Commissioning Leader Diary P1

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Monday 21/1/2019

Access to CC (Commissioning Container). Phone 2556 not working? Fixed now.

Visual inspection of chiller: 9.7° (not commissioned yet, not heating).

Camera with Elena (leaves Feb 7th), Mitsunari will be here tomorrow. Camera: SAFE state (1) is standard, rather than OFF (0). In this state sensors etc are taking data, commands are managed, etc. Check camera to switch to READY (2) through IPC controller (CaCo not 100% ready). Different from manual, avg temperature is 26° (backplanes are usually +10°). Add “fan speed 2000-3000, all alarms green in OPCUA page). Camera box not light-tight yet, something in light sensors. Some increase in back light sensors when camera is READY due to LEDs in switches. NB: back door has some issues, sometimes it is locked but alarm (BACK DOOR) is red and light leaks in: solution is to push hard on door. Change state: OPC/FEM/status to 2. Remember to fill online form on PC with checklist. In READY, initModules8: current buses are initialized, after ~1’ relays open. Slow ramp up in temperature. Some issues may be temperature dependent, e.g. a module was not responding (timeout in window), even when warm. With a slightly warmer camera, cycle status to SAFE and READY back again, now it is working.

LAPP team here.

Tuesday 22/1/2019

Road conditions critical, several cars stranded mid-way, may obstruct passage. Attempt only with 4x4. Patricia is also having troubles.

EB meeting 830 – 1020. Tracking (other than Polaris) beginning of night scheduled for February. More questions for Maurizio about the CaliBox activities, sent him a personal mail. Daniel reports Hiro is proposing an MST SiPM camera.

Tests with azimuth engines. Two locks have water infiltration, one is dead. Lock raised by hand with cables and forklift. Locked in place to winch axis. Camera unlocked, raised, parked. The faulty box will be removed for cleaning and fix, the other one: open during the day to dry it, wrap/covered when not in use.

Plans for power distro: now 1 UPS, 1 already here to be installed this week. To UPS: 4 monitors, 6 servers, 2 Hawkeyes (double PSU), Koji’s machine, IFAE CaCoServer (double PSU), web server, 2 switches (int, ext), 24V power supply for bus switches, PoE switch for camera (temporary), wireless switch, walkie talkie. There are 2 power distribution plugs, one with shuko and the other with C14.

Tour of containers: IT, power storage,…

Tested ELOG system by TLF (

Wednesday 23/1/2019

Accessed top Hawkeye (Koji), launch browser, see asset display. Resolution is locked, so not all LSTs are visible.

Discussed with Daniela D. about FACT scanning. About 15’ of scan with CCD camera in dim light. Minimal is worst case, possible some more positions sideways. Need to talk with LAPP team, could do: leave at 1830 with dish in worst position (straight away from FACT), come back after dusk and park.

Electrical works in comm. container: asked for 4+4 plugs in operation room, pass-through to UPS in rack in workshop, emergency lights.

Arranged for FACT scan. Minimal activity still satisfying to FACT: point to provide maximum obstruction, let them scan during twilight (~15’). Daniela agreed for the following: placing in desired location around 1830, leave until around 2000, then park. Other future possible tests at different zenith angle after this.

Update: excess torque during park maneuver after azimuth sequence, reasons unknown. After 2 hours gave up, locked azimuth and raised camera well above the open access tower. No chance of visual confirmation makes the issue tricky.

Thursday 24/1/2019

Check park, all looks nominal, but rotating by hand confirms torque is high. Pressure of altitude arc on on guide wheels looks uneven (presses hard on top on one side, on bottom on the opposite side). Hard to tell if it was like this before. After detailed inspection one of the breaks is not actuating properly. Holger contacted, Skype at 15:00. Decided to remove break. Took whole day to loosen screws, tomorrow will try to detach motor from steel plate.

Hawkeye: not allowed out by CTA firewall, Daniel will have to fix it.

CaliBox: mail from Maurizio. Relay model, must be in dish cabinet, alignment test can be done with setup in daytime, data taking in night, check results, repeat as needed. Light signal needs to be read by PMTs.

Friday 25/1/2019

Missed meeting for weather station.

