Fast Offline Analysis Template

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Fast offline analysis template[edit]

Name your fast offline analysis wiki page following the scheme:



  • ObsPeriod should be e.g. P063

For example:

General information[edit]

  • Name of the source:
  • Brief description of the source:
    • Object type :
    • Redshift (z) :
    • Other relevant information
    • RA: XX XX XX.XXX (hh mm ss), Dec: YY YY YY.YYY (dd mm ss)
    • RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): XX.XX, YY.YY
  • Analysis by:
    • Analyzer 1 name (Institute - email)
    • Analyzer 2 name (Institute - email)

Data-taking information[edit]

  • Dates of data-taking:
    • Date (time of observation h)
      • ZD range (deg): Zenith Range
      • Observations: (see example below)
2024-02-28: [16895, 16896, 16897, 16898]
  • Data quality selection: it is not mandatory to apply data selection for these preliminary analyses. But if you do it and select good-quality runs, please also add the plot in which the distribution of the different quality parameters are shown together with the limit values.
  • Joint observations with MAGIC?:
  • Information on data-taking (observations summaries): Write here if there was any problem with data-taking. (check ELOG for weather info, rate values and e.g. add link

General analysis information[edit]

  • source-independent analysis
  • lstchain version: (e.g. v0.10.10)
  • DL1b standard production (v0.10/tailcut84), run-wise merged files in:

Monte Carlo information[edit]

Write below the MC production ID among the existing MC

  • All-sky MC production used: (e.g. 20230901_v0.10.4_allsky_base_prod)
  • Declination line (training): dec_XXXX

Random forest[edit]

Path to the models used: (example below)


DL2 data[edit]

The config file to produce the DL2 files must be the one used to produce the RF models. Should be located together with model's files.

Files in:


DL3 data & IRF[edit]

(Specify the path to your DL3 files so the other FOA or anyone can also use the files for performing a stacked analysis with all available DL3 data)

Files in:


Configuration used for producing IRF/DL3 files (you can leave standard settings):

 "EventSelector": {
   "filters": {
     "intensity": [50, Infinity],
     "width": [0, Infinity],
     "length": [0, Infinity],
     "r": [0, 1],
     "wl": [0.01, 1],
     "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 1],
     "event_type": [32, 32]
 "DL3Cuts": {
   "min_event_p_en_bin": 100,
   "min_gh_cut": 0.1,
   "max_gh_cut": 0.95,
   "min_theta_cut": 0.0,
   "max_theta_cut": 0.2,
   "fill_theta_cut": 0.2,
   "allowed_tels": [1]
  • Standard cuts: Intensity > 50 p.e., 70 % efficiency for both gammaness and theta gamma-ray selection energy-dependent cuts.
  • Recommended to produce unzipped DL3 files since the Gammapy analysis Gammapy is faster.
  • You can set the max theta cut (and filling value to the same value) to e.g. 0.2 deg. In this way, you can use more off-regions in Gammapy.
  • Point-like IRF.

High-level analysis and results[edit]

Analysis settings[edit]

  • Gammapy version: 1.1
  • 1D analysis (point-like IRF)

Theta2 plot[edit]


  • Theta2 cut for signal extraction: X.XX deg2
  • Normalization range: X.X - Y.Y deg2
  • Number of off positions:
  • Energy range:

Daily results[edit]


600 px

Stacked observations[edit]

Significance and Excess sky maps[edit]

Spectral results[edit]

Include the spectral parameters (see example below) and the SED plot (best-fit model + spectral flux points)

For example:

  type      name      value         unit        error      min    max frozen is_norm link
-------- ---------- ---------- -------------- --------- --------- --- ------ ------- ----
spectral      index 2.8255e+00                3.298e-01 1.000e+00 nan  False   False     
spectral  amplitude 1.7730e-09 TeV-1 s-1 cm-2 4.988e-10       nan nan  False    True     
spectral  reference 1.0000e+02            GeV 0.000e+00       nan nan   True   False       

Light curve[edit]