6 50 46.49 (hh mm ss), Dec: +25 2 59.62 (dd mm ss)
    • RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 102.69370933, 25.04989555
  • Analysis by Estelle Pons (LAPP - estelle.pons@lapp.in2p3.fr)

Dataset (< 2022-05-24)[edit]

  • Number of selected observations : 28
  • Runs: 3281 - 3364
  • Date range: 2020-12-16 to 2020-12-21


[3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3287 3288 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3341 3342
3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364]

DL1 data[edit]

DL1 files produced by LSTOSA (lstchain v0.9)

  • original real DL1a data

DL1 to DL2[edit]

  • Random Forest

Standard ‘un-tuned’ production for processing standard AGN data, with lstchain v0.9.12 standard settings (az instead of sin(az) in training features).


  • DL2 data

NB: The lstchain config file from the RF production is specified for lstchain_dl1_to_dl2


  -f /fefs/aswg/data/real//DL1/20201219/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run03348.0012.h5                 
  --output-dir /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/1ES0647//DL2/20201219/v0.9.12/tailcut84/                 
  --path-models /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230127_v0.9.12_base_prod_az_tel/dec_2276/ 
  --config /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230127_v0.9.12_base_prod_az_tel/dec_2276/lstchain_config.json

DL2 to DL3[edit]

  • DL3 cuts: source-independent analysis & global cuts:
    • gh_cut = 0.7
    • theta_cut = 0.2
  • MC DL2 files used to produce IRF

The closest node compared to the telescope pointing position is then selected for each run to create the corresponding IRF.


  -g /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/AllSky/20230127_v0.9.12_base_prod_az_tel/TestingDataset/dec_2276/node_theta_10.0_az_248.117_/dl2_20230127_v0.9.12_base_prod_az_tel_node_theta_10.0_az_248.117__merged.h5                 
  -o /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/1ES0647/IRF/allsky/irf_20230127_v0.9.12_base_prod_az_tel_dec_2276_node_theta_10.0_az_248.117_ghcut0.7_run3281.fits.gz 
  --point-like  --global-theta-cut 0.2  --global-gh-cut 0.7
  • DL3 data


  -d /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/1ES0647//DL2/20201215/v0.9.12/tailcut84/dl2_LST-1.Run03281.h5     
  -o /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/1ES0647/DL3/lstchain/v0.9.12/point_like/offset0.4/ghcut0.7/20201215     
  --input-irf /fefs/aswg/workspace/estelle.pons/1ES0647/IRF/allsky/irf_20230127_v0.9.12_base_prod_az_tel_dec_2276_node_theta_10.0_az_248.117_ghcut0.7_run3281.fits.gz     
  --source-name 1ES0647+250     --source-ra " 102.69370860791deg"     --source-dec " 25.04989601523deg"  
  --global-gh-cut 0.7 --gzip

gammapy analysis parameters[edit]

  • gammapy version v1.0.1
  • DL4 datasets
    • on_radius = 0.2 deg / exclusion_radius = 0.35 deg
    • Reflected Regions Background method
      • multiple off regions (used the default ReflectedRegionsFinder)
    • Safe Energy mask:
      • MapDataset: methods=["offset-max"], offset_max=4 deg
      • SpectrumDataset: NO safe mask
    • Energy axes:
      • True: 10 GeV to 10 TeV with 5 bins per decade
      • Reco: 10 GeV to 40 TeV with 10 bins per decade
  • DL5 datasets
    • Spectral analysis
      • Joint fit
      • Energy axes Flux Points: 10 GeV to 10 TeV with 5 bins per decade
      • Reference energy: pivot energy from a power-law fit = 0.12 TeV
      • SED fitting: best fit between power-law + EBL (Dominguez), log-parabol + EBL, exponantial cutoff power-law + EBL
    • Light-curve
      • Emin = 100 GeV
      • Model: power-law + EBL

Analysis Results[edit]

Livetime : 8.17 h

Significance : 7.33 sigma

Excess : 1711.1

S/B : 0.040

Rate : 3.49 per min

Fluxes (for spectral model PL+EBL)

Energy flux (0.01 TeV-10.0 TeV) = 7.740e-11 pm 3.602e-11 TeV / (cm2 s)
Integral flux (0.01 TeV-10.0 TeV) = 3.489e-09 pm 2.099e-09 1 / (cm2 s)
Integral flux (100 GeV-10.0 TeV) = 5.376e-11 pm 9.360e-12 1 / (cm2 s)

Count Map[edit]

1ES0647 202304 v0 countmap.png

Theta2 plot[edit]

1ES0647 202304 v0 theta2.png


  • Best Fit: power-law + EBL

1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra power law+ebl 2 v2.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra power law+ebl model.png

  • power-law

1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra power law.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra power law model.png

  • log-parabola & log-parabola + EBL

1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra log parabola.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra log parabola+ebl 2.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra log parabola model.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra log parabola+ebl model.png

  • power-law exponantial cutoff & power-law exponantial cutoff + EBL

1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra power law exponantial cutoff.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra power law exponantial cutoff+ebl 2.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra power law exponantial cutoff model.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 spectra power law exponantial cutoff+ebl model.png


  • Run-wise & night-wise

1ES0647 202304 v0 lightcurve runwise power law+ebl.png 1ES0647 202304 v0 lightcurve nightwise power law+ebl.png