Cycle II
This wiki-page contains all the relevant information for the observing Cycle 2 (2024-2025) including useful information for proposal drafting.
Editors of this page: A. Carosi (LST-1 PHYS Coordinator), P. Bordas (LST-1 Deputy PHYS Coordinator)
Proposal Preparation
Observation Cycle: II
Type of Proposals: LST-1 Mono
Start of Observation Cycle: end of March 2024 (officially March 27th, 2024)
Number of available hours: 500h (dark time)
Proposal template: [1]
The scientific goal of the proposal should be achievable using only LST data. Please also remember, commissioning is very important during this period and all commissioning tasks take priority over scientific data taking.
Useful Material
Proposal Evaluation
The LPPB includes, for this cycle, the following members:
Evaluation meeting will be held on 2024, TBD.