Analysis NGC1275 Dec 2022 w IRF interpolation Priyadarshi

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NGC 1275 December 2022[edit]

General information[edit]

  • Name of the source: NGC 1275, Perseus A, 3C 84
  • Brief description of the source:
    • Seyfert 2 Galaxy
    • z = 0.0175
    • RA: 3 19 48.16 (hh mm ss), Dec: +41 30 42.1088 (dd mm ss)
    • RA, Dec in deg (ICRS): 49.95066663, 41.5116969
  • Analysis by Chaitanya Priyadarshi (IFAE -

Data-taking information[edit]

  • Dates of data-taking: 20221220, 20221221, 2022122, 20221223
    • 20221220 (1.34 h)
      • ZD range (deg): [34.61, 51.48]
      • AZ range (deg): [-59.00, 56.85]
      • Runs: 11522, 11528 - 11531
      • Joint observations with MAGIC? : No
    • 20221221 (0.83 h)
      • ZD range (deg): [12.56, 14.08]
      • AZ range (deg): [-21.29, 23.77]
      • Runs: 11546 - 11550
      • Joint observations with MAGIC? : Not for the last 2 runs and there is some discontinuity in observation time
    • 20221222 (1.46 h)
      • ZD range (deg): [12.68, 17.02]
      • AZ range (deg): [-36.55, 37.48]
      • Runs: 11566, 11568 - 11574
      • Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes
    • 20221223 (1.0 h)
      • ZD range (deg): [20.68, 38.43]
      • AZ range (deg): [-57.66, -45.21]
      • Runs: 11595 - 11600
      • Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes, except for last run

Monte Carlo information[edit]

For getting a closer data-MC comparison, we produce MC data along various sky positions (nodes) as a preliminary method to facilitate a better Random Forest model for the reconstruction and to interpolate IRFs from various sky positions to the target position of each Observation Run.

DL1 data[edit]

This includes whether you use LSTOSA, specific versions of lstchain, dllab scripts, cleaning levels, and calibration information.

DL1a files produced by LSTOSA (lstchain v0.9)

  • original real DL1a data
  • lstchain v0.9 tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS, dynamical cleaning)
  • MC nodes: tailcut8-4 (with cleaning based on pedestal RMS), dynamic cleaning, NSB tuning
 /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/AllSky/20221104_src3_dec3476_4822_tuned/{Testing, Training}Dataset/

Random forest[edit]

Here we use the TrainingDataset nodes, selected along the declination path (or closer to) of the selected source (BL Lac here). The "dec3476" part in the production ID refers to the declination angle of +34.76 deg and similarly for "4822". We have combined the Training nodes of the 2 declination lines to have a better RF model for the declination path of the source NGC 1275. See All_sky_mc_bllac for more information.

In this new RF model production, we include zenith and azimuth pointing parameters as well.

  • lstchain v0.9.13dev source-independent, dynamic cleaning, NSB tuning on BL Lac,

For IRF interpolation[edit]

Here we create an almost uniform grid of nodes of sky positions for TestingDataset MC, so as to facilitate IRF interpolation in the parameter space of cos zenith and the sin of angle (delta) between the geomagnetic field and the particle shower direction. IRF interpolation is performed using pyirf v0.7.

  • Link to MC DL2 files used:


  • Particle types: ring-wobble gamma (offset range = [0.3999, 0.4001] deg)

Source pointings Run 11522 11600.png

DL2 data[edit]

The DL2 files of the real data are stored here - /fefs/aswg/workspace/chaitanya.priyadarshi/real_data/AGN/NGC1275/v09x/tailcut84/DL2/real/src_indep/20221104_dec3476_4822_tuned/{Date}

DL3 data selection[edit]

For energy-dependent cuts[edit]

Information about your DL3 data selection.

  • intensity > 50
  • r: [0, 1]
  • wl: [0.01, 1]
  • leakage_intensity_width_2: [0, 1]
  • source-independent
    • gh_efficiency: 0.8
    • theta_containment: 0.8

Off regions Run 11522 11600 w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 10 energy bin p dec.png

  • Energy-dependent Gammaness and Theta cut distribution

Gammaness cuts all Run 11522 11600.png Rad max all Run 11522 11600.png

High-level analysis[edit]

  • lstchain Tools to generate source-independent IRF and DL3
  • Science Tool: gammapy 1.0
  • point-like IRF, 1D analysis

For DL3 data reduction to DL4 dataset,

  • OFF regions selected - 2 Wobble
  • Excluded region: IC 310, circular region with radius 0.3 deg
  • Safe Energy mask for systematics - Yes, 39.8 GeV < E < 40 TeV
  • Energy axes -
    • True: 10 GeV to 100 TeV with 10 bins per decade (5 bins per decade for separate nights)
    • Reco: 10 GeV to 100 TeV with 10 bins per decade (5 bins per decade for separate nights)

For spectral analysis,

  • Model used -
    • Exponential Cutoff Power Law (5.16 sigmas preference over Power Law for the full dataset) + EBL (Dominguez)
    • Log Parabola (For separate nights) + EBL (Dominguez)
  • Reference energy used by calculating the decorrelation energy with a Power Law fit, 255 GeV
  • Spectral Fit energy range - 39.8 GeV to 100 TeV with 10 bins per decade (5 bins per decade for separate nights)
  • Spectral fit with gammapy default optimization - minuit

For LC,

  • E_min = 100 Gev

Analysis Results[edit]

Cross-check with Crab Nebula[edit]


Theta2 plot[edit]

  • Single energy bin

Theta2 counts 0 NGC1275 24 wob obs Run 11522 to 11600 1 en bins cut 04 std.png Theta2 excess 0 NGC1275 24 wob obs Run 11522 to 11600 1 en bins cut 04 std.png

  • 5 bins per decade in energy

Theta2 counts 0 NGC1275 24 wob obs Run 11522 to 11600 20 en bins cut 04 std.png Theta2 excess 0 NGC1275 24 wob obs Run 11522 to 11600 20 en bins cut 04 std.png

Significance map[edit]

Excess map[edit]

Spectral results[edit]

For energy-dependent cuts[edit]

Preliminary LC and SED

  • Total dataset

Model parameters correlation Run 11522 11600 ecpl ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 10 energy bin p dec.png

Model parameters Run 11522 11600 ecpl ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 10 energy bin p dec.png

LC min 100 max 100000 Run 11522 11600 w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 10 energy bin p dec.png

SED 2 Run 11522 11600 ecpl ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 10 energy bin p dec.png

  • Night: 20221220

Model parameters correlation Run 11522 11531 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

Model parameters Run 11522 11531 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

LC min 100 max 100000 Run 11522 11531 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

SED 2 Run 11522 11531 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

  • Night: 20221221

Model parameters correlation Run 11546 11550 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

Model parameters Run 11546 11550 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

LC min 100 max 100000 Run 11546 11550 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

SED 2 Run 11546 11550 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

  • Night: 20221222

Model parameters correlation Run 11566 11574 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

Model parameters Run 11566 11574 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

LC min 100 max 100000 Run 11566 11574 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

SED 2 Run 11566 11574 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

  • Night: 20221223

Model parameters correlation Run 11595 11600 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

Model parameters Run 11595 11600 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

LC min 100 max 100000 Run 11595 11600 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

SED 2 Run 11595 11600 lp ebl dominguez w safe en mask min 39.8 GeV 2 off 5 energy bin p dec.png

  • SED comparison for each night

SED NGC1275 different nights lp 2 off 5 bin per decade.png