Fermi LAT Main OP313

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The Fermi LAT analysis has been performed on a large time scale to derive a long-term light curve and run a Bayesian block analysis to defined bocks of observation


RA      =        197.6324  degrees
Dec     =        32.3547  degrees
Start   =        715617241.0   MET (s)
Stop    =        727281241.0   MET (s)
ROI     =        10.0  degrees
E min   =        100.0  MeV
E max   =        300000.0  MeV
E min ext       =        50.11872336272722  MeV
E max ext       =        598578.6944906638  MeV
IRFs    =        P8R3_SOURCE_V3
evclass =        128
evtype  =        3

Long term Fermi-LAT Light curve

This plot is the Fermi-LAT LC with the final bayesian block description. The block are given in the table after

Fermi-LAT BB light-curve

In the High state, I used bins of around 12 hours, 1 day in the Mid state and 3 days in the low state

Date MET start MET stop N bins
high 722300909 722984524 16
723877193 724823786 22
Mid 722104724 722300909 2
722984524 723877193 10
724823786 725266164 5
726394414 726767552 4
Low 716277470 722104724 22
725266164 726394414 4
726767552 727281241 2


For each SED, a powelaw and a logparabola model were tested


The spectrum is best described by a logparabola with a TS = 7

Decorrelation energy : 4.14e+02 MeV
TS :  1356.0178181243173
norm :  108.86 +/-  6.16 [ -6.05, + 6.27 ] 1e-12
alpha :  2.03 +/-  0.08 [ -0.08, + 0.07 ] 1e+00
beta :  0.08 +/-  0.04 [ -0.03, + 0.04 ] 1e+00
Eb :  414.00   1e+00

Fermi-LAT SED Low


The spectrum is best described by a logparabola with a TS = 8
Decorrelation energy : 4.66e+02 MeV
TS :  2584.4997249984517
norm :  238.16 +/-  11.60 [ -11.40, + 11.80 ] 1e-12
alpha :  1.79 +/-  0.05 [ -0.06, + 0.05 ] 1e+00
beta :  0.06 +/-  0.02 [ -0.02, + 0.02 ] 1e+00
Eb :  466.00   1e+00

Fermi-LAT SED Mid


The spectrum is best described by a logparabola with a TS = 80

Decorrelation energy : 5.66e+02 MeV
TS :  8991.45
norm :  467.06 +/-  14.19 [ -13.97, + 14.41 ] 1e-12
alpha :  1.57 +/-  0.03 [ -0.03, + 0.03 ] 1e+00
beta :  0.10 +/-  0.01 [ -0.01, + 0.01 ] 1e+00
Eb :  564.00   1e+00

Fermi-LAT SED high

All in a SED

This plot show the same 3 SED but in one plot

Fermi-LAT SED high

Sanity checks

I ran a Fermi-LAT analysis in each block to see differences within each block

Fermi-LAT SED high
Fermi-LAT SED mid
Fermi-LAT SED low

Fermi-LAT analysis on the LST GTI

The Fermi-LAT pipeline allow to run an analysis based on pre-defined GTI. This has been done using the LST observation time. For this the December and January data set were separated since they correspond to 2 different flux states.

GTI correspond to the LST observation time after data selection, plus or minus 1 hour


  • GTI definition :

723873640.4679999 723885814.544
723961205.0 723972636.3690003
724045627.3670001 724058152.8549998
724131722.0 724143939.893
724218276.9149997 724231900.1550002
724304640.2630002 724318201.9809997
724390555.44 724404422.1790001
724477321.222 724491352.339
724563718.779 724577641.8430002
724650067.315 724663888.9659998
  • results

The spectrum is best described by a logparabola with a TS = 8

Decorrelation energy : 6.36e+02 MeV
TS :  485.58040012843094
norm :  319.83 +/-  42.96 [ -37.51, + 0.00 ] 1e-12
alpha :  1.47 +/-  0.14 [ -0.15, + 0.14 ] 1e+00
beta :  0.15 +/-  0.06 [ -0.06, + 0.07 ] 1e+00
Eb :  631.00   1e+00
Fermi-LAT SED in LST GTI (December 2023

Energy bins :

