Crab Nebula Performance srcdep analysis
Crab Nebula Performance (source-dependent analysis)
General information
- Name of the source: Name
- Brief description of the source:
- Object type : Unknown, AGN, SNR, Pulsar, PWN, GRB, etc
- Redshift (z) :
- Other relevant information
- RA: XX XX XX.XX (hh mm ss), Dec: +/-YY YY YY.YY (dd mm ss)
- RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): XX.XX, YY.YY
- Analysis by Name (Institute - email)
DL1 data
- real data
standard OSA production
/fefs/aswg/workspace/abelardo.moralejo/Crab_performance_paper/data/DL1//YYYYMMDD/dl1_LST-1.Run0XXXX.h5 (/fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/YYYYMMDD/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run0XXXX.h5)
- MC (training)
specific lstmcpipe production (NSB tuned)
/fefs/aswg/workspace/seiya.nozaki/Crab_performance_paper/20220518_allsky_dec2276_tuned/DL1_MC/TrainingDataset/GammaDiffuse/merged/dl1_20220518_allsky_dec2276_tuned_dec_2276_GammaDiffuse_merged.h5 /fefs/aswg/workspace/seiya.nozaki/Crab_performance_paper/20220518_allsky_dec2276_tuned/DL1_MC/TrainingDataset/Protons/merged/dl1_20220518_allsky_dec2276_tuned_dec_2276_Protons_merged.h5
- MC (test)
specific lstmcpipe production (NSB tuned)
Random forest
- configuration file
- Energy regression
"random_forest_energy_regressor_args": { "max_depth": 30, "min_samples_leaf": 10, "n_jobs": -1, "n_estimators": 150, "bootstrap": true, "criterion": "squared_error", "max_features": "auto", "max_leaf_nodes": null, "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0, "min_samples_split": 10, "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0, "oob_score": false, "random_state": 42, "verbose": 0, "warm_start": false },
"energy_regression_features": [ "log_intensity", "width", "length", "wl", "skewness_from_source", "kurtosis", "time_gradient_from_source", "leakage_intensity_width_2", "alt_tel", "az_tel", "dist" ],
- gamma/hadron separation
"random_forest_particle_classifier_args": { "max_depth": 30, "min_samples_leaf": 10, "n_jobs": -1, "n_estimators": 100, "criterion": "gini", "min_samples_split": 10, "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0, "max_features": "auto", "max_leaf_nodes": null, "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0, "bootstrap": true, "oob_score": false, "random_state": 42, "verbose": 0.0, "warm_start": false, "class_weight": null },
"particle_classification_features": [ "log_intensity", "width", "length", "wl", "skewness_from_source", "kurtosis", "time_gradient_from_source", "leakage_intensity_width_2", "log_reco_energy", "alt_tel", "az_tel", "dist"
- produced models
DL2 data
- MC
- configuration file
- path
- real data
- configuration file
- path
DL3 data selection
Information about your DL3 data selection.
- intensity > 50
- r: [0, 1 ]
- wl: [0.1, 1 ]
- leakage_intensity_width_2: [0, 0.2 ]
- source-indep
- fixed_gh_cut: 0.3
- fixed_theta_cut: 0.2
- source-dep
- fixed_gh_cut: 0.7
- fixed_alpha_cut: 10
High-level analysis
Please put any information about the production of higher level analysis here.
- lstchain to generate source-dep IRF, DL3
- Science Tool: gammapy 0.18.2
- point-like IRF, 1D analysis
Analysis Results
Please place higher-level analysis results (Spectra, SkyMaps, Lightcurves, etc) here.