Downloading MAGIC+LST-1 data
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Access to data at the IT cluster
The data taken during joint observations are mainly stored at the IT container in La Palma. MAGIC calibrated data (only those related to joint observations) are transferred frequently to the IT container in proper directories, where users can find them for the joint analysis. ~DL1a level in CTA data levels scheme
For MAGIC, find the data in: /fefs/onsite/common/MAGIC/data/[tel_id]/event/Calibrated/YYYY/MM/DD
can be either M1 or M2- YYYY, MM, DD is year, month and day
NOTE: day in MAGIC convention is one day after as the one in the LST convention!!! E.g. if LST data are from 2024-02-05, in MAGIC they will end up in the directory 2024/02/06
For MAGIC we use the so called “calibrated” files (~DL1a level in CTA data levels scheme):
- one file per subrun (one per telescope), numbers of subruns depending on trigger rate (fixed number of events per subrun); one run = one wobble position (if in wobble mode)
- they have the substring Y in the name (other levels have a different letter)
- they are automatically generated by the MAGIC OnSite Analysis (OSA i.e. the corresponding of LSTOSA of LST) starting from RAW data
For LST-1, we use DL1 data, you can find files in /fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/YYYYMMDD/v0.10/tailcut84/
- version tag (v0.10 above) can change if data are reprocessed. At the moment, there are data with v0.9 and v0.10 tags.
- cleaning tag can also change (multiple tags with the same version tag)