Energy (MeV)  Emin (MeV)      Emax (MeV)      E**2. dN/dE (erg.cm-2s-1)       GaussianError   MinosNegativeError      MinosPositiveError
194.87678426697477      100.0   379.7696104623707       9.319484501181774e-11   2.1543103572878036e-11  2.1543103572878036e-11  2.1543103572878036e-11
740.0828044922853       379.7696104623707       1442.2495703074076      2.2242267948656154e-10  3.740704450500723e-11   3.740704450500723e-11   3.740704450500723e-11
2810.60958371934        1442.2495703074076      5477.225575051662       2.5812348537462586e-10  6.3223341587809e-11     6.3223341587809e-11     6.3223341587809e-11
10673.841067708996      5477.225575051662       20800.838230519017      3.732781066915012e-10   1.418387773038279e-10   1.418387773038279e-10   1.418387773038279e-10
40536.00464421105       20800.838230519017      78995.26232095003       6.63379628561793e-10    0       0       0
153943.4269343286       78995.26232095003       300000.0        8.357587434248279e-10   0       0       0


  • GTI definition :
726552297.6990001 726561947.6859998
726892290.0700003 726907611.6300001
727240316.6290002 727249629.2620002
727413535.0709997 727427037.5470002
727591996.0049999 727601886.3499998

The spectrum is best described by a PowerLaw

Decorrelation energy : 7.50e+02 MeV
Diffential flux  at the Decorrelation energy : 9.45e-11 +/-  3.38e-11 ph/cm2/s/MeV
SED value at the Decorrelation energy : 8.51e-11 +/-  3.04e-11 erg/cm2/s
TS :  35.69191921871675
Prefactor :  12.46 +/-  5.67 [ -4.97, + 6.36 ] 1e-12
Index :  -1.92 +/-  0.27 [ -0.28, + 0.25 ] 1e+00
Scale :  2158.74   1e+00
Fermi-LAT SED in LST GTI (Janvier 2024

Energy bins :

Energy (MeV)  Emin (MeV)      Emax (MeV)      E**2. dN/dE (erg.cm-2s-1)       GaussianError   MinosNegativeError      MinosPositiveError
194.87678426697477      100.0   379.7696104623707       8.633107975744825e-11   0       0       0
740.0828044922853       379.7696104623707       1442.2495703074076      1.460440435930128e-10   6.190196350297941e-11   6.190196350297941e-11   6.190196350297941e-11
2810.60958371934        1442.2495703074076      5477.225575051662       1.6577500394312136e-10  1.0205468393089642e-10  1.0205468393089642e-10  1.0205468393089642e-10
10673.841067708996      5477.225575051662       20800.838230519017      2.8424561022011924e-10  0       0       0
40536.00464421105       20800.838230519017      78995.26232095003       1.0610616799876391e-09  0       0       0
153943.4269343286       78995.26232095003       300000.0        4.074288665502138e-09   0       0       0

Fermi-LAT analysis on the MAGIC GTI


  • GTI definition :
723873738.9638007 723886116.7592399
723959842.0563712 723972624.2676063 
724048522.9209478 724059356.7475426
724306288.9017658 724315124.9729121
724393554.9572983 724405332.7793977
724478343.1023378 724491622.7682776
724564582.8709738 724577855.7759162
724651134.921248 724664669.7927337
  • results
Decorrelation energy : 5.38e+02 MeV
Diffential flux  at the Decorrelation energy : 4.10e-10 +/-  6.76e-11 ph/cm2/s/MeV
SED value at the Decorrelation energy : 1.90e-10 +/-  3.13e-11 erg/cm2/s
TS :  339.46481250679426
norm :  304.76 +/-  58.54 [ -43.89, + 56.51 ] 1e-12
alpha :  1.41 +/-  0.42 [ -0.19, + 0.18 ] 1e+00
beta :  0.21 +/-  0.21 [ -0.08, + 0.10 ] 1e+00
Eb :  668.00   1e+00

Energy bins :

Energy (MeV)	Emin (MeV)	Emax (MeV)	E**2. dN/dE (erg.cm-2s-1)	GaussianError	MinosNegativeError	MinosPositiveError
194.87678426697477	100.0	379.7696104623707	7.222117561882101e-11	2.271992951696608e-11	2.271992951696608e-11	2.271992951696608e-11
740.0828044922853	379.7696104623707	1442.2495703074076	2.4352764630042474e-10	4.655346008347906e-11	4.655346008347906e-11	4.655346008347906e-11
2810.60958371934	1442.2495703074076	5477.225575051662	2.539043675859147e-10	7.396437487091731e-11	7.396437487091731e-11	7.396437487091731e-11
10673.841067708996	5477.225575051662	20800.838230519017	3.5284989779479035e-10	1.6005658619893538e-10	1.6005658619893538e-10	1.6005658619893538e-10
40536.00464421105	20800.838230519017	78995.26232095003	3.120590894221236e-10	0	0	0
153943.4269343286	78995.26232095003	300000.0	9.825179929124779e-10	0	0	0

Fermi-LAT SED in LST GTI (December 2023