Galactic Center
- Up to category: Data analysis
Note: Under construction
General Information[edit]
- Name: Galactic Center, Central region of the Milky Way
- Brief description:
- Object type: Extended source
- Distance: 8.5 kpc
- TeV gamma-ray objects
- Sagittarius A*
- RA: 17 45 40.04 (hh mm ss), Dec: -29 00 28.17 (dd mm ss) (ICRS)
- Sagittarius A*
Data-taking Information[edit]
- Run-by-run summary: List of Galactic-center observations
- Date (time of observation h)
- ZD range (deg): Zenith Range
- AZ range (deg): Azimuth Range
- Transmission9km:
- Runs:
- Joint observations with MAGIC? : Yes/No
- To be observed
Data Analysis[edit]
- Data Search & Quality Check
- based on Abelardo's notebook, as of Dec 2022. 212 Runs (50.0 hr) found.
- 171 runs (41.6 hr) survived the notebook. Additionally, 6 runs were removed, judging from the size distribution.
- ToDo: systematic check of the size distribution, introduce the Zd dependence.
- Will be updated (as of Nov 2023)
- Used Data
- Observation Data
- paths: /fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/*/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run*.h5
- MC
- To use the diffuse MCs both for testing/training, we manually split the Training MCs.
- split ratio (train/test): 50/50 for Gamma, 80/20 for Proton
- paths: /fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL1/AllSky/20221027_v0.9.9_base_prod/TrainingDataset/dec_min_2924/GammaDiffuse
- ToDo: NSB tuning
- Observation Data
- Analysis Pipilines
- lstchain v0.9.9
- pybkgmodel
- gammapy v0.20.1
- ToDo: software update
- Random Forest
- We train RFs on the node-by-node basis
- keys: "x", "y" were removed for the FoV stability, "sin_az_tel", "alt_tel" were removed for node-by-node RFs
- ToDo: comparison with trajectory RFs. Incorpolate the recent development from the Boomerang team presented in LST General Meeting (Nov 2023).
- DL2 to DL3
- to be written
- Background Modeling
- to be written
- Modeling
- to be written
Internal Meeting[edit]
- 2022
- MC/Data Comparison at Large Zd (LST-Fund, 21st Jun 2022)
- Galactic Center Status Report, Background Tools (LST-Gal 30th Sep 2022)
- Large-Zd Performance Study (LST General, 17th Oct 2022)
- 1D Spectral Analysis of Large-Zd Crab and Gal. Center (LST-Reco, 19th Dec 2022)
- 2023
- SkyMap Prototype (LST-Reco, 13 Feb 2023)
- Initial 3D Analysis (LST-Fund, 3rd May, 2023)
- Background Modeling (LST-Reco, 5th June 2023)
- Skymap and 3D analysis for point-like sources (LST General, 19th June 2023)
- Discussion on WIMP search and Background Improvement (LST-Fund, 18th Oct 2023)
- Improvement of High-Energy Background Modeling and Analysis of the Diffuse Ridge Emission (LST General, 9th Nov 2023)
- Plans for the Cycle-II LST-Mono Proposal (LST-Gal, 15th Dec 2023)
- 2022
- JPS Spring 2022 (Mar 2022)
- JPS Autumn 2022 (Sep 2022)
- 2023
- JPS Spring 2023 (Mar 2023)
- TeVPA 2023 (Sep 2023)
- ASJ Autumn 2023 (Sep 2023)