PG 1553 - 2023 ToO data analysis
General information
- Name of the source: PG 1553+113
- Brief description of the source:
- Object type : AGN
- Redshift (z) : 0.433 Dorigo Jones et al
- BL Lac
- RA: 15 5543.044 (hh mm ss), Dec: +11 11 24.365 (dd mm ss)
- RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 238.92934976, 11.19010155
- Analysis by Estelle Pons (LAPP -
PG 1553+113 - 2023 ToO data analysis (Helena Luciani)
General analysis information
- Source-independent analysis
- lstchain version: lstchain-v0.10.9
Data selection configuration
- Start observation time: 2023-04-26 01:09:52.000
- End observation time: 2023-04-26 05:14:00.000
User input:
- source coordinates: (238.92935002, 11.19010157) (ra, dec) in deg
- date directory: 2023-04-25
- telescope pointings from the source: min_angle = 0.35 deg, max_angle = 0.45 deg
- zenith distance range: 0 deg < zenith < 50 deg
- maximum diffuse NSB: 2.3
- Total number of loaded subruns: 1674
- Total number of loaded runs: 15
- Number of runs (% is w.r.t. those in Sky region & zenith range):
In the requested Sky region and range of dates: 15 + zenith in requested range: 15 + NSB in requested range: 15 (100.0%) + FF and pedestal interleaved events are present: 15 (100.0%) + Stable pointing: 15 (100.0%) + dR/dI fit P-value ok: 15 (100.0%) + dR/dI LS periodogram ok: 15 (100.0%) + dR/dI index ok: 15 (100.0%) + dR/dI rate ok: 15 (100.0%) + intensity threshold ok: 15 (100.0%)
- Selected: 15 of 15 runs (in 1 night)
- Total observation time: 3.87 hours
- List of selected runs: [12859 12860 12861 12863 12864 12865 12866 12867 12868 12869 12870 12871 12872 12873 12874]
DL1 to DL2
- Random Forest : /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base/dec_931/
- Configuration file: /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base/dec_931/lstchain_config_2024-01-31.json
- DL2 data:
DL3 data and IRFs
- Input gamma:
- Config file :
- IRFs : GH_efficiency= 0.7, theta_containment= 0.7
--point-like --energy-dependent-gh --energy-dependent-theta --gh-efficiency=0.7 --theta-containment=0.7
- DL3 creation using IRF nearest node
"EventSelector": { "filters": { "intensity": [50, Infinity], "width": [0, Infinity], "length": [0, Infinity], "r": [0, 1], "wl": [0.01, 1], "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 1], "event_type": [32, 32] } }, "DL3Cuts": { "min_event_p_en_bin": 100, "global_gh_cut": 0.7, "gh_efficiency": 0.7, "min_gh_cut": 0.1, "max_gh_cut": 0.98, "global_alpha_cut": 10, "global_theta_cut": 0.2, "theta_containment": 0.7, "alpha_containment": 0.7, "min_theta_cut": 0.1, "max_theta_cut": 0.32, "fill_theta_cut": 0.32, "min_alpha_cut": 1, "max_alpha_cut": 20, "fill_alpha_cut": 20, "allowed_tels": [1]
High-level analysis
- Gammapy version: 1.1
- 1D analysis
Analysis Results
Livetime :
Significance : 13.25σ
Theta2 plot
- Theta2 cut for signal extraction: 0.04 deg2
- Energy range:
PG 1553+113 - 2023 ToO data analysis 2 (Arshia Ruina)
- lstchain version 0.10.9
- data_quality.ipynb as updated in the 2024 LST software school
- user input in the data_quality notebook:
source_coordinates = SkyCoord.from_name("PG 1553+113") min_angle_to_source = 0.35 * u.deg max_angle_to_source = 0.45 * u.deg min_zenith = 0 * u.deg max_zenith = 52 * u.deg #50 first_date = 20191101 last_date = 20231231 max_diffuse_nsb_std = 2.3
- Total number of runs:
- Total observation time:
- Run list:
DL1 data
DL1 to DL2
- Random Forest
- DL2 data
DL2 to DL3
gammapy analysis parameters
Analysis Results
Livetime :
Significance :
Excess :
S/B :
Rate :