Boomerang SNR
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General information
- Name of the source: SNR 106.3+2.7
- Brief description of the source: Strong hadronic PeVatron candidate with TeV emission both from the head and the tail of the SNR
- Reference coordinated:
- - MAGIC Tail: RA, Dec (ICRS): 36.72 deg, 60.84 deg
- - MAGIC head: RA, Dec (ICRS): 337.13 deg, 61.10 deg
- MAGIC Cycle XVII (GAL 346)
- LST Cycle I (GAL 07)
People involved
- Franca Cassol (PI)
- Heide Costantini
- Gabriel Emery
- Marie-Sophie Carrasco
- Marine Pihet
- Cornelia Arcaro
- Takayuki Saito (co-PI)
Data available
There are three set of data :
- - Mono-LST-1
Monte Carlo Data
Monte Carlo data have been produced with successive productions in order to increase the node density.
- - First production has been performed standardly with uniform training nodes on the declination line
- - Second production has been performed asking a node with with step cos(zenith)=0.04, for zenith angles > 60 deg (see here)
- - Third production has been performed in order to further increase the node density with step cos(zenith)=0.02, for zenith angles > 60 deg (see here)
We asked also to have test nodes on the declination line. The figures show the present simulated nodes, to be found in
- - /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TrainingDataset/Protons/dec_6166
- - /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TrainingDataset/GammaDiffuse/dec_6166
- - /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TestDataset
Analysis webpages
Stereo LST-1+MAGIC
Main results
- - Coming
Internal group meetings
External presentations
- - 27-03-2023: Random Forest optimization for LZA observations¶ (M. Carrasco, LST analysis meeting)
Meetings on the Background Model estimation (GAL Center and Boomerang groups joint activity)
- - 18-10-2023
- - 02-11-2023
- - 22-11-2023 (coming meeting)