Proposal: EGAL05:Observations of flaring and high state γ-NLS1s with LST-1
PI: Stefano Vercellone (
Source information
Source: PKS 1502+036
RA (J2000): 226.26 deg
Dec (J2000): 3.44 deg
Source: PMN J0948+0022
RA (J2000): 147.24 deg
Dec (J2000): 0.37 deg
Source: SBS 0846+513
RA (J2000): 132.51 deg
Dec (J2000): 51.14 deg
Observational settings/limits
PKS 1502+036, PMN J0948+0022, SBS 0846+513 Min Zenith [deg] = 0
Max Zenith [deg] = 60
Night Sky Background = Both
Wobbles = Standard
Instructions for shifters
Use this section to provide specific instructions that should be followed by shifters, if any. Otherwise simply write 'None.'