All sky mc bllac

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All Sky MC simulation data for BL Lac analysis

Do we need to apply NSB tuning?

Probably yes. It is because NSB level is 1.3-1.4 x dark NSB in BL Lac FoV due to the low galactic latitude (-10.44 degree)

Bllac nsb level.png

How much do we need to tune?

(lst_v0.9.6) [seiya.nozaki@cp02 DL1]$ lstchain_tune_nsb --input-mc 
/fefs/aswg/workspace/georgios.voutsinas/AllSky/TrainingDataset/GammaDiffuse/dec_4822/sim_telarray/node_corsika_theta_19.456_az_0.0_/output_v1.4/simtel_corsika_theta_19.456_az_0.0_run10.simtel.gz  --input-data 
/fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/20210808/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run05555.0000.h5 --config lstchain_standard_config.json
Real data: median across camera of good pixels' pedestal std 2.101 p.e.
Number of pixels beyond 3 std dev of median: 31, (above 2.80 p.e.)
Good and not too bright pixels: 1818
  "increase_nsb": true,
  "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 0.977,
  "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.388,
  "transition_charge": 8,
  "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 1.197
(lst_v0.9.9) [seiya.nozaki@cp02 v0.9.9]$ lstchain_tune_nsb --input-mc /fefs/aswg/workspace/georgios.voutsinas/AllSky/TrainingDataset/GammaDiffuse/dec_4822/sim_telarray/node_corsika_theta_19.456_az_0.0_/output_v1.4/simtel_corsika_theta_19.456_az_0.0_run10.simtel.gz   --input-data /fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/20210808/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run05555.0000.h5 --config 
Real data: median across camera of good pixels' pedestal std 2.101 p.e.
Number of pixels beyond 3 std dev of median: 31, (above 2.80 p.e.)
Good and not too bright pixels: 1818

  "increase_nsb": true,
  "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 0.955, 
  "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.388,
  "transition_charge": 8,
  "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 1.197

MC production config

(lstmcpipe_v0.9.0) [seiya.nozaki@cp02 v0.9.9]$ lstmcpipe_generate_config PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab --prod_id 20221104_src3_dec3476_4822_tuned --kwargs source_prod_id=20221027_v0.9.9_base_prod --dec_list dec_3476 dec_4822
lstmcpipe config saved in lstmcpipe_config_2022-11-04_PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab.yaml
Updating std lstchain config for AllSky prod with
{'values_changed': {"root['GlobalPeakWindowSum']['apply_integration_correction']": {'new_value': True,
                                                                                    'old_value': False},
                    "root['LocalPeakWindowSum']['apply_integration_correction']": {'new_value': True,
                                                                                   'old_value': False}}} 

Modified lstchain config dumped in lstchain_config_2022-11-04.json. Check full config thoroughly.
To start the process with dumped configs, run:

lstmcpipe -c lstmcpipe_config_2022-11-04_PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab.yaml -conf_lst lstchain_config_2022-11-04.json

Which MC is proper for BL Lac analysis?

dec_3476 and dec_4822 is the closest nodes to the BL Lac path.

training MC node

How much does NSB tuning affect the analysis?

You can see some differences below a few hundreds of GeV on intensity distribution. A ratio of surviving events after image cleaning is also different (~5% below 100 GeV).

quick check