Fast Offline Analysis WR140 September 2024 P068
General information
- Name of the source: WR 140
- Brief description of the source: binary companion of an O-type star, forming a colliding-wind binary
- Object type : Wolf-Rayet star
- Redshift (z) :
- Other relevant information
- RA: 20h 20m 27.98s(hh mm ss), Dec: +43deg 51m 16.28s (dd mm ss)
- RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): (305.12, 43.85) deg
- Analysis by:
- Helena Luciani (University of Trieste -
Data-taking information
- Dates of data-taking: 2024-09-03
- Time of observation (h): 1.46 h
- ZD range (deg): 20 - 40
- Observations:
- Time of observation (h): 1.46 h
20240903 : [18817 18818 18819 18820 18821]
- Joint observations with MAGIC?: Yes
- Information on data-taking (observations summaries):
General analysis information
- source-independent analysis
- lstchain version: lstchain-v0.10.11
- DL1b standard production (v0.10/tailcut84), run-wise merged files in:
Monte Carlo information
- All-sky MC production used: 20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base
- Declination line (training): dec_4822
Random forest
Path to the models used:
DL2 data
Config file:
Files in:
Theta2 plot
- Theta2 cut for signal extraction: 0.04 deg2
- Normalization range:
- Number of off positions: 3
- Energy range: