Crab Nebula Dec2023 v0.10.7 DanielMorcuende

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LST analysis

Data-taking information

  • NSB level: all data was taken in dark NSB conditions
  • Zenith angles: 15-54 deg (December 2023 data have zenith angle > 30 deg)

Good-quality selected dataset

The list of data runs below was obtained using the latest notebook (

Also, short data runs (< 5 min) were excluded, because usually short runs are a symptom of problems during data acquisition.

'2023-12-09': [15942, 15943, 15944, 15945],

Analysis settings

  • lstchain version: v0.10.7
  • Gammapy version: v1.1
  • MC production: 20230901_v0.10.4_allsky_base_prod
  • RF models: /fefs/aswg/data/models/AllSky/20230901_v0.10.4_allsky_base_prod/dec_3476/
  • DL2 MC for IRF calculation: /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL2/AllSky/20230901_v0.10.4_allsky_base_prod/TestingDataset/dec_3476
  • Used IRF interpolation
  • Energy threshold: ~ 40 GeV
  • Selection cuts IRF and DL3: 70% efficiency in both gammaness and theta gamma-ray selection cuts. Intensity > 50 p.e.