Fast Offline Analysis Template
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Fast offline analysis template
Name your fast offline analysis wiki page following the scheme:
- ObsPeriod should be e.g. P063
For example:
General information
- Name of the source:
- Brief description of the source:
- Object type :
- Redshift (z) :
- Other relevant information
- RA: XX XX XX.XXX (hh mm ss), Dec: YY YY YY.YYY (dd mm ss)
- RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): XX.XX, YY.YY
- Analysis by:
- Analyzer 1 name (Institute - email)
- Analyzer 2 name (Institute - email)
Data-taking information
- Dates of data-taking:
- Date (time of observation h)
- ZD range (deg): Zenith Range
- Observations: (see example below)
- Date (time of observation h)
2024-02-28: [16895, 16896, 16897, 16898]
- Data quality selection: it is not mandatory to apply data selection for these preliminary analyses. But if you do it and select good-quality runs, please also add the plot in which the distribution of the different quality parameters are shown together with the limit values.
- Joint observations with MAGIC?:
- Information on data-taking (observations summaries): Write here if there was any problem with data-taking. (check ELOG for weather info, rate values and e.g. add link
General analysis information
- source-independent analysis
- lstchain version: (e.g. v0.10.10)
- DL1b standard production (v0.10/tailcut84), run-wise merged files in:
Monte Carlo information
Write below the MC production ID among the existing MC
- All-sky MC production used: (e.g. 20230901_v0.10.4_allsky_base_prod)
- Declination line (training): dec_XXXX
Random forest
Path to the models used: (example below)
DL2 data
The config file to produce the DL2 files must be the one used to produce the RF models. Should be located together with model's files.
Files in:
DL3 data & IRF
(Specify the path to your DL3 files so the other FOA or anyone can also use the files for performing a stacked analysis with all available DL3 data)
Files in:
Configuration used for producing IRF/DL3 files (you can leave standard settings):
"EventSelector": { "filters": { "intensity": [50, Infinity], "width": [0, Infinity], "length": [0, Infinity], "r": [0, 1], "wl": [0.01, 1], "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 1], "event_type": [32, 32] } }, "DL3Cuts": { "min_event_p_en_bin": 100, "min_gh_cut": 0.1, "max_gh_cut": 0.95, "min_theta_cut": 0.0, "max_theta_cut": 0.2, "fill_theta_cut": 0.2, "allowed_tels": [1] },
- Standard cuts: Intensity > 50 p.e., 70 % efficiency for both gammaness and theta gamma-ray selection energy-dependent cuts.
- Recommended to produce unzipped DL3 files since the Gammapy analysis Gammapy is faster.
- You can set the max theta cut (and filling value to the same value) to e.g. 0.2 deg. In this way, you can use more off-regions in Gammapy.
- Point-like IRF.
High-level analysis and results
Analysis settings
- Gammapy version: 1.1
- 1D analysis (point-like IRF)
Theta2 plot
- Theta2 cut for signal extraction: X.XX deg2
- Normalization range: X.X - Y.Y deg2
- Number of off positions:
- Energy range:
Daily results
Stacked observations
Significance and Excess sky maps
Spectral results
Include the spectral parameters (see example below) and the SED plot (best-fit model + spectral flux points)
For example:
type name value unit error min max frozen is_norm link -------- ---------- ---------- -------------- --------- --------- --- ------ ------- ---- spectral index 2.8255e+00 3.298e-01 1.000e+00 nan False False spectral amplitude 1.7730e-09 TeV-1 s-1 cm-2 4.988e-10 nan nan False True spectral reference 1.0000e+02 GeV 0.000e+00 nan nan True False