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(Useful links)
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* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16FzSagSH0YlhC03u8K3C20uvV3Rxcpo3e8fHASWkAQs/edit#gid=0 Network organization: IP ranges]
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16FzSagSH0YlhC03u8K3C20uvV3Rxcpo3e8fHASWkAQs/edit#gid=0 Network organization: IP ranges]
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18mUqTYBwsNMDRFV9GSrmaQpW5dwjhssIi82crrdSVbE/edit#gid=980378771 CTA North Array Control System (IP, Switch port, Server port, cables)]
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18mUqTYBwsNMDRFV9GSrmaQpW5dwjhssIi82crrdSVbE/edit#gid=980378771 CTA North Array Control System (IP, Switch port, Server port, cables)]
* [http://www.lst1.iac.es/wiki/images/f/f0/LST1-ITCluster_JDelgado.pdf Slides from Jordi on the IT cluster, Nov. 2018]
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XQR_n-Il8oztzJ3mErjdx_aycwsRhlmcWVW4L8XcSps/edit?usp=sharing LST Shipments]
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XQR_n-Il8oztzJ3mErjdx_aycwsRhlmcWVW4L8XcSps/edit?usp=sharing LST Shipments]
* [http://www.lst1.iac.es/wiki/images/f/f0/LST1-ITCluster_JDelgado.pdf Slides from Jordi on the IT cluster, Nov. 2018]
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vw9FJblxme8rYyBE5gS0NVFdd_6zbcdH9g99yGJAsGk/edit GPS installation instructions]
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vw9FJblxme8rYyBE5gS0NVFdd_6zbcdH9g99yGJAsGk/edit GPS installation instructions]
* [http://www.lst1.iac.es/wiki/index.php/NVIDIA_card_installation NVIDIA PCI card installation]
* [http://www.lst1.iac.es/wiki/index.php/NVIDIA_card_installation NVIDIA PCI card installation]

Revision as of 17:23, 26 March 2019

Instructions and useful links for the LST Commissioning Leaders.

Emergency phone numbers

Public Emergency (0) 112
Residencia Reception (day time) (0) +34 922 405 500 (ORM internal: 2500)
Residencia Night Porter (night time) (0) +34 609 554 576
Commissioning Leader (0) +34 676 649 025
Telescope Manager: Patricia Márquez (0) +34 620 413 156
LST Commissioning Container (0) +34 922 405 556 (ORM internal: 2556)
MAGIC Control Room (0) +34 922 405 678, (0) +34 922 405 679 (ORM internal: 2678, 2679)


Alarms are sent to lst1.c.leader@gmail.com which is installed in the shift leader phone

Overall Commissioning Plans 2019

The overall commissioning plan can be found in: LST Commissioning Schedule



Useful links

Commissioning responsible

Coordinator Daniel Mazin (mazin@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Deputy Coordinator Thomas Schweizer (tschweiz@mppmu.mpg.de)

Sub-system Contacts

Camera Carlos Delgado (carlos.delgado@ciemat.es), Oscar Blanch (blanch@ifae.es)
Drive Inocencio Monteiro (monteiro@lapp.in2p3.fr), Thierry Le Flour (thierry.le-flour@lapp.in2p3.fr)
Optics Koji Noda (knoda@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Auxiliary Systems Armand Fiasson (armand.fiasson@lapp.in2p3.fr), Eric Chabanne (eric.chabanne@lapp.in2p3.fr)
Energy Storage Koji Noda (knoda@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp) Daniel Mazin (mazin@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
onsite IT centre Daniela Hadasch (hadasch@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp), Rafael - Fujitsu (rafael@jp.fujitsu.com), IT admins (admin-ctan@cta-observatory.org)

Useful Info

Screens in Commissioning Container & Onsite IT
ScreenArrangement-v3 test.png Onsite-IT.png


  • Report in the EB meeting, Tuesdays 09:30 CET
  • Coordinate activities on-site
  • Check for the overall safety in the telescope area