Uwe from Casana here to remove motor. After dismounting, C retainer ring found, shaft reassembled and break back on. Works nominally, excess torque disappeared, all is good.

Yusuke: install new UPS. Tested Hawkeye, apparently the system is Windows Server 2016 and that is not supported (!). So no idea how to fix the display issues. By the way it looks like it is a software limitation in the monitoring tools, nor really a resolution problem.

Patricia: red cover on entrance light.

Motors, all appears to be working smoothly.

Saturday 26/1/2019

Motors: some pointing exercise in the morning.


Sunday 27/1/2019

Motors: some pointing exercise in the afternoon.

Monday 28/1/2019

Motor: mostly debug.

Accessed camera back to verify UCTS fiber, still broken. Swapped 2 other cables.

Electrical works: emergency lights, UPS plugs. Moved phone and wifi to op room. Configured router to act on switch on eth cables (with expert on phone): one bridge with eth1 (input) and eth2 (cable) on external network, one bridge with wifi and eth3 to eth5 to managed internal subnet.

Tuesday 29/1/2019


Cali Box: Armand says no space in dish cabinet for Maurizio’s ethernet-controlled power switch. He proposes: 2 buttons are not yet cabled in drive container, one can be connected to the aux power supply line to dish cabinet, so CaliBox can be turned on-off inside the container every day/night. Must relay to Maurizio. Oscar says that UV readout of flashed pulses can be done, Taka agrees.

Replaced UPS (the one installed was spare for drive controller) with second EAST one. Labeled all plugs and cables. Tested new UPS (unplugging).

Work on agenda and diary (this doc).

Wednesday 30/1/2019

Checked in IT container, while Taka and Mitsunari added new cables for Okinawa.

Camera fans readout weird, after reset all ok.

Paolo Calisse (new site manager) and David Bristow on site tour.

Daniel leaves. Patricia not here tomorrow, perhaps Friday.

End-position drive stands were drilled through concrete cover in inner pit (~5 cm coating), Patricia will need to check with architect.

Koji and Taku installing new Windows PC to replace Hawkeye’s backup and DB. Laptop in rack will go away with Taku.

Guillaume is here.

Holger: ranging measurements. Need some reference points installed on dish. Cherry picker is not working (cannot spread wheels, engine seems to be having a hard time), Guillaume ascending.

Thursday 31/1/2019

Juli and Rafael here.

Thierry made Elog accessible: username “lst1” password the same as the wiki.

Humidity has been low for days (10% yesterday, 4% today). Suggest buying a small humidifier for the container. Too dry is bad also for the servers in the rack in “workshop” in comm. container.

Guillaume installing 2 triangular sun sails on the east structure, in ascension since cherry picker cannot be used. Tried again following manual, CP is not able to move, oil pressure seems at zero. Told Patricia, she will contact Opein. Later: install more targets for Holger.

Holger is making measurements of the structure with the Leica laser station, and would like to measure also the location of the internal plane of the camera when pointing at zenith. The procedure is as follows: point telescope at zenith, HV is off; open shutter ; align Leica station to the border around the camera (laser is off); click, shoot a beam and measure distance. To limit too much sunlight on the PMTs we can do this at twilight, or even at noon when the Sun hits the back of the camera in this position. The laser should not hit the PMTs, but accidents are possible. The laser is 650 nm, 5mW, pulse 800ps rate 100 MHz, divergence 0.2 mrad. This means that at ~20m we have a spot of ~4mm in diameter, with ~0.3 mW/mm^2 when laser is on, 0.03 mW/mm^2 averaged during measurement. Light from the sun is a constant ~1 kW/m^2 = 1 mW/mm^2 for reference. I think this is a reasonable procedure, but just to be sure asked opinion of camera experts.

Ino installed on-off button for the UPS line to the dish cabinet, for powering the CaliBox (now connected to a different line): straight in front when entering the drive container, bottom right. Will be replaced with an OPC remote switch in the future.

== Friday 1/2/2019

Drive team leaving. No movement while they are in flight, so Holger’s measurement of the open camera is postponed. Oscar said the procedure looks ok but we should open the shutter at the parking position, so at dusk.

Collected all fiber-related stuff from INFN in the storage container, will ask Patricia to ship it to Padova.

Carlos arriving 1345, pick him up, stop at Mirca for some material.