Fermi LAT Main OP313

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The Fermi LAT analysis has been performed on a large time scale to derive a long-term light curve and run a Bayesian block analysis to defined bocks of observation


RA = 197.6324 degrees

Dec = 32.3547 degrees

Start = 715617241.0 MET (s)

Stop = 727281241.0 MET (s)

ROI = 10.0 degrees

E min = 100.0 MeV

E max = 300000.0 MeV

E min ext = 50.11872336272722 MeV

E max ext = 598578.6944906638 MeV


evclass = 128

evtype = 3

Long term Fermi-LAT Light curve

This plot is the Fermi-LAT LC with the final bayesian block description. The block are given here

In the High state, I used bins of around 12 hours, 1 day in the Mid state and 3 days in the low state

Date MET start MET stop N bins
high 722300909 722984524 16
723877193 724823786 22
Mid 722104724 722300909 2
722984524 723877193 10
724823786 725266164 5
726394414 726767552 4
Low 716277470 722104724 22
725266164 726394414 4
726767552 727281241 2


For each SED, a powelaw and a logparabola model were tested


Decorrelation energy : 4.14e+02 MeV

TS : 1356.0178181243173

norm : 108.86 +/- 6.16 [ -6.05, + 6.27 ] 1e-12

alpha : 2.03 +/- 0.08 [ -0.08, + 0.07 ] 1e+00

beta : 0.08 +/- 0.04 [ -0.03, + 0.04 ] 1e+00

Eb : 414.00 1e+00

Fermi-LAT SED Mid


Decorrelation energy : 4.66e+02 MeV

TS : 2584.4997249984517

norm : 238.16 +/- 11.60 [ -11.40, + 11.80 ] 1e-12

alpha : 1.79 +/- 0.05 [ -0.06, + 0.05 ] 1e+00

beta : 0.06 +/- 0.02 [ -0.02, + 0.02 ] 1e+00

Eb : 466.00 1e+00

Fermi-LAT SED Mid


The spectrum is best described by a logparabola with a TS = 80

Decorrelation energy : 5.66e+02 MeV

TS : 8991.45

norm : 467.06 +/- 14.19 [ -13.97, + 14.41 ] 1e-12

alpha : 1.57 +/- 0.03 [ -0.03, + 0.03 ] 1e+00

beta : 0.10 +/- 0.01 [ -0.01, + 0.01 ] 1e+00

Eb : 564.00 1e+00

Fermi-LAT SED high