Irradiation Logbook

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Measurement points (or rather zones)

Edit pictures to define new points, if needed.

Definition of measurement zones. The maximum inside the zone has typically be searched to record the measurement.

  • LST1 area
    • CC1 - at the main entrance of the commissioning container
    • CC2 - bushes towards fact (measure from inside LST area)
  • MAGIC counting house
    • CH1 - parking area (and bushes towards road)
    • CH2 - left garage door
    • CH3 - right garage door
    • CH4 - "sombrero del enano" house (typically above the windows)
    • CH5 - below the windows (corner to entrance)
    • CH6 - bushes between MAGIC and FACT
  • FACT area (and close surroundings)
    • FC1 - FACT container
    • FC2 - Fence, bright spots

Pictures to be added here


Carried out with either the PIN diode device provided by Thomas/MPIM or (mostly) the lumimetre borrowed from IAC.

For the Pointing direction, we have used:

  • sun = measurement with optimal orientation directly to the sun
  • opt = measurement of maximal irradiation of reflected (mirror) and direct sun light.

Timestamps are in UTC!

Time (UTC) Zone Pointing Lumimeter [lux] PIN current [mA] (with cap) PIN current [mA] (without cap) Comments
2019-06-26T15:50 CC1 sun 17.22
2019-06-26T18:19 CC1 sun 16.64
2019-06-26T18:26 CC1 sun 7000
2019-06-26T18:36 CH1 opt 6800 16.20
2019-06-26T18:38 FC1 opt 18200 38.28
2019-06-26T19:20 CH1 opt 6600 4400 lux for reflection only
2019-06-26T19:36 CH2 opt 7600
2019-06-26T19:39 CH3 opt 8200
2019-06-26T19:45 CH4 opt 3000
2019-07-01T18:31 FC2 opt 12000
2019-07-01T18:32 FC1 opt 16000 only reflections
2019-07-01T18:33 CH6 opt 9000
2019-07-01T18:34 CH4 opt 6000
2019-07-01T18:35 CC2 opt 14000
2019-07-01T20:03 CH4 opt 1400
2019-07-02T18:26 CC1 opt 8000
2019-07-02T18:32 CC2 sun 20000
2019-07-02T18:34 FC1 opt 16000 only reflections
2019-07-02T18:39 CH6 opt 10000
2019-07-02T18:39 CH6 sun 9000
2019-07-02T18:41 CH4 opt 6600
2019-07-02T18:42 CH5 opt 7000
2019-07-02T18:42 CH3 opt 7200
2019-07-02T18:42 CH2 opt 7400
2019-07-02T18:45 CH1 opt 6400
2019-07-02T19:07 CC1 sun 6000
2019-07-02T19:09 FC1 opt 8000 only reflections
2019-07-02T19:12 CH4 opt 11000
2019-07-02T19:13 CH1 opt 12000
2019-07-02T19:23 CH4 opt 8000
2019-07-02T19:24 CH3 opt 6400
2019-07-02T19:24 CH2 opt 6000
2019-07-02T19:32 CH5 opt 7000
2019-07-02T19:33 CH2 opt 7000
2019-07-03T18:09 CC1 opt 7400
2019-07-03T18:11 CC2 opt 20000
2019-07-03T18:12 FC1 opt 11000 only reflections
2019-07-03T18:13 FC2 opt 11000
2019-07-03T18:15 CH1 opt 7000
2019-07-03T18:16 CH2 opt 8000
2019-07-03T18:16 CH3 opt 8000
2019-07-03T18:17 CH4 opt 7000
2019-07-03T18:18 CH5 opt 8000
2019-07-03T18:45 CC2 opt 16000
2019-07-03T18:47 FC1 opt 15000
2019-07-03T18:47 FC2 opt 9000
2019-07-03T18:51 CH6 opt 10000
2019-07-03T19:20 CH4 opt 26000 focused mirrors
2019-07-03T19:25 CH3 opt 12000 focused mirrors
2019-07-03T19:26 CH1 opt 5000 focused mirrors
2019-07-03T19:26 CH1 sun 4000 focused mirrors
2019-07-03T19:29 CH5 opt 10000 focused mirrors
2019-07-04T19:06 CC1 opt 6000
2019-07-04T19:07 CC2 opt 8000
2019-07-04T19:09 FC1 opt 6000 only reflections
2019-07-04T19:10 FC2 opt 6000
2019-07-04T19:11 CH6 opt 9000
2019-07-04T19:13 CH5 opt 14000
2019-07-04T19:14 CH4 opt 15000
2019-07-04T19:16 CH3 opt 6000
2019-07-04T19:16 CH2 opt 6000
2019-07-04T19:18 CH1 opt 6000
2019-07-04T19:33 CH1 opt 6000
2019-07-04T19:34 CH2 opt 7000
2019-07-04T19:35 CH3 opt 8200
2019-07-04T19:48 opt 26000 reflections of MAGIC II
2019-07-05T17:45 CC1 opt 7000
2019-07-05T17:47 CC2 opt 14000
2019-07-05T18:44 CC1 opt 6400
2019-07-05T18:46 CC2 opt 15000
2019-07-05T18:47 FC1 opt 14000 only reflections
2019-07-05T18:51 CH6 opt 14000
2019-07-05T18:53 CH1 opt 6000
2019-07-05T18:54 CH2 opt 6200
2019-07-05T18:54 CH3 opt 6400
2019-07-05T19:17 CH5 opt 10000
2019-07-05T19:16 CH4 opt 5000
2019-07-05T19:16 CH3 opt 6200
2019-07-05T19:17 CH2 opt 6000
2019-07-05T19:17 CH1 opt 5000
2019-07-05T19:28 CH1 opt 5000
2019-07-05T19:30 CH2 opt 7000
2019-07-05T19:31 CH3 opt 6400
2019-07-06T19:30 CH1 opt 5200
2019-07-08T12:36 CC1 sun 8000 18.5 20.7 mid day sun
2019-07-08T19:11 CC1 opt 5400 15.0 16.4
2019-07-08T19:16 CC2 opt 5000 13.6 15.3
2019-07-08T19:19 CH4 opt 9000 25.0 27.0
2019-07-08T19:22 CH2 opt 7000 19.1 21.1
2019-07-08T19:24 CH1 opt 5800 16.8 18.8
2019-07-09T18:19 CC1 opt 7000
2019-07-09T18:21 CC2 opt 19000
2019-07-09T18:23 FC1 opt 9000 only reflections
2019-07-09T18:24 FC2 opt 14000
2019-07-09T18:27 CH3 sun 7000
2019-07-09T18:42 CC1 opt 6400
2019-07-09T18:43 CC2 opt 14000
2019-07-09T18:45 FC1 opt 12000 only reflections
2019-07-09T18:46 FC2 opt 10000
2019-07-09T18:47 CH6 opt 10000
2019-07-09T19:09 CC1 opt 5400
2019-07-09T19:12 CH4 opt 13000
2019-07-09T19:16 CH2 opt 6000
2019-07-09T19:17 CH1 opt 6000
2019-07-09T19:19 CH4 opt 8000

Other measurements

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