Source-independent strong moon analysis results for discussion (not updated)

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  • Analysis by A. Aguasca-Cabot (Universitat de Barcelona -

General information[edit]

This wiki web page shows the results of the source-independent strong-moon analysis of GRB221009A (20221010, run_id=9602-9607). The results presented here ARE NOT THE UPDATED ONES!! This wiki page is intended to be a summary of the current results (as of February 8th) in order to trigger the discussion about the actions that must be taken in the analysis to avoid more trials. For example, if run-wise MC productions with NSB tuning are required. Or if we should add the NSB at the Corsika (?) or sim_telarray (?) level.

The updated results for the moon analysis should be here GRB221009A_src-ind_analysis_moon (not yet).

As of February 8th, these are the slides presented at the GRB221009A meetings about the source-independent moon analysis:

Moon analysis I
Moon analysis II
Moon analysis III


Monte Carlo information[edit]

MC data is processed with lstMCpipe v.10.

    • Particle types: The standard ones for the AllSky MC production.
    • DEC Band (deg): dec_2276

DL1 data[edit]

Due to the high NSB conditions, a higher picture and boundary threshold must be used. The runs at the DL1 stage were analysed to find the best image cleaning for each run that satisfied that only about 4% of the pedestal pixels will raise their picture thresholds due to the pedestal std. dev. condition, and not more than 5% of pedestals survive the cleaning. The value of the boundary threshold is obtained at half the value of the picture threshold. However, the latest analysis does not consider this approach. You can find more information about it here: GRB221009A_src-ind_analysis_moon.

Reprocessed using DL1a files produced by dl1ab script (v0.9.10)

  • lstchain v0.9.9 and lstchain v0.9.10 (for MC)
  • real data: two different tail cut cleaning levels (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS), dynamic cleaning.
  • run_ids=9602,9603 and 9604: tailcut30-15
   "tailcuts_clean_with_pedestal_threshold": {
       "picture_thresh": 30,
       "boundary_thresh": 15,
       "sigma": 2.5,
       "keep_isolated_pixels": false,
       "min_number_picture_neighbors": 2,
       "use_only_main_island": false,
       "delta_time": 2
  • run_ids=9605,9606 and 9607: tailcut34-17
   "tailcuts_clean_with_pedestal_threshold": {
       "picture_thresh": 34,
       "boundary_thresh": 17,
       "sigma": 2.5,
       "keep_isolated_pixels": false,
       "min_number_picture_neighbors": 2,
       "use_only_main_island": false,
       "delta_time": 2
  • MC: the same tail cut cleaning level is performed, dynamic cleaning and NSB tuning. Two different NSB tuning sets are used. They are computed using the standard NSB tuning script (
  • run_ids=9602, 9603 and 9604: NSB tuning parameters form the 9603 run.
 "image_modifier": {
   "increase_nsb": true,
   "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 30.367,
   "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 6.881,
   "transition_charge": 8,
   "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 78.926
   "increase_psf": false,
   "smeared_light_fraction": 0
  • run_ids=9605, 9606 and 9607: NSB tuning parameters form the 9606 run.
 "image_modifier": {
   "increase_nsb": true,
   "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 36.21,
   "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 7.828,
   "transition_charge": 8,
   "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 100.854
   "increase_psf": false,
   "smeared_light_fraction": 0

Unfortunately, these NSB tuning parameters do not give a very good match between real and MC pixel charge distribution (cosmics vs MC gammas). For example, this is the pixel charge distribution for the 9603 run and MC tuned gammas.

  • Pixel charge distribution for real cosmics (orange) and tuned MC gammas at the DL1 stage with tuned DL1 NSB parameters (blue). Plot with y-axis in log scale.

A better approach to to finding the best DL1 NSB parameters than using the standard script is discussed here GRB221009A_src-ind_analysis_moon. Also, you can find more information about NSB tuning.

Random forest[edit]

Standard RF production for the AllSky MC production. Produced with lstMCpipe v.10

DL2 data[edit]

  • lstchain-0.9.9
  • source-indep

DL2 data selection to produce theta2 plots[edit]

Information about your DL3 data selection.


  • intensity > 50
  • r: [0, 1 ]
  • wl: [0.01, 1 ]
  • leakage_intensity_width_2: [0, 0.2 ]
  • event_type: [32, 32]

    • fixed_gh_cut: 0.7 (standard value)
    • fixed_theta_cut: 0.2 (standard value)

Notice that the intensity cut of (>50) is not a good one for moon conditions! But the results were obtained with this value (my bad).

Theta2 plots[edit]

  • Theta2 plot using all runs from 20221010 (9602, 9603, 9604, 9605, 9606 and 9607).

High-level analysis and results[edit]

This analysis did not go further than theta2 plots. The high-level analysis wast no produced.